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'Fighting not for Anwar, but for country'
Published:  Jan 2, 2012 11:13 AM
Updated: 12:38 PM

YOURSAY 'Time and the rakyat will judge Anwar, not RPK (or Umno). If Anwar turns out to be what you say he is, then we will replace him too.'

RPK: Anwar unfit to be PM, 'may be' gay

your say Milosevic: Blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) is saying that the prejudices and sentiments of undefined Malaysians over Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's sexual orientation should matter fundamentally on whether he can be the PM or not.

The electoral wishes of the population don't matter. RPK is asking Malaysians to subscribe to existing norms even when they are tempted to overlook Anwar's personal predilections.

RPK is being redundant if he says Malaysians will not vote for Anwar because they don't like what he does. He is actually making the undemocratic statement that they should not vote for Anwar because his statistical insight reveals a 90 percent probability that Anwar is guilty. So much for being a change agent in Malaysia!

I am afraid being a sensationalist and maverick isn't good enough for Malaysia's present challenges. Worse still, a calculating flip-flopper.

Ferdtan: RPK has prepared well for this interview with the mainstream media. He wants to save his 'money' face. He wrote an article not too recently in his website explaining in simplicity that when he attacked BN, many clapped, but when he hit Pakatan Rakyat, especially Anwar, many cursed him.

He takes us for fools - that we cannot think for ourselves. Raja Petra, for your information, we don't support for the sake of supporting. We do have brains. We do see the bigger picture.

If Umno can bend backwards to enlist RPK, its once most bitter critic, to come out in open to attack the only man it fears most, then Pakatan is on the right track.

The timing of RPK's interview stinks. He did the TV3 interview just before the recent Sarawak state government election, and now this is done about a week before court's verdict on Anwar's sodomy trial.

At this juncture, we say it loud - Anwar is the only hope of winning Putrajaya (thus the relentless persecution/prosecution by the government). Once Putrajaya is won and after one term, then perhaps we can say Anwar should pack his bags.

Hermit: Raja Petra is somehow gifted as a storyteller. While most storytellers have written good books, and their stories are consistently told, which earned them a fortune, RPK can never writes good books for he is never a consistent storyteller.

If I were less mannered, I would say RPK spreads lies. Writing lies against another fellow human is the most besetting sin, and writing lies for money is the worst of all besetting sins.

Proarte: We all know RPK's penchant for hyperbole and egotistical self-promotion. He is not averse to shifting his position on any issue in order to be in the limelight. He is also not particularly intelligent but fancies himself so.

Do not be surprised if he says he was misquoted by Utusan Malaysia . We should focus on more important things like the future of Malaysia. Like Anwar, RPK is passe.

Anonymous_5fb: "But don't ask the whole country to fight for Anwar because the country should be fighting for the good of the country," RPK says.

RPK, who gave you the impression the whole country is fighting for Anwar and not for the good of the country? Actually, the whole country is fighting for a fair and just system, of which both you and Anwar are unfairly victimised.

Is this not fighting for the good of the country? Another thing, voting overwhelmingly for Pakatan this coming 13th GE is to me fighting for the good of the country, no?

Geronimo: The day RPK gave an interview to TV3, I knew something was very, very wrong. How could you talk to a media that is linked to Umno, and allow them to spin the story as they see fit.

With this latest interview, it finally confirms my suspicion which side of the fence RPK is now on. All the talk about wanting the people to see the bigger picture and that the country is more important than Anwar, is nothing but a big BS.

We have been sold out by a man whom we trusted to be on the side of righteousness. He claims Anwar 'may be' a gay and yet he has the audacity to go to town to crucify Anwar. Hasn't he heard that if a situation is a 'may be', it therefore deserves the benefit of a doubt.

Now RPM says he is 90 percent sure. So which is which? If he was sure, how did he know? And so what if Anwar is gay? I would rather be led by him than by a corrupt prime minister who is linked to a murderer and an adulterer to boot.

While the people here are trying to put things right by preparing to boot out Umno and its gang of useless parties, RPK has to now come in to throw a spanner in the works, and just nine days before the judge delivers his decision in the Sodomy II trial.

Quite frankly, I don't even think RPK is even bothered with what we have to say about, being the self-opinionated person he is.

But what we would like him to know is that he has lost more friends than he will ever know. Taking a leaf from the Bible, "What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" [Mark 8:36]

Unspin: This is my hypothesis why RPK seemed to have gone over to the dark side: Malaysia Today - not unlike most political blogs and websites - is dependent on advertising revenue for survival. The more eyeballs you attract to your website, the more revenue you can potentially generate from sponsored links.

Since RPK's self-imposed exile, Malaysia Today has become quite dreary as the news carried on the website is "second-hand" and there are no "controversial" scoops that it was famous/notorious for.

Given this scenario, creating controversy using the mainstream media (why did RPK not talk to Malaysiakini , assuming that he wanted to get things off his chest?) is one of the ways to increase eyeballs for Malaysia Today again.

BernieBaby: Why should we listen to you, RPK? What's important now is that the country desperately needs a change of leadership. We have to move ahead with our efforts to be a successful country with equal opportunities for all Malaysians.

Time and the rakyat will judge Anwar, not you (or Umno). If DSAI (Anwar) turns out to be what you say he is, then we will replace him too.

Garrulous Gary: To be gay but honest is much better than to be straight and dishonest or maybe an accessory to murder. It is a thousand times better than to be a turncoat. So RPK can take his money and shove it!

Matt: They tried getting him on womanising charges as they felt that the gay charges may not stick. A person's sexual orientation should not a pre-condition to be PM.

Chandran Sukumaran: RPK, you are a royalty after all.

Raja Petra - from hero to zero


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