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Little trust for Hasan despite apology
Published:  Dec 25, 2011 7:57 AM
Updated: Dec 25, 2011 12:28 AM

YOURSAY 'Be careful as Hasan is still a Trojan horse planted by Umno. He will surface to fight another day when he is not cornered.'

Hasan backs down on welfare state criticism but...

Tell the Truth: Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh! Former Selangor PAS commissioner Hasan Ali is a hypocrite and a fake. He is cornered by the leadership and so pretend to back off.

In actual fact, he has damaged PAS by ridiculing the decisions of the party leadership.

"In my view, PAS does not need to implement a welfare state because this has been done in Sweden, Europe, the US and Australia. Secular (leaders) can do it." This is what Hasan Ali said.

Belittling your leaders is a big slander. Hasan Ali, don't even think of getting your name nominated for the GE (general election). Even if you are, you will lose big time.

Milosevic: Hasan wants to keep a toehold in PAS, perhaps sensing his options are limited.

Are there too many people in Umno wanting to feed at the public-paid trough that the party can find no place for this little Malay-Muslim fascist, despite his blandishments?

We all hold extreme views from time to time, but Hasan is a pathetic extremist. He thinks that if he can elevate his religion into a kind of ‘ketuanan', then he can talk all the garbage he wants and run behind the cover of his religion.

It's no puzzle why he would rather have an Islamic state than a welfare state. The latter was premised on fundamental freedoms, civil and political, and came about through public debate about real humans needs. In many places, it produced amazing levels of decency, transparency and equality.

This is scary to Hasan as a Islamic chauvinist because he can't claim superior moral virtue over others in his bullying, extremism and authoritarianism.

Geronimo: "This perhaps is due to the accommodative approach by PAS towards component parties (in Pakatan Rakyat) for the sake of capturing Putrajaya together," said Hasan.

That, my dear Hasan Ali, is real politik. You are certainly a dreamer if you think for one moment the Islamic state platform is going to work.

Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad could have seized the opportunity to amend the Federal Constitution and converted Malaysia from a secular nation to an Islamic state when he had the two-thirds majority in Parliament. Why didn't he do it if he had wanted an Islamic state so badly?

He could even call for a national referendum since Muslims constitute 60% of the population. He couldn't, because in real politik, it would end up a national disaster, both at home and abroad. Think about it, if you still possess some grey matter.

Malaysiasakit: Umno knows that PAS' Islamic state manifesto is the Achilles' heel of Pakatan Rakyat as DAP is dead against it.

PAS is softening its stance by rebranding it as ‘welfare state' for purposes of GE13. It is clear that Umno is using Hasan to drive a wedge between DAP and PAS. With the majority of rural Malaysians being ignorant, this will ensure that Pakatan continues to look disjointed.

Orang Adil: The ‘welfare state' issue has long been penned into the PAS constitution:

‘Bab yang ketiga - tujuan, usaha, hukum dan kekuasan - fasal 6 (3): Memupuk dan memperkuatkan ukhuwah Islamiyah dan menyuburkan rasa perpaduan di kalangan rakyat bagi memelihara kehidupan politik dan masyarakat yang sihat dan berkebajikan.'

Before anyone start a dispute among PAS leaders, please read the party constitution. Perhaps PAS should ask all its leaders to pass an exam on the party constitution before they are allowed to hold key posts.

If anyone in PAS is not happy about the party struggle, just leave, why make so much noise?

Artchan: Mahathir already declared this country an Islamic state long ago, and MCA did not object.

So Hasan, you are a bit too late. And Umno won't wait too long for you. It's better you go over the other side so that they can put you up as a candidate.

Fairnessforall: Hasan, who cares what you personally prefer. This country belongs to the rakyat so what the rakyat prefer should be implemented. You can implement what you personally prefer in your own home.

Ferdtan: Hasan Ali being a senior member of PAS should know who in the party has the sole authority on talking about its Islamic struggle.

It is certainly not him - he is not even qualified to speak as he is no ulama. He is only a seminar motivator. He is masquerading as an Islamic expert and talking like one when there are many in his party who are well-qualified to do so.

The welfare state concept instead of Islamic state had been approved by the highest body of PAS' ulama members. The powerful 15-member council of majlis syura ulama led by the party's Mursyidul Am (spiritual leader) Nik Aziz had no objection over the change.

Hasan Ali is one man who thinks he is better in defending Islam than the rest of the highly qualified ulama members in the council. A suspension of at least of three months for Hasan Ali should be good to knock some sense into him.

Gandhi: Hasan will harbour grudges against the leaders who are not in favour of him and act against the party when the time is right. Once a betrayer, always a betrayer. Give him the boot.

Cala: Is Hasan Ali wrong on 'Islamic state', and PAS right in pushing for a more accommodating 'welfare state'?

On the surface, at least Hasan Ali is seen jumping the gun for his one-dimensional view on world affairs. The truth is, many public policies are formulated by taking multi-dimensional and multi-level approaches.

But by advocating for a welfare state, if at all we can afford it, will not challenge Islam as the dominating religion due to the sheer numbers of Muslims in the country. That is a fact.

To a layperson, an Islamic state has its connotation in primacy of welfare for the followers of Islam, whereas a welfare state derives its legitimacy from the principles of universal moral philosophy. The difference is in the audience.

Getyourmarbleback: Be careful as Hasan is still a Trojan horse planted by Umno. He will surface to fight another day when he is not cornered.

David Dass: There will always be some who survive and thrive in contention. These are people who think that in war, heroes are made and fear peace because in peace, the war mongers disappear into oblivion.

PAS is learning the politics of accommodation. Accommodation does not necessarily mean the compromise of one's ideals and principles. The framework of our society has been set by our constitution. That constitution guarantees the equality and freedom of all. That freedom includes the freedom of worship.

Co-existence requires mutual respect and that is the extent of the accommodation required. The core principles of all of the religions present in Malaysia are broadly similar. All except Buddhism acknowledge the one true God even if the view of Him is dissimilar.

Buddhism emphasises conduct as a means of achieving Nirvana - which one might interpret as being one with God. All religions exhort man to be good and at peace with one another. Let God be the judge of our differences.


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