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Only we can bring about regime change
Published:  Feb 15, 2012 10:04 AM
Updated: 2:16 AM

YOURSAY 'It's not up to the US or Israel to change the BN regime, it's up to Malaysians at this coming GE or the next.'

'US, Israel want regime change in M'sia'

your say SusahKes: Oh really, Dr Mahathir Mohamad? Well, what does jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff have to say about your latest ranting?

One thing I can assure you, Mahathir, that when 50,000 people marched in the Bersih 2.0 rally, or when more than 50 percent of voters in the Peninsular voted for Pakatan Rakyat in 2008, I doubt that many of them were even the slightest bit inclined towards Israel or the US.

We did it, because we want the change; not because the US or Israel told us to.

Up2U: It's not up to the United States or Israel to change the BN regime, it's up to Malaysians at this coming GE or the next.

The Umno-led BN have got plenty of time to convince Malaysians, who generally would like to see continuity but definitely not one that is blatantly corrupted and incorrigible.

Look at the scandals, one after another involving its leaders and the seemingly non-action by the authorities.

There is still time to change but can anybody honestly see the top leaders taking the lead to clean up the house?

Wira: The old man is so damn scared that he would be held accountable for all his sins and ill-gotten wealth when a new regime takes over from a corrupt Umno that he has gone wild and mad with his accusations.

If we see how past corrupt leaders in South Korea, Taiwan and Indonesia are punished, he can definitely sense the danger.

OMG: The more active TDM (Tun Dr Mahathir) is in his comments and tirade against Anwar Ibrahim, the more obvious his fear of a regime change.

Wake up old man, most Malaysians want a regime change. We want transparency, justice and integrity, not a government shamed by BBC's disclosure that BN had to pay for favourable publicity.

Restless_Native: The sly old fox is not saying this to the intelligent rakyat; he is playing to the ignorant Malays.

Utusan Malaysia and other BN mouthpieces will broadcast this to the ‘pakciks' and ‘makciks' in the ‘kampungs' who will swallow this line, hook and sinker.

The specter of ‘the end of days' is looming large in front of him. The possibility of a Pakatan Rakyat takeover, no matter what the chances are, is keeping this scourge of Malaysia up at night.

I bet he wakes up many times in the night screaming as each ‘horror' unfolds. Hence, he cooks up this simpleton fable and includes an epic cast (US, Anwar, Israel) that he hopes will stir the die-hard, but uninformed, Malays all over the peninsula.

He is doing everything to protect his children's inheritances and opportunities to continue plundering the nation's wealth. What I'd give to have the centre seat on his judgement day ... which is coming fast.

Kairos: Don't bring the US and Israel into Malaysian politics. They are far too busy with their own massive problems to worry about Malaysia. I am very sure that it is certainly not in the priority of Barack Obama or Benjamin Netanyahu to worry who the next PM of Malaysia is going to be.

This is obviously Mahathir's way to try to scare Malaysians not to want to change the government. I'm afraid most right-thinking Malaysians will be able to call Mahathir's bluff and not take what he says seriously.

The people of this country are actually more matured than what the former PM gives us credit for. Shame on him.

Anak Bangsa Malaysia: Any regime which has been in existence for a long time and unable to do a good job must vanish.

Vanity brings vanity. Umno and BN have been bringing lots of vanity and since they are so comfortable ruling this country for more than 50 years, the time has come for this regime to be changed.

Ksn: Dear Tun M, it is not the US that wants a regime change in Malaysia. It is the people of Malaysia. The reasons, you know better because you started the destruction of the country in all aspects.

Are you seriously suggesting that by having a regime change in Malaysia which favours the US will allow the US to dominate the world? I cannot think of anything more silly, juvenile, foolish.

Dr M, India, for example, is very friendly with China and Russia as well. Is it not wiser, more productive for US to court India or for that matter Indonesia?

What do you think is the extend of power and influence of Malaysia in world affairs to allow the US, if we side with her, to dominate the world.

Muak: Dr M, when you became PM in 1981, I thought Malaysia has finally found a saviour. But like the Malays would say, "Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi."

You are a total disgrace to this country and the legacy you have created stinks to high heavens. You say all sorts of things, but none makes any sense.

You are no longer the PM, so it's best you keep your comments to yourself. No right-thinking Malaysian will believe in what you say anymore.

Onyourtoes: Mahathir, can you for once don't try to be hypocrite. US and Israel want Malaysia's regime changed is your opinion. But Malaysians want this regime changed is our opinion, and this opinion has it genesis in you.

You are the main architect that caused the demise of this great nation. I wish you will live just long enough to see the change and to face the consequence.

No amount of manipulation, concoction and ‘fitnah' is going to change the opinion of Malaysians. So stop trying and start praying harder.

By the way, why must those supporting the right of Israel to exist anti-Palestine? Have you check who are the major donors to the Palestinian cause?

Second, please keep yourself up-to-date. Is US today still an undisputed world's dominant power? If so, is it because it has Malaysia's support? If not, is it because Malaysia under you and your successors has been supporting China and Russia?

Can you stop faking your self-importance and for once live like a common man.


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