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Wanita Umno 'makciks' and the gravy train
Published:  Mar 18, 2012 8:57 AM
Updated: 1:20 AM

YOURSAY 'If these makciks, who are mothers and grandmothers, can say ‘yes' to stealing, then what values are they teaching their young?'

Wanita leader: Shahrizat should quit wing's post, too

your say ONG: So far it is only the lower rung and insignificant Umno leaders who want Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil to resign.

Top Umno leaders have not asked her to resign because they don't think she has done anything wrong.

Must be because all the top leaders are also doing the same, i.e. stealing taxpayers' money by the hundreds of millions, and the lower rung leaders are clamouring for her position so that they, too, can put their hands in the cookie jar.

Vijay47: While it is refreshing to note that within Umno there are still persons of at least some honesty and honour, I just cannot believe that Shahrizat's supporters in Wanita Umno are serious.

First of all, she is not resigning from anything. Her term expires come April and she is just taking a flying leap.

Secondly, it is not a mere question of being elected into her Umno post or not. It is a question of morality, accountability and repentance. Unfortunately, she seems to be lacking in all these three attributes.

We must remember that the same members supported Shahrizat in her heroic 'roll-up-the-sleeves' act at the Umno general assembly and in the same breath shamelessly asked for a share in the loot, arguing that they too should be given contracts.

I suppose that if these female of the species were to be asked on when a cheating thieving corrupt Umno member should resign, they would answer "Never". Truly, they walk amongst us.

Anonymous_3e4b: Indeed, Izat (Shahrizat) didn't resign. She stops work when her contract ‘expired'.

Geronimo: If these makciks, who are mothers and grandmothers, can say ‘yes' to stealing, then what values are they teaching their young?

First the men, now the women - no shame, no honour and no integrity at all, and yet they want to lead the country? It is disgusting to see such Malay culture so wantonly displayed.

Swkdayaks: Wanita Umno supports corrupt leaders so that they can steal our tax money to go shopping.

We voters want good, not corrupt leaders, so that our money is safe and managed well by our leaders.

See the big different of what Umno wants and what the voters want? So stop voting Umno and their allies in BN.

Up2U: "There is no one to replace her," said Bukit Katil division Wanita chief Hazizah Mohd Sultan.

What an embarrassing statement. Is the Wanita executive council so shallow and useless that there is no one capable of replacing Shahrizat?

Is Wanita Umno telling everybody that Shahrizat is indispensable? Probably Hazizah is right in that there is (currently) no one in Wanita capable of pulling in RM250 million worth of soft loan.

Bender: It's sickening to see how people can still root for a person whose record has been tainted with such a scandal.

How can you still say she is a good leader when you know darn well what she had done? Have these people lost half of their brain?

AkuDahUbah: This is symptomatic of the ills that befall our nation - leaders who are tainted cling on to power and are still accepted by their followers.

Political patronage has bred a regime of similar ilk, who sees no further than the material gains they can plunder from our national treasury.

Ombak Biru: They are all on board the gravy train unwilling to disembark. We the rakyat will have to bear the burden until they are booted out for good.

Where is the sense of morality, honour and righteousness? What hope do we have for our children with this bunch of self-centred, selfish and corrupt leaders?

Kairos: If it is true that Sharizat is such a capable leader that she is deemed to be irreplaceable, then it can be reliably concluded that Wanita Umno is in a pitiful state.

How can a leader who is embroiled in a corruption scandal be held in so high honour and respect? Wanita Umno is certainly a sub-standard organisation on that score.

No wonder, the women's wing of Umno has never at any time won the respect of the rakyat. It has, and will always, be relegated to the status of a pariah. It has no integrity and no credibility.

AngryBird: "Federal Territory Wanita chief Khadijah Alang Ibrahim said no matter what, the movement would remain loyal to Shahrizat."

This statement shows the stupidity of all Umno members. It appears this useless party is unable to differentiate fact from fiction.

Keturunan Malaysia: Shahrizat is a confirmed wounded shark and the rest (of the Umno sharks) are just doing what sharks naturally do - attack and eat up their own kind. I just love it.

Lim Chong Leong : There is beef being served on the gravy-train line at Wanito Umno and the queue is long.

Wanita Umno central committee member Seripah Noli Syed Hussin is at the back of the queue and wishes to overturn it.


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