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Umno tigress digs in for a long battle
Published:  Jan 21, 2012 8:47 AM
Updated: 6:12 AM

YOURSAY 'She should sue for RM250 million so that she could use the money to settle the NFC loan with the government.'

Shahrizat strikes back with RM100mil libel suit

your say Quigonbond: It's a puzzle that Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil is saying she's been defamed. Allegations were made with respect to her husband, sons and daughter - swiping credit cards like they own the bank - which had nothing to do with her.

If she says that an allegation against her family is as good as an allegation against her, then surely the same standards apply when public pressure demands that she explain her omission or complicity in her family's misconduct.

Why is it at that time she conveniently said that what her husband does has nothing to do with her? Shahrizat cannot approbate and reprobate at the same time.

One can only guess that the RM100 million suit is her way of recouping future loss of profit/income, which says a lot when de facto law minister Nazri Abdul Aziz argued that if ministers declare their income they would be in grave danger - not just from kidnappers, but angry mobs of medium to lower income groups who slog day and night just to eke out a living.

Pemerhati: Shahrizat's statement of claim states that the Agriculture Ministry in 2006 had invited various companies to submit tenders to develop the national feedlot project.

Two companies were shortlisted by a special committee. Then one withdrew and hence the project was awarded solely to Agro-Science Industry. That decision was not brought before the cabinet and hence Shahrizat was not in a position to influence the Agriculture Ministry.

There are a lot of unanswered questions here, such as why was there no open advertisement for companies to bid for the project, and instead just an invitation? How many companies were invited, and how and why were they selected?

What was the basis for selecting only two companies and rejecting the others? Why did one withdraw and why was Agro-Science given the huge project when it had absolutely no experience and track record?

A thorough investigation and answers to these questions would help to shed some light on the matter.

Trumpet Call: Shahrizat is taking a big calculated risk in bringing the NFC scandal to the court. It's good for the Malaysian public because it would be a great opportunity to bring everything into the open.

The rakyat should take up this bold challenge collectively and take the fight to the courts, even if the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) investigations clears her for reasons known to them.

The minister is prepared to risk bringing her whole family to possible disrepute and prolong the saga. May I suggest that when the time comes, a public fund is started to help pay for the legal fees. It is now Shahrizat vs the rakyat. What say you all?

Unspin: PKR Women's wing chief Zuraida Kamaruddin and the party's head of strategy Mohd Rafizi Ramli, considering the new development, I suggest that both of you stop providing additional exposes with regard to the NFC (National Feedlot Corporation).

You have done enough already and it is obvious that Shahrizat and gang are cornered, and like wounded animals, they are trying to fight back or intimidate you.

It is best that you save the remaining evidence for the libel suit so that they do not have time to alter or destroy the audit trial.

Worse come to worst - as someone pointed out in this thread - you can set up a defence fund so that we can donate to your cause.

As a taxpayer who hates to see our hard-earned money being plundered by these Umno-BN goons, thank you for your excellent effort so far.

Ruben: Shahrizat, are you also not going to sue the auditor-general and the PAC (public accounts committee) for blaming NFC's failure in a number of key areas and taking into account that the company's top management comprises your husband and three children?

It is very difficult for Shahrizat to explain to the rakyat that even though her husband's ‘qualifications' was key in being awarded the NFC contract, why should the remaining top three posts be held by her children.

I am sure NFC would require top-notch professionals to manage such a project. I wonder if when searching for candidates for top management positions in NFC, a thorough and transparent recruitment process was in place.

Anonymous_rb345: She should sue for RM250 million so that she can use the money to settle the NFC loan with the government.

Anak JB: If Shahrizat as a member of the cabinet was involved in any of the meetings as part of the recommendation and award exercise, this will be deemed as a conflict of interest and her case will fall apart.

Issues for the defence team will be how to apply to the court to declassify all the minutes and documents which will presumably be classified under Official Secret Acts.

The process for a transparent tender:

1. Invitation for expression of interest from potential bidders.

2. Prequalification of bidders (with selection criteria similar to item 4).

3. Tender process - tender document or request for proposal will include detailed breakdown of contract conditions, selection criteria and itemised breakdown of price build-up.

4. Minimal selection criteria will include past project experience, management capability, past financial performance, cashflow and ability to bank roll project - no free lunch in real world except in Umno's world.

5. Submission of tender which will include tender deposit and performance bond.

6. Tender board evaluation and cost comparisons - tender board members must be reputable, independent and with no conflict of interest. In big organisation, the procurement team is independent from the technical team doing technical evaluation.

7. Price negotiation by procurement team on behalf of tender board.

8. Recommendation and award.

In China, the punishment for corruption-related crimes seriously impairing the interests of the country is the death penalty.

In view of the issues in Malaysia, we probably need to introduce the way China combats graft . Robbers only rob thousands of ringgit but crooked politicians plunder millions and billions... so who are worse?

Cala: To the man on the street, perception counts. Whether or not Shahrizat was there to approve the deal makes little difference. The fact that she was a cabinet member and her husband's company was awarded the contract points to a clear sign of nepotism.

To me, she was not that smart at all. But then, she probably had thought she was on firm ground by virtue of her being in the privileged Umnoputra club.

Cannon: It's like the burglar suing the house owner of negligence after suffering injuries from falling through the roof in a blotched house break-in.

After her family members 'gasak' taxpayers' monies, Shahrizat is suing for 'defamation' for damage to her reputation.


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