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'Anwar, stay the course to the very end'
Published:  Jan 9, 2012 10:50 AM
Updated: 4:27 AM

VOXPOP ‘Just on grit and determination and unwavering strength, Anwar wins the right to lead the opposition and become PM.’

Anwar: I'm psychologically prepared for prison

vox populi small thumbnail Ferdtan: In 1999 general election, after Anwar was sent to jail in Sodomy I, the Malays were solidly behind him and voted for the opposition. They were against the cruel treatment meted out by PM Mahathir Mohamad against Anwar.

Only the Chinese and Indians then saved the skin of BN/Mahathir by throwing their support behind the government. What a colossal mistake they made in 1999 that they are still paying the dues - in the form of Umno-sponsored Perkasa's daily racist ranting.

This time the Malays, Chinese and the Indians are united in the fight to kick out the BN government for its use of divisive racist and religious tactic in its policy to retain power at all cost.

Anwar and his Pakatan leaders, especially the newly-elected PAS leaders, should be credited for neutralising the disruptive moves by Perkasa/Umno to keep the population unharmed.

At almost every ceramah, Anwar and the PAS leadership have never failed to stress the importance of racial and religious unity among the Malaysians - unlike the Umno government.

Clever Voter:

I have yet to come across an educated person in urban constituencies who believes DSAI is guilty of any crime. None will support BN, so PKR needs to move into smaller and rural areas.

We will all vote for justice, public accountability and a clean government - the Pakatan Rakyat coalition stands for this, and all we can pray and hope DSAI will fairly treated.

We will want to ensure the new government returns a judiciary that will then bring all these criminals to justice. To DSAI - we will be behind you!

Anonlksdk: I believe DSAI is the PM material. The formation of PKR, uniting PAS and DAP in the last GE, and the recent Bersih 2.0 where we see how the different races walked for a common cause (without fear of the much publicised propaganda 'racial riots' by BN), seeking clean and fair elections, fighting against corruption and demanding independence of the judiciary, DSAI is the one who can unite Malaysians to enjoy the real 1Malaysia spirit.

Inspektor Klueso: Anwar, warts and all is head and shoulders above the aggregate sum of all the Umno leaders, who got there by sheer ‘money politics’, a term actually coined by the party itself in the disqualification of those having lesser purses to influence and swing delegate votes.

Umno types know all too well that Anwar's support is substantially heart felt, something quite alien to theirs. That’s why he is so lethal to Umno.

Umno should take note from the ‘Godfather II’ movie, where Michael Corleone decided not to invest in Cuba, after witnessing communist guerrillas blowing themselves up to take the government military officers out.

Pakatan followers may not be so committed to the cause as the Cuba guerrillas then, but compared to the rent-a-crowd Umno supporters, their commitment and fellowship is far deeper. DSAI, stay the course.

Jedi_Who: Just on grit and determination and unwavering strength, Anwar wins the right to lead the opposition and become PM.

You see... nobody else is willing to fight and suffer as most only can talk and comment from a position of safety. I only hope he sticks to his promises and is a changed man from the time he was in Umno.

Zaid Ibrahim apologises to Anwar on eve of 901

Ruben: Zaid, I must applaud you for apologising to Anwar and in return want to remind everyone of the sincerity and kindness of Anwar for taking all unfair attacks, back-stabbing and cruelty in his stride and for being a man of God in forgiving them.

Gandhi: Zaid is a person we should respect. It's not easy for a person of his status to apologise. Well done, Zaid. I see DSAI's support is coming from everywhere. DSAI is on a roll now. Poor chap, Raja Petra Kamarudin is the ultimate loser.


The apology is a good start for 2012 as we have to get our act together to face the biggest battle that is on the horizon. The battle to bring this country back to its feet as its slowly but surely crumbling under corruption, rule of law, religious and racial divide.

Zaid is a man of principle - that’s why he was willing to forgo all the benefits he would have if he stayed back in BN. Whether he stays in PKR or not is not important now as long as the struggle is the same.

Justice Seeker: How I wish Zaid would have remained with PKR/Pakatan. His stature as a national leader was definitely higher than that of PKR deputy president Azmin Ali. I am sure he would have gained more support and respect.

In the event DSAI is jailed, Zaid would have been the natural choice to replace him as the leader of Pakatan. But unfortunately all this have come to a naught with his resignation from PKR. Zaid, next time, be more patient.


It is a great person who can apologise. To err is human,to forgive is divine. We will make a mockery of our spirituality if we do not forgive a fellow human being especially when he has apologised. We shall forgive and we shall be careful.

Onyourtoes: Zaid, I think many think you have too much integrity, not lack of it. We respect you because while a minister, you were willing to do the unconventional things that resulted in your sacking. May be because of this and your experience, you were put in leadership position very quickly after joining PKR and given the opportunity to contest in the Hulu Selangor by-election.

But good politicians must also learn how to work with others as a team to attain goals that is impossible to achieve on their own. I think I wrote much earlier (before Nathaniel Tan’s piece ), you should perhaps re-join PKR.

There is nothing shameful or lack of integrity on this. Most understand your principle and your personality.

Yeoh Chee Weng: A man who apologises has potential to be a good leader. I admire Zaid Ibrahim and still regard him as one of the intellectual Malays who can lead our ailing nation back to health.

While Raja Petra's bravado is now more tempered and the poor man is showing his weariness, he too has his heart on the right side. Both these men are true sons of the Malaysian soil and should not be condemned because they differ in their opinion of Anwar.

While our opinions diversify from time to time, let not our words cast poison on those brave men who are on the same side to fight against the overwhelming tide of corruption and misrule. The day will come when these men unite and sit proudly together for a fight worthy of cause and pain.

Anwar Ibrahim is not my choice as PM, but he is the best candidate the disparate, in-fighting opposition front has to offer for now.

Shanandoah: Zaid, you did some good while in Umno. PKR looked up to you for leadership. But you were impatient and hasty. Now that you recognise your mistake in having attacked Anwar and apologised for doing so you have grown up politically and Malaysians look forward to your leadership once more.

Be patient, honest and sincere and your time will surely come. God bless you.


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