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Hasan betrayed PAS, not the reverse
Published:  Jan 16, 2012 9:37 AM
Updated: 1:42 AM

YOURSAY 'What is there to appeal? You are a traitor and a disgrace to your party, race and religion. All your actions are aimed at trying to create racial disharmony.'

Hasan Ali will not appeal sacking

your say Anonymous_3e21: Former Selangor exco Hasan Ali, let me tell you a true story.

Many of my neighbours were angry upon hearing of your dismissal but after seeing your reactions on TV, etc, they were so shocked and realised that you are nothing but a phony.

So you see, I think you may have had a lot of followers but they started to realise the real you and as Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat aptly said you should watch your mouth before you speak. Believe me, you are the one to be blamed for your predicament.

When you proclaim you want to defend Islam by way of controlling alcohol and apostasy, you are actually embarrassing Islam more because people know that you are just using that as a tool to promote yourself.

Your selective actions only target the ordinary people, you have never go after the big fish for their sins. I think you know yourself better.

Jeremy Ng: What is there to appeal against your explusion from PAS? You are a traitor and a disgrace to your party, race and religion.

All your actions are aimed at trying to create racial disharmony. You should be doing a thorough soul searching for the sake of your family, friends and yourself before you meet your maker.

Ksn: Hasan Ali, you have got your brains and logic twisted and completely in reverse. You betrayed PAS and its principles and Malaysians, not vice-versa.

Mohd: What amazed me about Hasan is his selective memory of incidences of apostasy.

I remember very clearly that apostasy has been around for many decades and PAS has been consistent in helping the Muslim communities counter this by realising and practising the teachings of Islam.

Like Prophet Muhammad said, when we point a finger at others there are always another four pointing back at us.

Jiminy Qrikert: Thank you, Mohd. It is Muslim brethren like you who make Malaysian society its best. There will always be the fervent and the backsliders in any religion. The path they choose will determine their afterlife. Along the way, there will be people from other faiths attempting to 'save' them.

In Malaysia, proselytising Muslims is forbidden. But if the 'Muslim' is no longer a Muslim in thought, word and deed, then what?

I once met a whole busload of young Chinese Muslims from Singapore. They were recent converts.

The thought that entered my mind was simply this - how come in Singapore, there can be so many young Muslim converts while this would be rare here in Malaysia?

Maybe it is time to reflect how Islam is projected by Muslims here in the eyes of the non-Muslims.

Tholu: In a multi-racial and multi-religious country like Malaysia, Hasan Ali's approach in implementing the beliefs of his religion onto others who don't share them is not acceptable, no matter how noble his intentions may be.

He, as a lawmaker, ought to be sensitive towards the beliefs of other races and religions as well. Otherwise he would be called many undesirable and unflattering names.

Baiyuensheng: Hasan Ali, champion Islam all you want, but please make sure that the non-Muslims' way of life are not violated in anyway.

Keturunan Malaysia: I've been to Egypt, among many such countries. On one of the trips, a local tour guide took 100 of us to the biggest mosque and there, you have tourists from all over the world.

We asked the guide in a coach load of Malaysians of all races, can a Christian marry a Muslim.e said, "Why not?"

We asked him if the Christian had to converted to a Muslim before marriage? He said, "Up to them, they can both be Christian or Muslim."

We asked him what the people and the government would say? He replied, "It is none of anybody's business... it is the business between them and God."

Ferdtan: Just imagine if PAS did not sack Hasan Ali with him holding the important post of state exco in charge of Islamic affairs, what damage he could do to Selangor when the general election is called.

He and his Umno-friendly Jais (Selangor Islamic Affairs Department) would go on a frolic on their own - without the authority of the state government and his party PAS.

As he had done not too long ago raiding even 5-star hotels searching for Muslims drinking beer, he would escalate that to many pubs, restaurants, hotels, even homes - all in the name of Islam.

That would certainly alienate businessmen and the rakyat to the detriment of Pakatan. PAS must have foreseen that evil intend of Hasan Ali. Good riddance. Hasan, you are now history.

Alan Goh: Hasan Ali, you need not appeal to your sacking by PAS for the simple reason that you can just join Umno.

Umno will welcome an outspoken Muslim cleric like you and since you are not a winnable candidate in the Klang Valley, whose voters are not fools, there are safe seats like Kepala Batas, Pekan or even Pagoh reserved for you.

Ashoka PJ: Hasan, I am a Muslim in Selangor. I don't need you to save me and my family.


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