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Hasan, talking to BN media an act of betrayal
Published:  Dec 26, 2011 10:02 AM
Updated: 2:03 AM

VOXPOP 'Can Hasan next time try talking bad about Umno and Najib and see if the mainstream media will give him 'more space'?'

'Mainstream media gives me more space than Harakah'

vox populi small thumbnail Anonymous_5fb: Selangor PAS commissioner Hasan, yes, you are right that mainstream media do give you more space.

But can you try next time talking bad about Umno and PM Najib Razak, and see if the mainstream media will give you 'more space'?

Also, are you not aware that the circulation of Harakah is small and restricted as compared to mainstream media? If you are not aware, then you are an idiot. But if you know that, then you are a bigger idiot.

James Dean: PAS organ Harakah only give space to those PAS and Pakatan people who talk sense. Hasan Ali, you are not one of those who talk sense.

On the other hand, Umno and BN media give space to those who instigate ethnic discord and sow doubt and suspicion amongst the rakyat, and that is why you are always on front page. It is that simple.

Cala: Hasan Ali is a sore loser of recent party election. If his view is less sought by the party organ, it simply means that he is no longer considered in the mainstream of the party.

Anonymous_4031: Of course, the mainstream media will give you a lot of space because you are fighting Umno's battle, free of charge. So why not give you more ‘bullets' to shoot down PAS.

Use your brains, please. Do not have the ‘holier-than-thou' attitude. Are you with PAS or are you not? Are you not trying to split Pakatan Rakyat by pitting PAS against DAP?

Did you condemn the Cowgate scandal? Did you condemn the cow-head demonstration in Shah Alam? Did you condemn the torching of churches? Did you condemn the racist school principal?

No? Why not? And yes, Najib didn't condemn them either.

Malaysian Born: Based on all the comments made by Hasan, it is clear that the current situation is not going to end well.

People like this are only stable when they are doing well electorally. Once threatened, as in this case by his position in the party being diluted, he is capable of anything.

Hasan's comments alone are doing far more damage than the issue itself. It tells us we are dealing with a different kind of animal.

The patina of civility and facade of intellect covers a feral odour of desperation and hidden intent. Hasan Ali is a politician in the worst tradition.

Not me, but Mustafa who did it, says Hasan

James1067: The damage has been done by former Hasan Ali when he spoke against PAS in the mainstream media. When you attack your own party using your opponents' media, it is good as you were out to get maximum damage.

When you have a problem internally why didn't you raise it within your people instead of going to the opposition camp to highlight the situation. What was your motive? Only God knows.

Blaming others and everything under the sun but ourselves for what went wrong is a common excuse.

Cala: I cannot see the reason why Hasan Ali needs to engage in any debate over the Umno meetings for he is found to be on weak ground. Hasan Ali must differentiate between the sheer act of meeting and the purpose of meeting.

As an example, if there is an open house organised by the PAS president for Hari Raya Puasa, no one will take objection to see members of Umno-led BN regime taking part in the function.

On the other hand, if only Hasan Ali was caught meeting certain personalities of Umno-led BN regime in clandestine fashion, surely that sort of meeting will give rise to controversy and unnecessary speculation as to his motive, unless of course Hasan Ali has given his pre- meeting notification to his party.

Inspektor Klueso: We are in a pathetic state. Have truants like Hasan in the Pakatan Rakyat alliance (an exco to boot) and his party (PAS) gingerly dances with his obvious allegiance to the sworn corrupt Umno enemy.

Have the second largest component party in the ruling coalition headed by a leader caught on a sex tape viewed by all. Have other leaders in the ruling coalition all essentially unelectable in the next election.

Have billions (like exceeding a trillion) ringgit "submarined" out of the country and no one brought to task.

Have a minister widely cheered by her fellow cheerleaders after damaging (now even more) evidence of misuse of public funds advanced to her family. Have patrol boats bought for more than 100 times for what they should be worth.

Have a nation (supposedly anyway) owned resource company (Petronas) totally accountable only to the PM (as corrupt as they come). Meanwhile, opposition leaders get sidetracked with diversionary issues of religion and race.

Weep, Malaysia, weep.


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