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The judge reaped what he sowed
Published:  Dec 30, 2011 10:26 AM
Updated: 2:28 AM

VOXPOP 'A lesson to be learnt: Since life is short, we should not be remembered for the wrong reason.'

Former judge Arifin Jaka dies

vox populi small thumbnail Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: Now, may he meet the utmost supreme judge of all, Allah the Almighty. Of a certainty, He is the fairest of all judges and this deceased appeals court judge shall verily receive the judgment he deserves.

May God have mercy on his soul when he accounts for how he presided over the courts of injustice during his life on earth.

Anonymous_5fb: He knew what he did. He reaped what he sowed. Whether he was good or bad, he was still a dear one to his loved ones. Let's be kind with our words and offer our condolences.

We need goodwill and compassion to clear ill-will that created by you-know-who. Let bygones be bygones.

Cala: What is civilisation? What is emancipation? Had the late Arifin Jaka played any role in enhancing human civilisation for our attainment of higher quality of life, and freed us from the repressive bondage of the state's rule when he was in a position to do so?

Ferdtan: Former judge Arifin Jaka dies, so what? We all die one day - most of us probably die without any news-making announcement.

At least, when we die, we know we shall die peacefully. We hurt no one deliberately. We live a righteous life. We never connived with some evil force to put an innocent man in jail.

We don't have to carry that conscience to our graves. Finally, a judge would be judged by the greatest judge of all - our Maker.

Salleh Nordin: A lesson to be learnt: Since life is short, we should not be remembered for the wrong reason. Let us do the right thing so that in generations to come, we would be respected for it.

Dark Knight: Most of the commentators here speak about God ... and what could and would happen to people who could have carried out their divine purpose if not for Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his evil ways.

The moment you allow yourself to be trapped by the devil, your soul is lost. Arifin Jaka and Augustine Paul are not the only ones who will suffer God's wrath, but the countless many who have destroyed the very principles of good governance.

The history of modern Malaysia will be remembered not for her achievements, but for the betrayal of her citizens and those who could have made Malaysia great.

Blackknight: Judge Zainal Abidin Mohd Diah should seriously ponder whether it's worth leaving behind a tainted reputation like the late Arifin and Augustine.

Surely, the families are left to carry the burden of a name known for selling the soul to the highest bidder. I, for sure, know that the judgement for these once powerful earthly judges is not going to be positive, to say the least.

Abasir: The bulk of the comments in Malaysiakini say it all. Together, they form a fitting epitaph for a judge who chose to serve his masters obediently and at any cost.

Election rules on indelible ink use ready by Feb 1

Awtar: The ink only last 48 hours. What happen to the early voters (army, police and their spouses, etc). After 48 hours, they probably can come out to vote again as civilians.

Anonymous_4115: How are we going to check the postal voters? I suggest their fingers should be dipped in the ink every 40 to 48 hours until the polling station closes to prevent them from voting again.

It sounds like a joke but what to do, we can't trust the crooked Election Commission (EC), or else do away with postal voting.

Khaira: The indelible ink should be applied on the fingertip, and not just the fingernail. If it is applied on the fingernail, a voter can use sandpaper to scratch away the ink, and can then vote again.

Free & Fair Election: Good point, Khaira. Another point to note is that PM Najib Razak never gives anything for free. Either he deceives you or is all out to con you.

Learn from Bersih. He deceived the rakyat into believing that we were free to protest. Next, he gives up the Internal Security Act (ISA) but oppresses the rakyat further by putting all sorts of restrictions before a gathering.

It's like taking us rakyat on an emotional roller coaster. I will never believe him or his goons, whatever they say, lock stock and barrel.

Blind Freddo: I think the PSC (parliamentary select committee) members should get their priorities sorted out.

You are dabbling with the rights conferred on Malaysians by the constitution. What the Fatwa Council thinks is of no importance. If they decide against the indelible ink, it will be simply obstructionism to please their paymasters

Dood: ... and elections will be held on Jan 31.


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