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DPM, why chicken out on Cowgate RCI?
Published:  Jan 28, 2012 9:28 AM
Updated: 9:10 AM

YOURSAY 'If all are clean as it is now claimed, the findings of the RCI can only enhance the government's reputation.'

Muhyiddin: No royal commission on NFC

your say Dark Knight: Something is seriously wrong here. How can Muhyiddin Yassin, the former agriculture minister allegedly involved in approving and awarding the now-maligned cattle project to NFC (National Feedlot Corporation), be allowed to call the shots on whether a RCI (royal commission of inquiry) should be convened?

Especially when the auditor-general had made it clear that obligations were not met by NFC according to the terms of the loan agreement, which obligations were to be overseen by Muhyiddin's ministry then.

This is a gross violation of the principles of accountability and good governance. By convention, Muhyiddin should step aside and pass the matter to the PM to make a decision on the numerous calls for a RCI and allow due process to take place without any interference.

Only with a RCI can the truth be established.

1234: An Umno government-appointed independent auditor cannot be independent. The rakyat know that.

The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) has no record of Umno corruption convictions. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is a permanent joke among the people, having earlier said that it will leave the investigation to the police before.

We can't leave it to Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin to defend and hide another case of the plunder and pillage of the rakyat's hard-earned tax money by Umno.

Ksn: It is very clear from the statements by DPM Muhyiddin and Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Noh Omar that the Umno government is bent on whitewashing the fiasco of RM250 million of public funds.

What are you all afraid of? If there is nothing to hide and if everything is in order with the project, no abuses of funds and authority, no misuses, and if the funds are used for the purposes specified in the loan agreement, the DPM and the government should support the call for an RCI.

Because if all are clean as it is now claimed, the findings of the RCI can only enhance the government's reputation.

As others have commented, the people have no confidence in the agencies such the MACC and PDRM to investigate the issue for obvious reasons.

So DPM, increase your own standing in the government and Umno by agreeing to an RCI. What do you say, sir?

Cala: Muhyiddin, protect your name. When every socio-economic and political institution has been rendered imbecile by the authoritarian Umno-led BN regime since the 1988 judicial crisis, the effectiveness of an RCI to examine the said NFC fiasco is questionable.

Still, the opposition is hopeful that if it can be done, at least some light may be shed as to the extent of corruption, rent-seeking, and outright abuse of power by those in power.

Since Muhyiddin ‘happened' to be the ex-agriculture minister and NFC was under his charge, logically how on earth he can open his mouth without inviting some backlashes?

If good governance is something being cherished, what else but a RCI can absolve Shahrizat and Muhyiddin from the NFC fiasco?

Lim Chong Leong: Firstly, Muhyiddin should not be the one to say there is no need for royal commission of inquiry because he was the minister of agriculture at the material time and the project could not have taken off without him.

Secondly, what is he talking about the opposition wanting to see the programme fail because they want an RCI?

Thirdly, you can't have a council of thieves investigating theft. That is why an RCI is imperative.

Even more so when the council of thieves concluded that everything was above board in the first place and then only now they also see the need to investigate, and are doing it themselves.

Bluemountains: The public perception of the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal will have untold damage on Umno-BN at the 13th general election.

As it is, the public has most likely concluded that the main players in Umno-BN are guilty of financial irregularities. So the RCI is the only way to clear them and Umno-BN if they are indeed not involved in any irregular financial transactions involving public funds.

An outright denial of an RCI by the main players will strengthen public perception that they are in fact guilty and therefore afraid of being exposed.

Anonymous_3f7d: What arrogance! It is not the opposition which wants the RCI, rather it is us, the common Malaysians who are demanding for an RCI.

And you, our elected representative are saying what we are saying does not matter at all?

Shamsubahrin faces two fresh cheating charges

Podeh: I just marvel at Southeast Asian politics; the moment some two-bit politician or any of their kakis are caught with their filthy hands in the till, they ‘fall' sick from all sorts of unimaginable ‘illnesses' and end up in hospital.

Besides alleged NFC ‘fixer' Shamsubahrin Ismail, lots of Umno-BN politicians have a comfortable bed or room ready in the nearest hospital, private or state-run, just in case.

Look at ex-Philippines president Gloria Arroyo, where is she now after being arrested for corruption? In a room in some top-end hospital, rather than in remand in a police station.

Can this sort of thing apply to a ordinary criminal who stole, say, RM300?

Pandee Sutoo: Shamsubahrin had a different lawyer earlier. Now he has got PKR vice-president N Surendran as counsel. What's brewing?

Wira: If I make a police report that I've been cheated, the police will tell me to go find a lawyer and sue the pants off the other party.

When the state is involved in this highly politicised NFC scandal, we should suspect sinister motives behind this. Surendran mentioned that the accused had information about the scandal and promised further exposes.

Could this arrest and charge be the standard modus operandi in harassing a hostile whistleblower until he succumbs?

Ferdtan: All these years nothing was known of him; only after the exposure of NFC's case, Shamsubahrin has suddenly becomes a serial criminal offender.

That is the kind of coincidence which we don't believe. It is shameful that the very institutions that supposedly are law enforcers are now seen as personal tools for some top leaders of the government.


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