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Dear Najib, change begins with you
Published:  Nov 29, 2011 8:55 AM
Updated: 1:56 AM

YOURSAY 'PM, if only you do half of what you said, I think the majority of Malaysians would have supported you.'

Najib to Umno: Reform or face an Arab Spring

your say Change Agent: Once again, we are subject to repeats of rubbish. No longer are electorates ignorant or naive. The Najib administration has lost all credibility, reinforced by the PM's own incorrigible behaviour and that of his shameless loyalists.

The NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) is a clear example of how corrupt the whole system can be. No matter what they do and how sincere they can be, the majority of Malaysians have made up their mind.

The only way they can return to power is to cheat as what they have done over the years. Enough of this nonsense.

Blind Freddo: You are too late, Najib. Umno has never cared about the rights and the welfare of Malaysians and they never will.

In recent weeks, your daily outpourings of lies and some of the most idiotic nonsense I have ever read brings you each day a step closer to your own Malaysian Spring. As you sow, so shall you reap.

Milosevic: Najib, if Umno has done wonderful things in the past and continues to be ahead of the curve, why does it need to reform?

Poor thing, has the opposition and other bad elements been lying about Umno, and the gullible population has bought all the propaganda? In this case, I would think that the rest of society has to reform and repent.

But Umno should not change at all because it is both blameless and an inspiration. Am I missing something here?

Onyourtoes: Dear PM, if only you do half of what you said, I think the majority of Malaysians would have supported you.

You keep saying the era of government knows best is over but let me remind you why your government has done one moronic thing after another as if it knows best. I will only confine this to non-controversial/political matters.

Why do you think the government is competent enough to do cattle farming and supply beef? Why do you think the government must have a hand on KR1M (Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia)? What economic principles have you based on?

Why and how do you know a RM3 menu will give a person sumptuous meal? Again based on what?

Why do you think the government must decide on the APs (approved permits) of this and that? How do you know the government is clever enough to decide on the number of taxi, express bus and lorry permits?

How and why do you think the government will be able to control supplies and market prices? Since when is any of these done by the government ever effective and impactful?

Dear PM, there are too many nincompoops/vested interest groups in your government. Please stop listening to them. Economy behaves based on economic principles, not on the dictate of the government.

Subang Jaya: Umno-BN is a big fat elephant. It will take them sometime to change, and they have been changing since 1957.

SusahKes: Dear Najib, the very fact that you make statements such as "We are proud of the fact... Umno is reinventing itself... Umno is ahead of the curve" means nothing has changed.

Face it, these are stale statements coming from an Umno that is bereft of leadership and ideas, as to how to steer the nation ahead.

What does change mean to Umno? Why, that would entail placing you in the dock, to begin with, over your SMSes to a senior lawyer (interfering with a murder case) or your ‘I help you, you help me' pronouncements.

Your Umno downline looks at the top, and they go to sleep when the likes of you make a speech, because they know you don't practice what you preach.

And that is why the Arab Spring - or any other revolution - happened. The leaders lord over their people, and they allow political hypocrisy to descend to farcical levels.

The only way for Umno to change is not from within - it needs a whipping at the polls to reform. A Malaysian spring then it will be.

Faz: Umno will not change and cannot change, regardless of any rhetoric from anyone, including Najib. Period.

It is only madness to change a 'performing/reforming' party that governs us well all these years (as Umno-BN made us to believe). The power brokers are the party division heads and anything that will limit their influences to the federal/state gravy train is a lost course.

The 'reformation' for Umno and BN will only come after their election loss, since the lost of political power will translate into zero access to federal funds.

Kleo: You got to admit, Najib's statement will be a powerful lure for many fence-sitters, even those who believe in Pakatan Rakyat policies but are afraid of handing over power to a new government.

This will be a test for Pakatan - if BN begins to show signs of true reform, will Pakatan start to resort to dirtier politics to maintain their momentum?

I do hope Pakatan stays true to its idealism. Just keep drumming on issues of social equality, good governance and transparency, and I'll still choose to vote Pakatan. The crimes of BN cannot go unpunished.

Armageddon: Every time Najib talks, he gave us a splendid hope that Umno will really change for the better. But immediately after that, the extreme opposite will happen.

Is Najib lying or his followers are just plain stubborn in implementing what he preached? Whatever, this incompetent government must be replaced.

Swipenter: Top to bottom reforms? Mr Teflon PM, after all your empty promises and hollow words, who can trust you?

Umno has proven to be incapable of change and reform. You are embarking on a path that is leading to a lesser freedom of assembly with your Peaceful Assembly Bill.

You have unashamedly used the police and other organs of the government to harass, intimidate, obstruct all political opponents and NGOs not aligned to you.

The only way Umno (and BN) will consider reforming is for them to sit in the opposition bench for a couple of terms. Words are of little use when not translated into actions and deeds.

After 54 years of independence Umno has transformed our country into a fake best democracy in the world. A country that has lost its chance to be a first-class nation due to corruption, cronyism, nepotism, racism and religious bigotry.

Which political party in the world sells its own country's sovereignty to outsiders to retain political power?

Abasir: Dear Najib, change starts with you. Have you changed? Have you stopped misleading Malaysians? Have you taken action against the all those who have abused their positions for personal gain?

Have you transformed the police to make them even handed when discharging their duties? Have you removed the incorrigibly incompetent ministers like Rais Yatim, Hishammuddin Hussein, et al, from your oversized cabinet?

Have you attempted to reach across the board to be more inclusive when drafting laws? Have you reined in your wife, Rosmah Mansor? Have you changed your ostentatious lifestyle after asking ordinary Malaysians to change theirs?

Have you stopped the malicious prosecution of those in the opposition on trumped-up charges? Have you genuinely attempted to be the leader of all Malaysians instead of play acting whenever it suits you?

So Najib, remember this: learn to lead by doing the hard things first. Transform yourself first. ETP, GTP and all the other TPs can come later.


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