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Is this a scape-cow in the making?
Published:  Dec 23, 2011 7:58 AM
Updated: Dec 24, 2011 1:03 AM

YOURSAY ‘Eventually, it will not be the corrupt who will be charged, but those who supplied the cows or related items.'

45-year-old 'datuk' remanded over NFC

your say Rubystar_4037: The National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) is now a hot potato - its investigation being passed from the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) to PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) and back to MACC.

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil needs a middleman to negotiate, by any means, with the powers-that-be so that no harm can come to the family.

This so-called 'datuk' fell for it hook, line and sinker, thinking that he will be able to come with a plea bargain, but he is being set up to take the fall.

MACC also needs some deliverables to the public for its lack of action on such a high-profile case, and this datuk walked into the trap. From now on, this poor datuk will be in the limelight for all the wrong reasons.

Anyway, his family has been taken care of, just like the Mafia which takes care of its own, and if he is going to do time, it will be luxurious with time-off from behind bars, and when sufficient time has lapsed, he walks out a free man with a big bank balance.

The man MACC or the PDRM should remand is Shahrizat's husband and their children, not this so-called datuk.

Avatar 111: One ex-Umno division chief put it spot on, "It's difficult for a leadership brought up within a corrupt system to correct things." A total change of leadership is needed.

James Dean: Yet another diversion in this NFC case. Many millions of our hard-earned ringgit have been siphoned off to fund an exotic car and expansive condos purchase locally and overseas.

What we have seen so far in the police investigation is some ‘datuk' being arrested. Why no arrest of those people directly involved - the directors or the MD (managing director) of the company.

In the TBH (Teoh Beng Hock) case, a mere suspicion on flimsy evidence and many people were called in for interrogation using the most foul means.

We want an answer from the police and MACC as to why the auditor-general's is wrong in suggesting that NFC is in a mess.

Kgen: This is typical Umno ‘sandiwara'. Catch one small fish to take the blame while the big sharks go free. Podah! We want Shahrizat's husband as the minimum shark to be caught.

Fateh: Eventually, it will not be the corrupt who will be charged, but those who supplied the cows or related items.

Those who walk in the corridors of power have amazingly creative mind to cooked up interesting cerita (stories). It is such a waste that they do not put their brain to manage our country.

P Dev Anand Pillai: This is just another show for the dumb donkeys to believe. The people are not fools, though they would have loved them to be.

Whether it is a special team from the MACC or from the police, none of these institutions have any worthiness to carry out their duties as agencies that safeguard public interest from robbers in the guise of politicians.

As long as the MACC is under the purview of the PM's Department, nothing will change. The only way is to revolt and change them for good.

Onyourtoes: Everything is impending - impending arrest, impending interrogation, impending charge and impending sentence.

Look, we have seen enough, nothing is going happen. There was police report made on InventQjaya , the Libyan American who swindled the government hundreds of million of ringgit, may I know what happened to that case?

Disgusted: CCID director Syed Ismail Syed Azizan says, "But in the NFC case, no one has been arrested." Where else you can have crime without criminals but in Bolehland aka 1Malaysia?

Cannon: The soft loan of RM250 million at 2% interest was awarded to NFC on Oct 27, 2006 and the loan agreement was signed on Dec 6, 2007 - both material dates fall within the tenure of Muhyiddin Yassin when he was the agriculture minister.

It is Muhyiddin who should be held directly responsible for the approval of the loan to and application of the funds by NFC for the cattle project.

He should be the person to be roped in for questioning, but the police throw up a red herring with a round-up of 27 people "with vested interests in the project".

To make it look like an high-level interrogation, they throw in a ‘datuk' as well. Another clown show by the PDRM is in the offing.

Changeagent: Shahrizat is right all along. She and her family are not involved in any wrongdoing or financial misappropriation. This 45-year-old atuk did it all himself.

Pants on Fire: Is this a scape-cow in the making?


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