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A case of double-speak from Muhyiddin
Published:  Nov 27, 2011 8:47 AM
Updated: 12:52 AM

YOURSAY 'On one hand, he says Umno-BN is not a racist party, and on the other hand, he talks about defending Malay this, Malay that.'

Muhyiddin denies Umno is a racist party

your say Quigonbond: Assuming we take it as truism that Umno is not a racist party, Umno leaves no space for anyone to take their word for it; not when they demonise PKR as a one-cause party and DAP as Chinese/Christian chauvinists. Not when they tolerate the likes of Perkasa and Pembela.

It's okay to say you want to help poor Malays, but you've long crossed the line when you help the rich Malays more, and you even go so far as to threaten blood and mayhem to those who want a little more fairness, in your typical political brinkmanship.

Leaders in Umno who give in to ultra-Malay-ism instead of standing up for what they think is right, who encourage more racism within the party, are for all intents and purposes, racists. You're judged by your actions, not by your intent.

Multi Racial: All Pakatan Rakyat leaders are Malaysian first and their race second. But you, Muhyiddin Yassin, as deputy prime minister, once said you are Malay first and Malaysian second.

Either you are a racist or you are a fool. Regardless, we don't want to have such a leader like you. Any party that only confines itself to one race is a racist party - there are no two ways about it.

Umno was less racist under Tunku Abdul Rahman. It got worse under Dr Mahathir Mohamad. It was Umno that created the Bureau Tatanegara (BTN), segregating the bumis and non-bumis.

And of course, along the way it messed up our education system, our judiciary, our Election Commission, our anti-corruption agencies, our police and God knows what else.

Lim Chong Leong: Forget your talk, Muhyiddin, your action tells us enough. Umno is not only racist but incites racial sentiments for its own goals.

Umno is in fact the biggest disaster for the Malays. Their leaders don't care two hoots about the Malays, they are only interested in lining their pockets with billions of ringgit of our money and it does not matter if the money comes from Chinese Ah Bengs, Mamaks, Indians, natives or Mat Dauds.

So perhaps on that score alone, they are not racist at all.

Dood: On one hand, Muhyiddin says that Umno-BN is not a racist party, and on the other hand, he talks about defending Malay this, Malay that.

Manjit Bhatia: Muhyiddin said: "Can the Malays depend on PKR, can they expect something from Anwar Ibrahim? Can they defend the principles in the constitution, Malay rights, Malay rulers, Malay language, Malay economy?"

If ever you want to pin Muhyiddin for his amazing stupidity and his craven racism, it is found in the quote above. Nobody needs any more convincing evidence that Muhyiddin and Umno are completely racist in intent and purpose.

Muyhiddin and Umno are also compulsive congenital liars. The track record of which he speaks is easily challenged. It wouldn't take much to do so. An ounce of brain would suffice.

In this case, it need to be a collective ounce of brain, as it were, and intelligence of the opposition parties and their supporters to bring down these hopelessly corrupt and utterly stupid regime.

Blind Freddo: As I've always said, Malaysians are so racist they don't know how racist they are.

Anonymous_4031: What are you talking about, Muhyiddin? Who said "I am Malay first"? A strong leader would have sacked you a long time ago for not toeing the 1Malaysia line.

What do you think you were doing when you reverted the teaching of mathematics and science to Bahasa Malaysia?

What do you think you were doing when our Form Five history textbook was willfully distorted and Islamised?

And what do you think you were doing when you failed to punish the racist principal who created a national uproar?

People are not fools; they know who are the racists by looking at their deeds.

OnandOn; If Umno is really able to take care of the interests of the Malays, then the Malays would not be so poor as they are today. Only Umnoputras get rich.

Onyourtoes; What you said reflects who you are. You said "the candidate must not only be winnable, but must also be acceptable, credible, outstanding and brilliant".

But what about honesty and integrity? Are those dishing out the NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) loan and those abusing it not brilliant people?

As I see it, you dare not even talk about integrity and much less condemn corruption and abuse of power.

Seriously, who among the top Umno leaders today have openly condemned corruption and called for stern actions to be taken?

Pity Him : There is a distinct difference between Umno Malays and the regular Malays. There are also naturalised Malays like Chinese convert Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, who behaves more Malay than the Malays.

And all those Malays (including those in government agencies) who are aligned to Umno are the privileged Malays.

Meanwhile, the 'brilliant' Malays used the race card to remain in power. They are rich and powerful. The DPM is one such.

Ksn: I love the DPM's criteria for his GE candidates - credible, acceptable, brilliant, etc. My simple question is how many at the top in Umno and other BN partners currently meet these standards?

Going by the DPM's view, all those at the top have to disqualify themselves starting with the DPM himself because in my view none qualify.

Supercession: Spoken like the true racist Muhyiddin denies being.


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