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Karpal, public outbursts will make voters think twice
Published:  Mar 20, 2012 2:09 PM
Updated: 6:17 AM

YOURSAY 'Even a school kid would know that Pakatan leaders should keep their problems within the party, especially with the GE coming.'

Keep problems within DAP, warring leaders told

your say Boiling Mud: DAP national chairperson Karpal Singh, you may not accept the decision of the disciplinary committee of your party, and I am sure there are people who respect your opinion.

However, please refrain from public outbursts that only serve to give BN the much-needed ammunition to discredit your party as well as Pakatan Rakyat.

What DAP and Pakatan have achieved thus far is through sweat and tears and the collective effort of all the good men and women.

Your national secretary-general Lim Guan Eng is absolutely right to say party matters should be discussed within the party.

You mustn't let down the people, those who aspire to build a better Malaysia and who have thrown their support behind DAP and Pakatan Rakyat.

Ramus: I think Karpal is not going to rest until he brings Penang deputy head P Ramasamy down. When Karpal recently supposedly offered the olive branch, I knew he was not to be trusted.

In bringing Ramasamy down, Karpal is not going to bother if in the process, he also brings down DAP and the nation, which is going through a historic period of possible change from 50 years of BN rule.

What happens in the next election may shape the fate of the nation, but Karpal is not interested in the greater good as his narrow interest rides paramount.

Voters, never mind if DAP loses one seat, let's vote Karpal out in the next GE to send a message that Malaysians couldn't care less for leaders who put their narrow interest above the greater good of the party and country.

Never mind if we lose the legal services of Karpal, the nation has many lawyers and nobody is indispensable.

Anonymous_40f4: Karpal in DAP is doing just what Hasan Ali did in PAS - always giving juicy fodder to the BN/Umno/MCA propaganda media which happily front page bad news about infighting in Pakatan.

A school kid knows that Pakatan leaders should keep their problems within the party and not behave like stupid school children by talking to the Umno media, especially with the GE coming.

BN's best hope to stay in power is to break up Pakatan and they have a clandestine unit heavily funded for the job.

Big Lebowski: Karpal should know when he has to speak out and when he has to humble himself and not treat DAP as his own little child.

Hello: Karpal has a point. DAP must show itself to be squeaky clean, and this must be seen to be practised by its leaders, otherwise its slogan of ‘CAT' (competency, accountability and transparency) is nothing but just words.

Can'tFoolMe: Utter rubbish. If Karpal is correct, then by extension, a DAP member who is accused of a breach of party discipline cannot be judged by his fellow DAP members.

He has the right to be judged by, say, BN members, or better still, by Perkasa members. Can you believe that?

Suaram to get French court papers on subs in two weeks

Kairos: What is now finally happening in the French court is very timely. With the GE around the corner, the holding of the judicial inquiry now is perfect.

Malaysians will get the whole picture of what actually transpired in the purchase of the Scorpene submarines - kickbacks and all.

It will reveal how corrupt the BN government has been. I hope names will be mentioned so that the rakyat would know who the culprits are.

This will also be a major test of the sincerity of the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) to stem out corruption in the country.

After all the exposure, should MACC do nothing or play dumb, it only serves to reinforce what every Malaysian suspects - that MACC is politically driven.

If so, it's better for the MACC to close shop because it's nothing more than a sham.

Don't Just Talk: Suaram director Cynthia Gabriel, if you can have the French court reveal the events which led to the purchase of the two Scorpene submarines for RM7.3 billion and officially confirming the payment of RM570 million commission to Perimekar, a company belonging to Razak Baginda, hopefully it will open the eyes of the gullible rural Malays and translate it into votes for Pakatan during the 13th GE.

The submarines are white elephants and they are an additional and unnecessary financial burden on the government to maintain them.

The purchase was just a lame excuse to grease the palms of political leaders and in the process made a millionaire of Razak Baginda, who knows nothing about submarines.

For that, a young Mongolian interpreter named Altantuya Shaariibuu, who arrived to Malaysia to claim her share of the commission, was not only murdered in cold blood but also ended up blown to pieces with C-4 explosives, a story ripe for a Hollywood movie.

Anonymous_3e86: The case need not have gone to the French courts to find out that Altantuya's murder was linked to the Scorpene deal.

Most Malaysians and even foreigners know that she was murdered as she was about to let the cat out of the bag.

One need not be a genius to figure out the motive and the mastermind behind the murder.

Najib's bodyguards, who had no motives, were obviously commanded to carry out the murder by someone ‘higher up' - someone who had the authority to command such a ‘mission'.

Perhaps the bodyguards were even made to believe that Altantuya was a serious threat to the nation's security. But strangely our Malaysian courts and the BN government refused to probe further to reveal the motive.

Why? The answer is obvious. Will the findings of the French courts result in reopening the Altantuya's murder case in Malaysia? I doubt so. As long as BN rules this country, there will be no justice.

GoneBananas: Umno has been diagnosed as suffering from terminal Mongolism. Please do not send flowers to the funeral.


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