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Najib's reform clearly not what it seems
Published:  Nov 24, 2011 11:05 AM
Updated: 5:34 AM

VOXPOP 'Najib has talked about giving more democratic space to the people - reform should mean more freedom, not more repression.'

Russian Roulette in Putrajaya

vox populi small thumbnail Ferdtan: The tabling of the Peaceful Assembly Bill was probably one of the reforms that PM Najib Razak talked about in his promise to give our country more democratic space.

As it turned out, the 'reform' is not what it seems. It is so repressive that we are better off without it.

What is the meaning of reform? Broadly it means to improve the form or condition of a system, amend its faults and bring about beneficial change.

To call the bill as 'Peaceful Assembly Bill' is a misnomer. Once promulgated into law, it should be branded as 'Internal Security Act on Assembly' as it will give life to the hateful ISA law.

Righteous: We have had enough. We will saddle the horses, "load up all the chambers of the revolver", and sound the war drums. Najib and Umno must go. It's our rakyat's freedom, not Umno's freedom, to do what it likes.

It's not for the home minister, or the police, to do what the rakyat does not want them do.

Multi Racial: This BN government is getting more and more above the law. It is doing things as if they don't need the votes of the rakyat. Maybe they don't.

Since they know they can't win with rakyat votes due to their tainted government and lack of credible representatives, the only other way is to win illegally. It is time for the rakyat to come together again to oppose this.

Chan Chee Khoon: This is very silly and short-sighted of  the BN. If, despite these desperate measures, BN loses Putrajaya at the next GE, Pakatan may use these draconian laws against the newly-turfed out BN, at that point playing an opposition role.

Indeed, it is in the longer-term interests of both coalitions to institutionalise proper, democratic checks and balance, and procedures of transparent and accountable governance, as both coalitions approach parity in electoral strength.

Malaysian Bersih : I am sure Najib is waiting to start his Operasi Lalang 3 and 4 together to wipe PKR and DAP.

2cts Worth: Brothers, let us march by the tens of thousands for our freedom. Let us defiantly say ‘Nah' to this offensive and oppressive bill. Be defiant and be brave, or be slaves forever.

Josephine: Whether Pakatan lawmakers attend in full force or not, it is a foregone conclusion that this bill will be passed and made into  law.

I wonder if freedom-minded Malaysians should use their last chance to have a peaceful assembly on the streets of Putrajaya to voice out their displeasure with this regressive and oppressive law.

Ashoka PJ: No more talk, let's walk. Who will lead? Marina Mahathir? Name the place, date and time. I will be there.

Pakatan wants Peaceful Assembly Bill withdrawn

Ksn: The right thing to do, Pakatan, is to take satisfaction and encouragement from the fact that generally the people are with you on this, and against the bill.

It is a mockery to say that this bill is an improvement. The constitution is supreme and it allows for freedom of assembly. The only ones who will support this bill are the likes of Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali and Umno.

Our people want freedom - responsible freedom - and they will punish Umno for denying it. As a famous Indian independence fighter said: "Freedom is my birthright and I shall have it".

Concern Ctzen: I think the BN has gone too far this time. The whole world is advancing but Malaysia seen to be moving backward under the BN.

Ashoka PJ: This Sunday is the Muslim New Year. There couldn't be a better time to start with a new resolution that we Malaysians will not be taken for a ride anymore.

This Sunday, we should bring on Bersih version 3.0 and PAS should send out the clarion call. Let PAS lead and the rakyat, of whatever race and religion, will follow.

How about it, PAS? What better day than Awal Muharram.

Tailek: It's better bring on Bersih 3.0 before this Peaceful Assembly Bill becomes law. May be it will the last chance for the rakyat to show our disgust at the present BN government.

JBGuy: Najib's rhetorical stance of a more liberal and democratic government is totally absurd with more oppressive laws being used to replace already repressive ones. How can we trust a PM who says one thing and does just the opposite?

If the BN bulldozes this Act through Parliament, the rakyat must show them what we can do. I for one will definitely vote against them, and I shall keep my word.

Hermit: When it comes out from Najib's mouth, I would not buy even a single word. He is used to taking things from a silver platter and he knows only too well that a reasonable democracy will not ensure his survival.

Another French firm penalised for graft in M'sia

Mighty Bear: What a shame, MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission)! Bodies outside our country have found corruption, even charged those involved and you only want to start to investigate now?

Are you saying that you don't know what is going on in your own house while the whole world knows? Sure, we the rakyat believe you. Please go back to sleep and wait for further instructions.

J.Chong: Can the Swiss authorities reveal who the recipients in Malaysia are?

Baiyuensheng: I wonder whose dirty hands are in it? But the MACC will only bark if its master says so.


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