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Razali, Pakatan didn't give Malaysia its bad rep
Published:  Nov 22, 2011 9:01 AM
Updated: 1:55 AM

YOURSAY 'Those Indonesians who have been robbed, raped, abused and exploited by Malaysians would have home and talk about their bad experiences.'

Pakatan 'poisoned' Indonesian fans, says Razali

your say Gusnargh: I have many Indonesian friends and, to my mind, there are three issues that are frequently put forward as reasons for the Indonesians dislike of Malaysia:

1. The perceived mistreatment of Indonesian maids and construction workers by Malaysian employers. Whether this is a fair characterisation or not is another matter, the point is that this is perceived. I fail to see how Pakatan Rakyat is responsible for this.

2. The representation of dances, songs, keris, batik and other cultural artifacts as Malaysian. The song ‘Rasa Sayang' is a fairly contemporary example and the Indonesians feel, rightly or wrongly, that Malaysians have appropriated what is Indonesian culture.

I think this is unfair since we're culturally related to each other but nevertheless, this is how they feel. I don't see how Pakatan is responsible for this too.

3. The perception that Malaysia has appropriated Indonesian territories - the islands of Sipadan and Ambalat. How can Pakatan be responsible for this?

Jedi_Who: There are many reasons why Indonesians hate Malaysians.

People in Medan say Malay Malaysians are big show-offs and have forgotten their heritage. We've got many Malaysians beating their Indonesian maids, with some prominent Malaysians even reportedly raping them. Even our royalty have been accused of torturing an Indonesian celebrity.

The last time I heard, they wanted to cross the straits and attack us. It has nothing to do with opposition, and everything to do with our current regime.

Ootsky: Don't blame ‘errant opposition leaders' for Malaysia's bad press. Don't you think that the Indonesians who work/worked in this country and who have been robbed, raped, abused and exploited by Malaysians would not have gone home to talk about their bad experiences?

Have we forgotten the sorry tale of the young Indonesian model who escaped her horrific marriage to her Kelantan prince charming? Indonesians are not blind, stupid or illiterate.

1Malay-sia-sia: The Indonesians have behaved badly as hosts of the SEA Games, particularly towards Malaysia. This is indeed sad because of many problems such as border issues, maid abuse, bad treatment of Indonesian illegal immigrants, among others.

But this is politics and should not be dragged into the sports arena where the spirit of sportsmanship should prevail. The reaction of our deputy sports minister in blaming the opposition is far worse than the Indonesians' reactions to the Malaysian team.

Father and Son: Deputy Sports Minister Razali Ibrahim, do not spoil the good name of sports by playing politics. Are you trying to get a place in the next general election when they announce the candidates?

Sarawakian_3ff9: I suppose this is another one of those ‘winnable' candidate that PM Najib Razak is talking about. We are truly amazed. No need to say more.

Minahkerang: Kalau standard permainan Malaysia hanya setaraf diperlekeh oleh Indonesia, jangan salahkan pembangkang. Tanya pegawai sukan and jurulatihnya, punca orang luar meluat dengan permainan kita.

Agen-agen yang terlibat dalam pengambilan perkerja-perja dari Indonesia semuanya adalah kroni-kroni Umno. Bila pekerja-pekerja ini tak dibayar atau keselamatan mereka tergugat, agen-agen kroni Umno lepas tangan.

Bila pekerja-pekerja Indonesia ditangkap, mereka dikena rotan. Mana ada negara dalam dunia ini yang merotan pekerja-pekerja asing, kecuali di 1Malaysia.

Bila Umno nak guna pekerja-pekerja Indonesia sebagai pengundi hantu,Umno bagi dan janji macam-macam. Tapi bila tak nak, mereka jadikan pekerja-pekerja sebagai hamba abdi.

Semua ini bukan kerja pembangkang.

MfM: Indonesians hate Malaysia because of the issues being played up by their press. The border issue in Sabah and Kalimantan, is one example. They are jealous of our success even though we are a much smaller country.

Don't tell me Malaysians don't hate Singaporeans, we are just as jealous of Singapore's success as Indonesia is of us. It's a vicious cycle. Indonesians think we are their 'little brother', the same way we think of Singapore.

But this deputy minister is trying to deflect his ministry's mess-up on the gold medal ceremony for our 4x400m relay team on Pakatan causing Indonesian resentment is utterly preposterous.

FairMind: Maybe the minister is too young to recall the Thomas Cup in the 1970s when Malaysia played against Indonesia in Jakarta where the Indonesian fans were screaming and taunting the Malaysian fans, shining torch lights at the badminton players and erecting blockades, preventing the players from leaving the stadium.

Umno was in full control then and there were not too many opposition politicians. Was that due to the opposition too?

Not Confused: Here is another brainless BN sycophant crying about negative view of Malaysia by the international community. Of course, it couldn't possibly be anything that BN has done - they can do no wrong, right?

I've honestly not heard such drivel as that spouted by this deputy minister - he is just someone trying to make a name for himself and failing miserably.

HYL: I hope Pakatan does more than ‘poison' the minds of Indonesians. They should also ‘poison' the minds of Malaysians so that they vote against BN.

Then we will be better off - no more corruption, racial tensions, no more preferential treatment for certain people, no more cronyism, no more money and dirty politics.

Hermit: Deputy Minister Razali, we are harbouring more than two million Indonesian illegal immigrants and they are gold mines to our enforcement officers, businesses and ordinary Malaysians.

Enforcement officers at the borders collect toll either one way or both ways on illegal immigrants entering and leaving Malaysia, and other enforcement officers, on the pretext of checking documents, collect coffee money daily at construction sites.

Malaysian businessmen exploit them by paying below-average wages, even cheat in wages payment through collaboration with enforcement officers by framing illegal immigrants involvement for being involved criminal activities when the projects reach almost completion.

Illegal maids have been exploited, abused and treated worst than dogs. Even dogs are get better treatment.

It's not difficult to imagine that these two million immigrants' experiences are communicated to 200 million more at home.


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