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Najib can buy more time, but not victory
Published:  Jan 14, 2012 9:10 AM
Updated: 1:13 AM

YOURSAY ‘Voters were stupid to fall for the trick in 2004. Cheat us once, shame on you but cheat us twice, shame on Malaysians.'

PM: No polls until promised reforms are delivered

your say Rosli75: PM Najib Razak will call for the 13th general election soon as he cannot afford to let the effect of the collapse of the eurozone trickle to East Asia and before his sugar-laced Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) be forgotten.

And not to forget, before the French court exposes more proof of the scandal involving the Scorpene submarines deal.

Ghkok: The problems of the eurozone shows that excessive debt and financial irresponsibility of governments will lead to economic disaster for the country.

This is exactly where we are now as we move towards bankruptcy by 2019 as predicted by Pemandu chief Idris Jala ... or possibly earlier.

Swipenter: Any human institution goes through cycles of progress, overinflation, corruption and reform. The Umno-led government is in the cycle of degeneration. Only when it sits in the opposition bench for at least a couple of terms can it begins reform itself.

Umno is a victim of its own success. It has become obese and is beginning to collapse under its own weight. At this point in time, Najib's promised reforms and TPs (transformation programmes) have turned out to be nothing but an eyewash and evident in all his flip-flops due to objections from his warlords and the ultra-Malay NGOs.

In short, Umno does not want, and cannot, reform itself voluntarily. It has to collapse before it can rise up again.

Onyourtoes: If we put 0 = no reform, 1 = some reform, and -1 = worse than no reform, here's how we are we doing on the following:

a) Corruption and corruption index = -1

b) Press freedom and abuses of the mainstream media = -1

c) Right to assemble peacefully = -1

d) Education = -1

e) Economic distortions and rent-seeking = -1

f) English proficiency = -1

g) Religious tolerance = -1

h) Effectiveness of MACC = -1

i) Effectiveness of police = -1

j) Labour rights, fair wages = -1

k) Toll concessionaires = 0

l) IPPs = 0

m) Fiscal deficit and debts = -1

n) Effectiveness of government spending = -1

o) Racist ranting = -1

p) Effectiveness of NKRA, ETP, GTP, Pemandu and Pemudah = -1.

You know me, I think very hard before I put down the score.

Alan Goh: Another ‘don't work for me but work with me' reform coming up folks.

‘People First, Performance Now' has now ended up with the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) project being run by the family of the Wanita Umno head with a soft loan of RM250 million.

The best part was that the loan was drawn down in 2009 and the loan contract signed in 2010.

‘People First, Performance Now' is when the loan is used to purchase two condos in Bangsar for RM14 million and a condo at Orchard Road, Singapore for S$4.1 million.

Voters were stupid to fall for the trick in 2004, which gave the fifth prime minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, a landslide victory.

Cheat us once, shame on you but cheat us twice, shame on Malaysians.

Keturunan Malaysia: Najib, less talk and more walk is better. Stop exercising your lips and start moving your legs.

YF: Reforms? What reforms? Until every Malaysian is placated and every hantu (phantom) voter is registered, only then we are ready for election?

If these reforms do exist then we wouldn't have people doing demonstrations in our streets and universities now, would we? Please walk the talk.

Boiling Mud: It is about 14 months from now to March 2013. Given the extensive rot in the system, how much can Najib achieve to deliver his so-called promise to introduce his half-hearted foot-dragging democratic reforms?

Solaris: Reforms? Like new laws disguised as the Internal Security Act (ISA)? The suppression of freedom to assemble with your Peaceful Assembly Bill?

Najib, enough of your perverse insidiousness and bare-faced mockery of democracy. Call for polls now and get out while you still can.

Armageddon: There is only one reform that we wish to see. Give full freedom to the police, the attorney-general and the judiciary to act according to the constitution and the law with zero interference by Umno.

Of course, before you do that, you may have to replace some of them to ensure neutrality.

SMC77: So does it mean Najib will become a dictator and we can't exercise our rights to vote? BN will not reform itself under the current state and we are eager to vote it out in the next GE.

Anonymous_3920: Reform is just a reason to buy time for BN crooks to siphon more money out from the Treasury and Petronas before they are forced out from Putrajaya.

Obviously, Najib is not confident in securing the GE, which is why he released Anwar Ibrahim to buy time. Your 'surprise' tactic only can buy you some time but not victory.

FellowMalaysian: So you are waiting for the fruits to ripen before calling for elections? That's a wise move, anyone would tell you.

But by the looks of things, I think you have forgotten to water the plants.


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