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RM250mil is rakyat's money, not Umno's money
Published:  Nov 29, 2011 9:43 AM
Updated: 1:47 AM

VOXPOP 'As a minister, Shahrizat must come clean on TV and in Parliament. Her constituency is not Umno but all Malaysians.'

Shahrizat to clear air on NFC at Umno AGM

vox populi small thumbnail Bender: Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, what's the point of clearing the air in front of an audience who are in the same basket as you?

They're not holding anything against you. In fact, they might prefer you to shut up because what you're about to say is going to hit them in the face also.

We, the rakyat, on the other hand wants you to come clean - no more talk, just resign and give our money back. Then perhaps God may have some mercy for you and your corrupt family.

Anonymous: Even if Umno is 'satisfied', the rakyat are not. Umno will turn a blind eye to the blatant corruption because most of them, especially the top leadership, have been perpetrators of corrupt practices all these years.

So how can they call the kettle black? The excuse accorded to her by DPM Muhyiddin Yassin proves my point.

James1067: It's too late, the damage has already been done. The creators of the fiasco are also her own people, so what's there to explain.

Changeagent: There is an irreconcilable conflict of interest between a federal minister and the awarding of a RM250 million government soft loan to her husband and son.

No amount of 'unity, hard work and always being on the ground to serve the people' will absolve Shahrizat of her greed and lust for taxpayers' money.

Manjit Bhatia: Shahrizat ought to be put in her place: she is far too arrogant as a minister and people's representative.

She says people fear her wing. The only thing people fear is the extent to which her wing and her party Umno are robbing the country and its people blind.

The theft is unstoppable. So is the corruption surrounding the Umno-BN regime and, likewise, the NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) headed by her family cronies of the state.

But to suggest that she will make her case on the NFC and set her critics straight is one thing; the venue - at the worthless Umno general assembly - is the wrong place.

As a minister and representative of the people of Malaysia, she must come clean on television and in Parliament. Her constituency is not Umno but all Malaysians.

Clearly she thinks she can do whatever pleases her. But her legitimacy as minister and MP is dead. It's time to bury Shahrizat right after more of her spin and lies at the Umno assembly.

Anakpulau: The RM250 million is rakyat's money. It is not Umno's money. So, why must you be explaining to Umno delegates?

Lim Chong Leong: Read carefully what she said here. She said she will not explain the NFC issue, but will only reply to calls for her resignation. So the NFC is no issue because it has nothing to do with her.

Her resignation? She will say she is elected by Wanita Umno and her cabinet position is up to the PM. And since NFC has nothing to do with her, there is nothing to discuss. Case close.

Democracy: Shahrizat, I will only believe that it does not involve you if you divorce your husband and disown your children or resign from representing Wanita Umno and rakyat.

You cannot have both and the money as well.

Most Islamic countries in the world are non-Muslim

Anonymous_3f15 What does the word ‘Islamic state' mean to people when social justice is not upheld?

I think human beings should treat others as human beings, not pitting this religion against another religion or comparing and declaring this faith is better than another.

Cyber Warrior: Thank you, for giving a true picture of what are the most important aspects of Islam and all the major religions of the world.

Justice, fairness and compassion are among the main criteria of good Islamic governance, and I should think, that of all major religions too.

Proarte: Pakatan leaders Anwar Ibrahim and Nik Aziz Nik Mat would do well to study this beautifully written letter with its profound message.

Hypocrisy and lies is a recurring theme in Malay Muslim behaviour and they would do well to be cognisant of the moral rot in their community. Reading this letter would be a start.

Jeremy Ng: This article should be circulated to all preachers in mosques and all Umno members (PAS included). Hopefully, it will help enlighten them on how the quest for true Islamic value should be conducted.

Malaysian politics are perpetrated by so-called Islamic champions who are not true Muslims. Many are selfish champions under the disguise of religion. And for those race champions, these are the true race hypocrites. They undermine the true and real progress of the race.

Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: My utmost salutation to Yin Ee Kiong for his depth of understanding of what Islam is all about. A real masterpiece that articulates the very meaning of sensibility.

Thank you, brother, for seeing Islam from the same perspective as those who are rightly guided.


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