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On bangsat, barua, bapok and pondan
Published:  Dec 2, 2011 10:16 AM
Updated: 2:54 AM

YOURSAY 'How would Shaik Hussein respond if one were to retaliate and assert that Umno supporters are ‘bangsa munafiq' (hypocrites)?'

All DAP supporters are 'bangsat', says delegate

your say Docs: It looks like Umno has now bestowed another title on me. As a Indian Christian and Pakatan Rakyat supporter (the only reason I am a Pakatan supporter is because BN leaders are a bunch of greedy imbeciles), the titles given to be by Umno in the short period of two years are:

i) Pendatang

ii) Si Botol

iii) Immoral

iv) Golongan pariah

Today, I am bestowed with a new title ‘bangsat'. Now I am a "Immoral Si Botol Golongan Pariah Bangsat". I'm sure my titles will be revoked for a week or two at the GE13, for which I will be called Bangsa Malaysia by BN.

Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: How would Penang Umno Youth chief Shaik Hussein Mydin respond if one were to retaliate and assert that Umno supporters are ‘bangsa munafiq' (hypocrites)?

By the way, I was in Penang on Maulidur Rasul (Prophet's BDay) and the procession indeed proceeded as scheduled. It would appear that ‘bangsa munafiq' is anything but impervious to Utusan Malaysia's perpetual fitnah.

Changeagent: My 10-year-old son can rationalise better and probably can tell right from wrong. The four Pakatan Rakyat states have done better economically and socially, despite the lack of experience and resources from the federal government.

These idiots want contracts (lots of them). Ask what's their occupation - many are so-called businessmen (meaning runners) - and most are unemployable and down right stupid, both academically or otherwise. We can do without these thugs. Period.

I fail to see how all these vile and despicable sideshows can help translate into more votes for BN, especially the fence-sitters. If anything, it will surely disgust voters.

Multi Racial: Call me what you like, I am Pakatan and DAP supporter. Let's see eventually who will be ‘bangsat'.

Milosevic: Shaik Hussein is another stark example of a constitutional Malay using religious and racial scare-mongering to corral and dupe genuine Malays (people with longstanding Malay and locational heritage) to support them in their predation.

Like so many converts to a religion, they are always holier than thou. I hope the Orang Asli and genuine Malays, who have been deliberately under-educated and ripped off (constitutional Malays learn English while heritage Malays are deprived) now see the game for what it is, and are willing to explore other alternative understandings of themselves and Malaysian politics, and reject the ethnic fascism of Umno.

Given Malay demographics and so much Islamisation and Malayanising since the days of Tengku, one would think racial baiting should have subsided, and Umno found a better basis for rule.

Instead its predation knows no bounds and it has no choice but to play this sordid politics. Umno is a disgrace to Malaysia and the heritage of the Malays.

Joe Lee: Ever since extremism has been sub-contracted by Umno to Perkasa, Umno Youth has lost its raison d'etre. It can't compete with Ibrahim Ali, and it doesn't get the attention that it craves from the real warlords in Umno.

Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin will never progress as long as sworn tormentor-enemy Dr Mahathir Mohamad is alive.

On the other hand, this particular bunch of 'youth' looks positively over-fed - not surprising given that millions of ringgit have been dished out to them, as is the practice now.

So it seems the best that these jokers can achieve is to call others ‘bapok' or ‘pondans'. And no ‘bangsat' among them pulled out the keris either. What a disappointment!

These guys are a very pale imitation of the Umno Youth of yesteryears who could rev up the congregation to near-amok levels.

And they were always able to scare the ‘pendatangs'. Now their competence levels only approach that of goreng-pisang sellers. Now even the pendatangs will be tempted to spit on them.

Ashoka PJ: I am a convert out of Hinduism and if I go by the federal constitution, I am also a Malay. I was also not from the 'pariah' caste even though I do not see the big deal (or small deal) about being a pariah.

But I have insisted everywhere including at the NRD (National Registration Department) that I am an Indian. You can never change your race (only in Malaysia this can happen by way of the constitution), but you can change your religion.

Your race is defined by your physical features and your DNA - how do you change all that unless you go for plastic surgery? But how to change your DNA?

Anyway, please do not slander all ‘mamaks'. Please also remember that Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim is also a ‘mamak', just like Chandra Muzaffar, etc.

Penang expat: So, uncle Ng Chak Ngoon figured out that if a party relied on all the small constituencies to win power, it would only require 15.4 percent of the total votes to form a majority in Parliament.

So in effect, and that's the good news - one is looking at a minority of idiots here at this Umno Youth AGM. Suggestion: Ignore the name calling and instead focus on gerrymandering.

Onyourtoes: It is obvious the Umno leaders are trying to whip up support. The true test is whether they will make a difference. They can't talk facts because all the facts are against them.

They can't rationalise and reason with others because they don't have the faculty. So what they do best is to hurl wild accusations, making unreasonable demands, and resort to extremism and appeal to raw animal instinct of their followers.

You call this party a reformed party? You call this party wanting to champion the well-being of all the races in this country? You trust this party to bring Malaysia forward to face the world?

The hard reality is they are hopelessly archaic, have no knowledge to create value and are only good in stealing and pilfering.

OMG: I'm a bangsat and proud of it!


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