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Felda is Umno's last jewel in the crown
Published:  Jan 28, 2012 9:46 AM
Updated: 2:39 PM

VOXPOP 'As in the case of most corporatisation, look out for the big shareholders including government proxies.'

Felda will face RM1.5bil deficit, warns NGO

vox populi small thumbnail Hibiscus: However way you look at, this is using the assets of the Felda settlers to create shares so as to reap big profits at the expense of the settlers.

Isn't this fraud, robbery and cheating by deceit? How can the government bring itself to play this cruel game on the poor Felda settlers?

Doesn't the government have any compassion on these poor settlers?

Swipenter: Lots of people believe that Felda is the last jewel in the crown to be exploited by Umnoputras.

Highways, airways, seaports, transport, financial institutions, insurance, construction, land and properties, petroleum and energy industries, communications, water, except manufacturing (too much hard work), are all taken up and majority controlled by Umno and their cronies.

Clever Voter: The small settlers will find the cash awards tempting and irresistible. That is very natural, but if the hidden objective is to grab the land then this a national disaster.

As in the case of most corporatisation, look out for the big shareholders including government proxies.

We should be helping small and medium-sized settlers to adopt a more sustainable approach that includes raising capacity and increased value returns, fair prices, no middlemen, etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if the contractors and developers are already waiting to put in place housing estates for huge profits - all at the expense of the poor settlers.

Those in power must be more socially conscious. Unfortunately, many lack even basic morals.

Blind Freddo: I want to see an unbiased independent assessment of this project. It's way too complicated for the simple Felda settlers to understand.

Bluemountains: Will the Securities Commission make sure that Felda appoints an investment bank to give independent advice to all the settlers regarding the feasibility of the proposed transfer of the settlers' assets to Felda and FGV (Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd)?

HangTuah: The very people who are so insistent on the listing are known to be blatantly corrupt. There is too much is at stake for the settlers to take this exercise lightly. They should hang in there until the picture is clearer.

Trumpet Call: The whole Felda listing exercise is another example of short-term gains at the expense of long-term consequences.

I am very sure that the powers-that-be have done their sums and decided that they might as well cash in while the going is still in their favour. As the saying goes, 'make hay while the sun shines'.

This is the myopic view of a lot of government policies and decisions. Ultimately, it is tantamount to sacrificing the interests of the common folk over the long haul, to enrich the elite few, now.

Pakatan states 'won't sign land deals with FGV'

Anonymous: It has been a bad culture instilled into many get-rich-quick Malaysians. They look at ways of benefitting from others hard work without having to work for it.

By so scheming, they get more money than those who tolled and tilled the soil, whose harvest the majority of which goes to these conniving and so-called smart people. They have no conscience of living off others' hard work and labour.

Patriot: Some thieves/cronies are trying to make a quick buck from this listing exercise. That's about it - it's nothing to do about safeguarding the rights of the settlers, period.

Macha97: Just imagine how they can easily hijack the FGV shares to benefit themselves through their cronies. Former ministers Rafidah Aziz and S Samy Velu will be able to enlighten us on this.

Pro-UUCA Kedah MB should join BN, says Aziz Bari

Wfworker: Sometimes, you just wonder what Pakatan Rakyat stands for? How could they claim to be different from BN while supporting their deeds of negation.

It looks like some of the Pakatan leaders are unsure of what they really want. In the case of the UUCA (Universities and University Colleges Act), it is either you are for it or against it.

The moment you accept it based on conditions, then all kinds of interpretation can be made.

Ferdtan: We call upon Kedah excos and all state Pakatan Aduns (state assemblypersons) to exert pressure on MB Azizan Abdul Razak to retract his unpopular stand in support of UUCA. If not, then they should move a motion of no-confidence and topple him as MB.

We support the students against the unjust UUCA law. We hope good sense prevails. Is Azizan too sick (as he had some ill-health issue) that he is not keeping abreast of the latest sentiments on the ground?

Top PAS leaders should meet with him on this matter as it may affect the support of the students around the country.

Anakpulau: I am a Kedahan. I have been following the Kedah government policies under this PAS MB.

Remember his demolition of pig abattoir in Alor Setar and his promise to build one outside the town; his policy on racial quota for new housing estates development; the ban on non-Muslim entertainment outlets during Ramadan; licence fees for entertainment outlet to be paid in lump sum rather than monthly; all these have made the non-Muslim voters lose confidence in the PAS-led government headed by Azizan.

The Chinese voters will definitely vote BN in the next GE.

DumpDePirates: It doesn't really whatever position they currently hold, they should toe the party and the Pakatan line. And if they fail to do that, they should not be fielded on the Pakatan ticket at all.

No one is indispensable and Azizan probably hasn't realised this.


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