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Country's being looted and DAP is bickering
Published:  Dec 11, 2011 9:08 AM
Updated: 1:12 AM

YOURSAY 'No party, whether in BN or Pakatan, can say they do not have warlords and godfathers. So just shut up and get on with the work you are elected to do.'

Guan Eng dives into DAP godfather crisis

vox populi small thumbnail Pemerhati: The name calling was started by DAP national chairperson Karpal Singh. It was followed by Penang Deputy Chief Minister P Ramasamy. No particular person was identified by name.

Then some opportunists and apple polishers got into the act to curry favour with Karpal to advance their own selfish interests. They have all lost sight of the big goal ahead, which is that everyone has to temporarily bury whatever differences they have and get rid of the biggest thieves in the country.

In 2011 alone, about a third of the country's revenue amounting to RM60 billion is estimated to have been stolen by these thieves. From now on, the battle cry of every sensible and patriotic Malaysian should be ABU (Anything But Umno).

Tbala: DAP is a multiracial party and there is no place in DAP for race-based politicians like Ramasamy. Ramasamy was never in DAP in the past and only came into DAP in 2007.

Karpal has been in DAP for almost 45 years. RSN Rayer has been in DAP for almost 15 years. A Thanasekaran has been in DAP for almost 25 years.

None of them have behaved like Ramasamy. None of them have sought any positions. But Ramasamy, the newcomer, was quick to grab the position of deputy chief minister II and went on to behave like a warlord, naming his own candidates. When rebuked by Karpal, he shot back without a tinge of respect to senior party leaders.

Ramasamy is trying to portray himself as a leader of the Indians in DAP. There is no room for people like Ramasamy in DAP. DAP is a multiracial party and will remain so. Ramasamy should join MIC/BN with his kind of racial politics.

Koo Boon Kiat: Seri Delima state representative Rayer behaves like an MIC character. He would fit in well with the likes S Samy Vellu - over dramatic and good at apple polishing. DAP should distance itself from this kind of crude character.

Mohan Ghandi: It is really stupid of the factions to continue this episode. We, the supporters of DAP and Pakatan Rakyat, are sick of some of these politicians with their personal interests who fight and show BN their divisions on petty issues.

No party, whether in BN or in Pakatan, can say they do not have warlords and godfathers. So, just shut up and get on with the work you are elected to do.

Stop all these antics and I too suggest all party leaders, whether senior or junior, please remember that the rakyat have put you there to serve and not bicker.

Ksn: There should be no warlords and godfather in any political party. All should respect and follow the organisational structure and let the structure, like the exco of DAP, make the decisions. No one should feel that he or she is more important or indispensable to any party or even the country.

A lot of people from top to bottom have put in a lot of hard work through sheer dedication for DAP to come to the present stage, in particular, for a DAP man becoming the chief minister of Penang. Do not let apple polishers spoil the all that hard work.

Karpal and Ramasamy are eminent men with a lot of respect. Remember the vultures are waiting to exploit frivolous political issues such as this.

Call off hudud dare to LGE, Abim warns Chua

Amigo2010: If you are clean and transparent why fear any law, be it civil or hudud? Build a nation free of corruption, religious quarrels and racial issues.

Why keep on harping on the hudud law? Hasn't Umno already implemented similar laws for so many years? Remember the snatching of corpses and the religious conversion problems?

Anonymous: What happens if MCA refuses to bow to the demands of our ' ketuanan masters' and not apologise because its members are merely expressing their opinions?

The radical Malay NGOs must learn to be mature enough to distinguish between someone giving an opinion and insulting their religion. Again it reflects on the NGOs' insecurity and wimpiness as far as their beliefs are concerned.

Mohd: I disagree with Abim. Freedom of expression should be given as wide as possible as long as it doesn't create too many insulting statements. It is MCA chief Chua Soi Lek's belief and understanding that Muslims are backward and useless as his benchmark is Umno. Can you blame him for that?

On the other hand, I think Abim should hold or challenge other Muslim groups or individuals to a debate on the perception of how the law of the Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, etc, are useless or non-existent as far as the government is concerned.

It will be the right and freedom of Abim to do so and thus I am sure there will be no backlash from the non-Muslims.

Malayamuda: LGE and Chua can debate the hudud issue whether it will affect them directly or indirectly, and Abim cannot stop them.


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