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No burying of hatchet for Penang DAP duo
Published:  Dec 25, 2011 8:09 AM
Updated: 1:17 PM

VOXPOP ‘If Ramasamy needs to be penalised in some way, then Karpal should also be similarly penalised. There is obviously a lot of bad blood between the two.'

Karpal calls on Ramasamy to quit as Penang DCM

vox populi small thumbnail SusahKes: Hey, Pakatan Rakyat chaps, I want you to know something; whilst within your ranks exists giants who sacrificed much to maintain integrity in a corruption-infested world of Malaysian politics, nevertheless, today I would like to say to you, that you guys are no longer the only ones out there who are trying to make a better Malaysia.

To the many who also sacrifice much time in writing, commenting or being gassed during Bersih or candlelight vigil, or marching against oppressive laws, we are also stakeholders and we are also taking the battle to Umno.

We also sacrifice much effort and time by standing behind you guys in order to free us from Umno's hegemony. We place great hope on you - though truth be told, many Pakatan MPs leave much to be desired.

And yet, in spite of our placing faith in you, this is how you guys responded? Especially with the GE so close? Didn't DAP announce a few days back, that the issue was resolved? So, what gives?

Pemerhati: DAP national chairperson Karpal Singh said, "Ramasamy should resign on his own accord for defying DAP's central executive committee's (CEC) directive to refrain from making any public statements on the party and also for openly attacking its leaders."

By issuing this public statement and blowing up the matter, Karpal is just as guilty as Penang DCM II P Ramasamy, even if his allegation against Ramasamy is true.

Now if Ramasamy needs to be penalised in some way, then Karpal should also be similarly penalised. There is obviously a lot of bad blood between the two and they don't seem to be able to bury the hatchet.

Hopefully the CEC is able to sort out the matter and prevent any more similar incidents, which can be easily exploited to their advantage by the corrupt BN.

1MalaysiaCina: Karpal once again showed himself more of a small-town bully rather than a distinguished senior statesman. In terms of political weight, he is many times more than Ramasamy and he does not need to make comments like asking Ramasamy to step down.

Karpal must realised he and party advisor Lim Kit Siang have lost elections before. The success of DAP in the 2008 elections has made its leaders cocky and arrogant. I hope they can humble themselves.

Kompas: Karpal must remember that he started the feud with his ‘warlord' comment. Ramasamy responded with the ‘godfather' comment.

Karpal must now act like the DAP national chairman. Ramasamy has already made many overtures so far. Karpal's firepower is better used on Umno-BN. And the MSM (mainstream media) is having a field day everyday with you guys at each other's throats.

With guys like you around, we don't need Umno-BN to bring down Pakatan.

2LANG: Ramasamy is wet behind the ears and being a rookie, he should thread carefully and not be made used by people, especially MIC.

On the other hand, Karpal is always impulsive and shoots his mouth off without fear and favour. So both need cooling down. See the bigger picture beyond your egos.

Pandee Sutoo: If Ramasamy goes now, who will replace him? There are three other Indian DAP state representatives in Penang.

A Tanasekharan? He hardly opens his mouth and talk to anyone. RSN Rayer? He is the court jester in the state assembly who thinks very highly of himself.

There only one left - Jadgeep Singh Deo s/o (son of) Karpal Singh. A level-headed guy, but ... nepotism?

Onyourtoes: Both of you quit. Life is grey; it is never white or black although we strive for it.

Karpal, do you defend criminals who you knew for sure were guilty of the offence they tried to extricate themselves from? I know it is your profession, but is it morally right?

Najib: Spend X'mas to understand M'sians better

Mengxiang: We'll be having a X'mas gathering at my son's place tonight. Sadly I am not inviting my Muslim-Malay friends for fear that Jakim (Malaysian Islamic Development Department) might raid the premises and detain them for exposing themselves to Christian symbols and subtle proselytisation. They then might be sent for counselling.

See PM Najib Razak, what you and your kind have done to the people. When I was young, my Malay friends would come by my home during X'mas and they happily helped themselves to the generous spread prepared by my mum.

Things were uncomplicated then and there were no religious or racial hang-ups. Then a pseudo Malay, a constitutional bumiputera, came into the picture and the rest is history.

David Dass: Christmas is a day of deep significance to all Christians. It was the day when Jesus Christ was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit and heralded by prophecy.

Jesus was to show humanity the way to redemption and salvation. He did not come to rid the world of illness and poverty but to demonstrate through his life, death and resurrection the meaning and purpose of creation and our ultimate destiny as children of God.

He emphasised love and forgiveness. He condemned hypocrisy and cautioned the wealthy about the difficulty of making into heaven burdened with their wealth.

Christians celebrate Christmas in the spirit of goodwill to all men. No one needs fear Christianity or Christians. Christians threaten no one. They preach and practice God's love for all.


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