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'Much of Malay ceremonies are Indian-based'
Published:  Feb 17, 2012 10:34 AM
Updated: 12:01 PM

YOURSAY 'The problem with our state muftis is their very superficial understanding and interpretation of Islam.'

Okay for Najib to attend Thaipusam function if...

Komathi Doraisamy: Goodness gracious - what kind of religious advisors would PM Najib Razak need if he is faulted for he and his wife being garlanded with a giant wreath, given a shawl and wearing traditional Indian attire?

Hindus could also take offence on his presence as the place is sacred for non-beef eating devotees.

They have not condemned the PM but welcomed him, though a much-muted welcome compared to what the late PM Tunku Abdul Rahman used to get when he came by. I wonder why.

Abasir: Parading their 19th century prejudices as 21st century virtues, these local muftis merely drive home the point that Malaysia's brand of Islam is carefully calibrated to perpetuate ignorance, ill-will and fear.

Podeh: The problem with our state muftis is their very superficial understanding and interpretation of Islam.

Islam as a religion is greater than all knowledge of these muftis combined. For one, Islam is not so thin skin as made out by these so-called learned muftis.

Islam teaches inclusiveness, and it teaches more about substance than form - it's what your inner intentions are to serve Allah than the ‘appearance' of being a Muslim.

Fasting during Ramadan, going to Mecca (like Shahrizat Abdul Jalil - three times in two months), praying five times a day, dressing ‘piously', etc, are all meaningless if the Muslim knows he/she is corrupt to the core.

He/she only has to reckon with their Maker come Judgement Day. Understanding this alone should make him/her a truer Muslim.

Solaris: Why are there only views from the Islamic point of view on Najib's involvement in Thaipusam?

I find this stupid bickering about Najib's presence at Thaipusam to be arrogantly ignorant, presumptuous and chauvinistic. They are as usual, looking at it only from the Islamic point of view.

The truth is Thaipusam carries a deep and profound significance to devotees of Lord Muruga that is incognoscible to Muslims.

It is a deeply spiritual experience for many who fast and purify themselves with the rigour of renunciation and penance to fulfill their vows for prayers answered.

There is no room for a meat eating non-Hindu to use Thaipusam as a platform for electioneering. It is demeaning and derogatory for a lowly politician like Najib to sully and execrate this holy celebration with his presence.

Why is there no objection to this from the Hindu community? Have they no regard for the dignity and sanctity of their own religion that they instead welcome the vile couple with a ridiculous garland?

Mr KJ John: True spirituality remains inside a person. Most externals are for the benefit of those who lack the true faith and need externals to guide them, or coax them into becoming or appearing religious.

My guess is the PM is confident enough that he can go and be there to celebrate the others' faith without giving up his own. Only such people can be PM of Malaysia.

Solaris: Confident, Mr KJ John? I think desperate would be more appropriate. It's just too bad that the Hindus make fools of themselves by ignorantly pandering to that.

Indian Ji: Are people wearing yellow ‘kurtas' in a religious mode? Come on, it is just a traditional outfit.

If dressing is a worry for the mufti, then PM should always wear songkok and baju Melayu all the time and stop wearing suits, because they are not part of the Malay tradition.

Ramachandran Muniandy: If the dressing and garlanding of Najib is against the Islamic religion, than I am sorry - all Malay ceremony are influenced by the Hindu religion, from the marriage ceremony up to salutation of the royalties, these are blend with Hindu rites.

Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, follow Hindu customs in all its ceremonies but only the 'nikah' is done in Islamic rite.

Even Suharto's and Abdulrahman Wahid's (Gus Dur's) daughters were married under Hindu custom, with the exception of the 'nikah', which was conducted in the Islamic way.

RR: Visiting places of worship of any religion does not mean one has abandoned or reneged one's own religion.

Neither is the dressing in the traditional form. In multi-racial and multi-religious countries, these are mere showing of respect for the occasion.

Only the very weak may succumb to another religion. This only indicates that the muftis are lacking faith on the faith of fellow Muslims in their religion.

Sadly they have included PM Najib in this category.

These muftis should first be enlightened before they can enlighten their fellow Muslims as has been rightly pointed out by other Malaysiakini readers - the entire royal ceremonies in this country are Hindu-based, including the language, which is Sanskrit.


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