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NFC probe - merry go round the mulberry bush
Published:  Dec 27, 2011 8:32 AM
Updated: 1:40 AM

VOXPOP 'Who is the agriculture minister who approved the project? Who was the finance minister who allowed the loan?'

Suspect in NFC case freed, then re-arrested

vox populi small thumbnail James Dean: The rakyat demand an explanation as to why there is still no arrest of the main actor in the NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) case. This ‘datuk' was rearrested based on an old police report, how strange and what a coincidence.

This gives rise to the suspicion that the police actions are dictated by those they are investigating. It looks to me that the police are helping the main actor in the NFC case to silence this ‘datuk'.

Lim Chong Leong: This is a ‘merry go round the mulberry bush'. Who is the agriculture minister who approved the project? Who was the finance minister who allowed the loan? Who is the current finance minister who is maintaining the loan?

It is so simple to solve but the police is harping on some secretive ‘datuk'.

Changeagent: Dear Lim Chong Leong, I think it is more appropriate to call this whole debacle a ‘sandiwara' box office flop, rather than hit.

This is another diversionary tactic by the authorities to deflect attention away from the real culprits of the NFC fiasco.

So much attention are focused on this so-called 'datuk', a mere bit player, while the minister and her family who get to enjoy the spoils of the RM250 million soft loan are largely left untouched.

Anonymous: If the deputy IGP had already declared that there was no element of criminal breach of trust in the NFC fiasco, why the ‘tight-lipped' investigations?

Either the DIGP had been bribed or he was ‘instructed' to say so then. Either way, there should be an inquiry over the DIGP's conduct.

The flock needs to hear the call for change

Anonymous_3f7d: Change can be instituted and encouraged in many ways, for example, quality intelligent talk among friends, neighbours and family members about socio-economic, cultural and political issues instead of the usual small talk about which restaurant has nice food and which shopping mall has the best deal.

Such talk can eventually help everyone to have a better understanding about issues related to us and raise our awareness about what each of us has to do individually. The change should start from within ourselves.

Lone_star: One might hear and see but more important is one must register and act when the time comes. And that time is not far ahead. Leaders must not just hope and pray but must also lead.

Change must come over this nation of ours and our children, but for that to happen we have to act. And the time for it is now.

Have a blessed Christmas and hopefully, a happy new year.

TheSaint: Dear Bishop Tan, my family and I strongly believe that the 1.5 million Christians in Malaysia is a force to be recognised with.

It's just that our minds have been so dulled that we may not understand indirect messages. You have to state things clear and simple. What did Jesus do to the money changers and the those selling doves who turned his Father's house into a den of thieves?

While there was nothing wrong in selling those animals to the people for sacrifice, but they were charging exorbitantly which tantamount to stealing and robbing the people.

Jesus didn't pray for them, or with subtle messages educate them for change. He overturned the tables and benches and with chords or whip drove them out (Matthews 21:12).

Let's learn from Jesus about justice, freedom and rights. Evil always fears good.

Anonymous_4056: All these observations and comments deserved salute. Never, never expect Umno to change. Their entire leadership claimed this nation of Malaysia belong exclusively to them.

All Christians must throw them out and take a step further by convincing others to also throw them out. My sympathies goes to the East Malaysians, the Sarawakians and Sabahans, for joining Malaysia. All their wealth and resources are channel to feed these so-called ‘ketuanans'.

Every policy of this government is formulated into two sets using racial specifications - one set for the ‘ketuanan' and the other for the ‘pendatang'. If this is not called apartheid, then what is.

Anonymous_4031: Bishop Tan, lead your flock in every Malaysian village. Lead your flock in every Malaysian town. Lead your flock in every Malaysian city. Lead your flock throughout the Malaysian nation.

Onward Malaysian soldiers, march forward! Onward Malaysian taxpayers, march forward! Onward Malaysian parents, march forward! Onward Malaysian voters, march forward!

Change the government for one that is fair, just, transparent and honest. Change the government for one that gives equal opportunities to all Malaysians. Change the government for one that will respect all religions.

Change the government to one that will be thrifty in expenses, manage the finances prudently, improve the education system that will attract even foreign students, lecturers and professors and turn our universities into among the world's top institutions.


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