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The great debate: Action speaks louder
Published:  Feb 20, 2012 10:27 AM
Updated: Feb 21, 2012 12:11 AM

YOURSAY 'Wouldn't it be fair that Round 2 be held in Penang and equal opportunity be given to both parties?'

Gerakan deputy says Chua won debate

your say Jbsuara: A verdict coming from a BN party member has no credibility. Gerakan deputy president Chang Ko Youn should have kept his big mouth shut or risk getting flak for this.

It doesn't matter to us who won as such debates help us understand current issues and stand taken by our political leaders.

Multi Racial: I am shocked and surprised that Chang has declared Chua the unofficial winner of the debate. Well, he just made himself a laughing stock.

In the first place, we know he is biased. Secondly, we know he wants to please his BN colleagues. Thirdly, both MCA and Gerakan politicians will be obvious losers if DAP wins more seats.

Anyway, who cares? We listened to the debate and we think it was unfairly done, especially the seating allocation and the open questions by the attendees which favoured only one side.

When Lim asked Chua why only those in MCA were charged for the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal and none from Umno, Chua accused it of being a racial issue and did not answer Lim's question.

It was obvious Lim's question was not racial. Lim, like all Malaysians, want to know, while there are many involved in the scandal including both MCA and Umno, why only those from MCA were charged. Well, obviously Chua didn't have the answer.

CiViC: When MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek questions about PAS, DAP and PKR, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng cleverly avoided the racial trap set upon him, but when Lim so much as mentions MCA and Umno, Chua claims it was a racist remark and avoided answering the question.

Who's the immature one? Well, one thing is for sure, Lim got it spot on: "Umno takes care of the Malays, MCA takes care of the Chinese, MIC takes care of the Indians, Gerakan? Don't know who they take care of.".

And of course, DAP, PAS and PKR take care of Malaysians. Kudos Lim.

Francis_14a3: You can win the debate but as a voter, my family, friends and me are looking at which party can help us reduce our daily spending by giving us zero toll, reducing fuel prices and maintaining the RM10 water subsidy per month. Action speaks louder than sound.

Jiminy Qrikert: Both speakers were off-topic. None of them won. The only loser was the moderator who failed to steer the speakers to remain on-topic.

Since it was Chua who started off and the moderator allowed Chua to go entirely off-topic, one can only conclude the moderator was either too dumb to realise Chua was off-topic, too dumb to steer Chua back on-topic or is simply non-neutral allowing the first speaker to veer off-course, hoping for the off-topic offensive to catch LGE (Lim Guan Eng) off-guard and gain the upper hand.

Gerakan is petrified anyway and has no ghost of a chance at winning anything in GE13 so, polishing MCA is a good way to score some brownie points in case you need handouts in seat allocation to save you the blushes.

Lim Chong Leong: Actually LGE did not go off topic. During his opening remarks, he said the Chinese were not at crossroads because the current system was a road taken by all Malaysians and Pakatan was there to make sure it was a common road for all Malaysians.

By that, he was saying the two-party system will not result in a two-race system because Pakatan is not about any race while BN is about Umno fighting for Malays, MCA for Chinese and MIC for Indians, while no one knows what or who Gerakan is fighting for.

So how in fact can the so-called two-party system turn into a two-race system?

Kangaroo: This was no competition and therefore who won or who lost does not arise. Winning or losing will be what matters at the GE.

MatrixLYN: Just like kids, these Gerakan people. Its leader Koh Tsu Koon did not even dare to whine when Perkasa/Umno people tore up his photo. How do you expect him to stand up for the Chinese, or anyone's rights for that matter?

Anonymous_40a7: "He (Lim) lost the debate in 2008 to Koh Tsu Koon and dared not challenge Koh to a debate ever since," Chang said. Yeah, and guess who's managing Penang now?

Guan Eng: Debate should be on truth, not lies

Anonymous_3fc4: Chua, being an educated and well-heeled person, has definitely exposed his hollowness during the debate.

He went off the topic the moment he started making those attacks on his opponent. If Chua cannot tell crap from clay then he should abstain from throwing that challenge of a debate in the first instance, so as to avoid making a fool of himself.

Justice Pao: Lim, very true. Chua has no substance. All he can do is to criticise DAP, PAS or PKR. He will not 'bark' at Umno no matter how much Umno forces him to beg for crumbs.

How could a beggar party be part of a policy-making committee. Umno decides everything at their supreme council and MCA just follows. Definitely Chua would not be able to talk about policy.

Superstar: Being non-partisan, I agree with Lim. Chua started off making attacks on DAP, PAS and PKR - no content on policies or anything close to the topic.

On the other hand, Lim spoke on working for all the rakyat (not one race only), on fighting corruption (policy statement), the two-party system, abolishing tolls, taking care of the welfare of the poor and young - all policy statements.

Which part of Chua's speech was about policy?

Lets Be Fair: Wouldn't it be fair that Round 2 be held in Penang and equal opportunity be given to both parties?


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