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It's M'sians you have to answer to, not Rafidah
Published:  Feb 6, 2012 8:05 AM
Updated: 12:12 AM

YOURSAY 'Stop playing stupid games, Shahrizat. When are you going to address the serious allegations levelled against you and your family.'

Shahrizat: I don't want to be rude to Rafidah

your say Wira: Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, get this please. You are not answerable to your predecessor, Rafidah Aziz. As a federal minister, you are answerable to all Malaysians.

Why did you accept the project to enrich your family at the expense of the country? When the project failed with obvious irregularities involved, shouldn't you feel ashamed, take responsibility and resign?

Your behaviour epitomises the lowest common factor of most Umno ministers. Stupid, greedy, arrogant and corrupt.

Changeagent: Stop playing stupid games, Shahrizat. When are you going to address the serious allegations levelled against you and your family with facts rather than rhetoric?

When a party elder asks you to account for yourself, you say you don't want to be rude so you'll just shut your mouth. Then when a younger opposition member does the same, you ridicule him and call him a little 'jambu'.

Either way, you haven't said anything at all. So when can anyone expect you to say anything intelligent to defend yourself, keeping in mind also that the court of public opinion is heavily weighted against you and Umno at the moment?

Onyourtoes: Let me decipher what you are trying to say:

1. It is okay to have scandals because other leaders and governments all over the world are having them.

2. Accusations are okay too, but I will only answer to God.

3. It is okay for people older than me to attack me even though it is baseless, but people younger than me cannot attack me even though the allegations and accusations are based on solid evidence.

4. The degree of God fearing is measured by the number of trip to Mecca.

How about people who can't afford (may be because they don't have a cow project)? Are you saying they are not God fearing or is it because they are too God fearing and that is why they can't even go once in their lifetime?

Please don't use your experience as magistrate to impress. Nobody is saying you are guilty, we just want you to answer all the accusations point by point and we shall judge whether or not they make sense to us.

You have used race to defend yourself, then you used religion and your trip to Mecca and now you as a former magistrate. Wonder what you will use next?

Anonymous: Your parents surely did teach you not to be rude to the elders, bless their souls.

But one thing for sure, they must have also taught you not to be perverse, wayward and greedy when it comes to handling of rakyat's money, or did you simply forget?

You certainly can milk a cow in more ways than one.

Clever Voter: Shameless, incorrigible and dishonest characters are what we see in all these politicians. She portrays herself as a victim and that all these hassles are normal work hazards.

She cannot tell a difference from a politician with convictions and a self-serving politician who has no end to greed and power. I am sorry she is the latter - one that the society needs to destroy.

Faz: The umrah is an Islamic ritual which is compulsory for a Muslim to perform in Mecca only once in a lifetime, if one can afford it.

The journeys thereafter are not mandatory anymore. These are not sin-cleansing rituals as understood in other faiths but more in suppressing worldly egos. You do not go for umrah to get guidance as you may ask Allah for guidance anywhere and anytime.

If you have the money, you can go for umrah very often. A good Muslim is one who fears Allah and follows his teachings as related by the Prophet Muhammad.

But going for umrah does not reflect the piousness of a Muslim. Using it as an excuse to announce your good deeds is not encouraged and in bad taste.

Anonymous_40ca: Can I tell the Income Tax Department that I do not need to pay my

taxes as I am only answerable to God.

Next, send the convicts from Sungai Buloh for umrah and all will come back as free men as all will answer only to God. What a load of crap.

Hmmmmmm: Could it be that each time you went to Mecca for guidance, Allah has asked you to come clean but you were hoping for a different answer each time?

Up2U: Don't shame God's chosen places. Many corrupt leaders have visited and pray at holy places to be eventually found guilty of crimes against society and humanity. Many who swear by the holy books have lied.

What is important is the proper thing to do. A tainted leader should either resign or take long leave until the scandal is over. Leaders who hang on are a liability to both themselves and their party.

Wfworker: How rude can you be? You need not answer former Wanita Umno chief Rafidah Aziz's question. You must answer the voters' questions. After all, both of you are in the same boat; you may have to sink together.

Malaysians are not bothered between the tiff between the both of you.

Restless_Native: Two embezzling artists chiding each other! Rafidah (or Madam AP) mind her station for all it was worth. She is enjoying her ill-gotten gains with no necessity to stone-the-devil in Mecca.

Shahrizat "went to Mecca three times in two and a half months" to confess for the sins she committed as well as those she was about to.

I really think that these Umno scoundrels have really eluded themselves into thinking that they can continue to plunder and will be forgiven if they go to mosque, pray five times a day and head of to Mecca for ‘grand larceny' cases.

Keturunan Malaysia: Rafidah was accused by former PM Dr Mohamad Mahathir back in 2006 of being corrupted over to the issuance of approved permits (APs), as two of the people having the highest number of APs were linked to her.

The two of you smell the same but wear different dresses.

Justice Kini: One is an AP queen and the other a cattle queen.


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