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The limitless hypocrisy of Dr Mahathir
Published:  Feb 16, 2012 8:59 AM
Updated: 7:24 AM

VOXPOP 'As the ‘Father of Modern Malaysia', Mahathir has nobody else to blame for the despicable state Malaysia is in but himself.'

Don't love your post too much, Dr M tells Shahrizat

vox populi small thumbnail Pemerhati: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mahathir said of Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, "(She) must think of the damage (it is doing) to the party. Don't love your post too much."

Mahathir, Minister in the PM's Department Nazri Abdul Aziz and the rest of the Umno thieves are really worried about the damage she is doing to the party because she did not steal as cleverly as them.

When they stole, not many people could find any solid proof against them but Shahrizat's family has left so much evidence (e.g. condos, land and car purchases), and now even the simple rural Malays, who used to blindly vote for Umno previously, are beginning to turn against Umno.

If there is a large swing in the rural vote then BN might lose the election and all the big-time BN thieves and their cronies would be brought to justice by Pakatan Rakyat.

But for the time being, Shahrizat is ignoring the advice of her fellow thieves and is staying put because she knows that no one dares to touch her. If they did, she would reveal all their crooked activities.

Gordon Gecko: Dr M, don't be a hypocrite. Even though you have retired as PM, you are still the ‘dalang' (puppet master) in the Malaysian political ‘wayang kulit' (shadow play).

Why are you still the advisor to Petronas and Proton? Why are you still meddling in the country's affairs by associating with Perkasa? Why are you still passing comments about the country's affairs even though you said you have retired?

Dr M, we the ‘Joe Public' would like to tell you, "Don't love yourself too much, love the country more. Speak less and retire gracefully".

140V: In the future, Umno should listen to the voters. Minister Shahrizat was voted out in the 12th general election but the party opened the backdoor for her. Now she has become a liability, they are trying to throw this dead weight out of their sinking ship.

I hope in the next GE, the voters will do justice, and vote for a better and cleaner future for Malaysia's children.

Cala: Mahathir is an accomplished artist in diverting an issue, when the causal link between a corrupt culture that encourages rent-seeking, cronyism and outright disregard for the rule of law is clear to all.

Mahathir simplifies the whole thing by imputing that Shahrizat's improper acts, misdeeds, and greed in defiance of public interests was solely her fault.

As the ‘Father of Modern Malaysia', Mahathir has nobody else to blame for the despicable state Malaysia is in but himself.

Put it in another way, a bank robber cannot blame the bank for having a weak security system that tempts him to rob the bank.

MP: Tajudin settlement shows cronyism is alive

Onyourtoes: Pakatan Rakyat MPs and all right-minded politicians must urgently pressure the government to disclose the terms of the settlement.

Danaharta is not a private entity representing private interest. It is a public agency set up in the aftermath of the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis to resolve heavy indebtedness among companies, both GLCs (government-linked companies) and private.

The money used was from the government coffers. Hence, it is incumbent upon them to disclose and account for the recovery of money lent to all these companies, many of which were nothing more than conduits used to siphon money from the Treasury.

Kim Quek: It is absolutely scandalous that the government should keep its reason under lid for discharging an individual of his public liability of RM589 million plus accrued interests.

Unless a satisfactory explanation is given, the BN government should be investigated and charged for criminal negligence and breach of trust of this public fund.

Jedi_Who: The loan for Danaharta is now recoverable but yet it was written off as claimed by PJ Utara MP Tony Pua.

This means that the money to be paid by Tajudin Ramli is a hoax just to appease the rakyat. It might also be a double whammy in that there are other paper transactions yet to be revealed.

Tony Pua should be in the Finance Ministry after GE13 so that all things will be revealed to the rakyat.

Clearwater: The two people most relieved with the settlement are probably Mahathir and former finance minister Daim Zainuddin.

Their dastardly deeds will now not be publicly exposed in a court of law. Perchance they can be exposed with a change of federal government. Vote for change.

Jean Pierre: The NFC (National Feedlot Corportion) scandal is big, but this Tajudin scandal is even bigger.

Here we have a PM and a financial minister directly channeling the people's money to a businessman's coffer with the probable intention of sharing the loot.

And we can't ask about it - it's secret.


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