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KL-wood: Coming soon - sex video, the sequel
Published:  Jan 28, 2012 8:40 AM
Updated: 12:46 AM

YOURSAY 'There must be some common law or the Islamic law that prohibits Muslims or anyone from filming porno movies without a person's consent.'

Datuk T returns with new Thailand sex expose

Pemerhati: Umno's first plot to tarnish Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim by using the Datuk T trio was thoroughly and completely discredited by the photographic evidence in the public domain, which showed Anwar appearing in court the next day after the alleged incident with a beard, whereas the Anwar lookalike, who was alleged to have performed in the video the previous day, did not have a beard.

If there is now a new sex video then they most probably used the same actor who looks like Anwar. Umno thinks that since it has a complete monopoly of the media, most people will not be aware of this very important piece of information that proves that these Umno lackeys are lying.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad used this strategy of lying continuously against Anwar during the Sodomy I kangaroo trial and failed miserably, but PM Najib Razak does not seem to have learnt a lesson from that episode and seems to believe that if he continues to throw mud at Anwar, some of it might stick.

Jedi_Who: There must be some common law or the Islamic law that prohibits Muslims or anyone from filming porno movies without a person's consent and then blackmailing the other party.

This is being done so openly by those linked to the ruling government while all the so-called Islamic religious bodies and champions of Islam like Hasan Ali and Ibrahim Ali keep mum.

Up2U: It just show how shallow and low down these datuks are. They will go to great extend to tarnish DSAI's (Anwar's) image knowing fully well that the mainstream media will carry their one-sided story to the rural folks.

The majority of Malaysians, especially in the urban areas, are more concern about the nation's No 1 issue - corruption - but these datuks will want to shy away from this issue and we all know the reason why.

Clever Voter: Local politics has reached an all-time low. Whether DSAI agrees or not, the reality is that he has to be on the offensive.

While it is senseless to go round debating with these idiots, there is bound to be more dirt being spilled with help from the media stooges. There are so much at stake considering the accumulation of dirty wealth over the past three decades.

Whatever it is, some damage is expected. The Pakatan Rakyat coalition, I am sure, will come up with their defence strategy.

Looking at the faces of these individuals involved, one wonders whether the society we live in is supported by thugs and crooks.

Changeagent: I hope the Datuk T trio will come good on their threat to release "more shocking" videos of Anwar.

This way, every Malaysian can be 110 percent certain that Anwar is not the man in the clips, and that he is a victim of a very nasty and malicious slander campaign initiated by Umno.

Armageddon: I wonder, whether these three people would still be conferred datukship for pedalling these sex videos.

It is a disgrace to the prestigious title to have these three going around condemning another human being over a sex scandal, be it the true or otherwise.

Ferdtan: If Najib dare not go on public debate with Anwar then I suggest former PM Mahathir to take his place. We shall invite the history Professor Khoo Kay Kim to attend to record the event as he may learn a few things about history.

Mahathir, are you up to it? Don't just talk through the mainstream media - without giving any opportunity for a rebuttal from the one (read: Anwar) you loved to criticise and unfairly ridiculed.

All world champion boxers are gentleman enough give an opportunity to their next best opponent a chance in the ring to see who is the best.

So what say you, Dr Mahathir? Too old and forgetful to be in the ring?

Fairnessforall: It seems that BN is so fearful of Anwar that they keep coming up with more and more crap which only makes them look bad.

Frankly, I don't give a damn if Anwar had sex with a goat. That is his personal life and does not in any way affect his ability to run the country and make Malaysia a better place for all of us.

49boybum: Umno-BN has run out of ideas on how to manage the economy of our country and transform our nation. They have plundered the country dry.

Umno-BN over the last three decades perfected their ability to be corrupt and stay in power by gerrymandering electoral boundaries. We have a compromised civil services and the judiciary.

Umno-BN has lost their moral values and considerably lack intellect attributes to capably manage a resourceful nation like ours. These accusations made by unscrupulous individuals speak volumes of the current leader's total lack of integrity and dignity.

It's sad that as a nation we have to put up with such leadership that test our patience and takes the society for granted.

Kamarul Ali: It is now okay to watch and pass around pornographic videos since the police are powerless against Umno. Morals have gone down the drain and nobody is bothered.

Imraz Ikhbal: "Shuib (Lazim) added that Anwar should sue the trio, including former Malacca chief minister Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik, if any international forensic analyst can prove that Anwar was not in the first sex video exposed last March."

Even an imbecile knows that the onus of proof lies not on the accused but rather on those making the allegation.

The trio should definitely be sued regardless and they should be made to pay hefty damages should they be the ones who fail to prove that the man in the video was Anwar, not the other way around.

Gandhi: Are the families of these dirty trio feeling good about what these fathers are doing?

The police must charge them again for coming up with another sex video. The trio is still dreaming that this would affect the hyper-immune Malaysians.

No way the same trick would work.

Little Han2: I don't blame these three people for doing all this filthy things in public and shaming the entire nation.

I blame rather the home minister and the police for their inaction and allowing such stupid things to continue unabated and a PM who has no balls but stand idly by and watch things unfold before his own eyes.

Omega: Admit it. We love sex. We are sexaholics. We expose our childern to the details (and the joys) of sodomy. We talk about being sex goddesses to please the husband. We love talking dirty about girls, even in Parliament.

We want our wives to be obedient but become a total slut in front of us. We talk about metrosexuality when it is just heterosexuality mixed with a homosexual dash of hot sauce.

And we take delight in advertisements posted on trees that recommend beverages to enlarge our manhood without surgery.

Docs: It looks like this these Umno stooges have caught the Hollywood bug. Now they are making sex videos in trilogies.

Let me guess, the title for Shazryl Eskay Abdullah's new sex movie - Hangover II.


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