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Why go after Ambiga, and not Marina?
Published:  Nov 8, 2011 9:51 AM
Updated: 2:03 AM

VOXPOP 'How come Marina Mahathir was not questioned by PDRM. She did spearhead the Seksualiti Merdeka movement two years ago, right?'

Police question Ambiga on Seksualiti Merdeka

vox populi small thumbnail Changeagent: This public harassment by the authorities towards the Seksuality Merdeka organisers is so symptomatic and metaphoric of how the minorities are treated in this country.

Chinese and Indians do not have equal access to further their tertiary education or to join the public service workforce. Indigenous Sarawakians are cheated out of their land rights for only RM250 per family.

The Orang Asli community is never recognised as the original land owners of the country. The HIV sufferers are neglected on the streets, and anyone who helps them could be charged with proselytisation. The Christians are always accused of conspiring or planning something evil.

Now, people with a different sexual orientation and gender identity do not even have a right to live without fear.

S Ambiga is right. This isn't just about gay, lesbian and transgender rights anymore. It is about reclaiming our collective rights as citizens of this country to be treated fairly, equitably and respectfully by the government.

Simon Lee 3ed5: To our four honourable ladies - Ambiga Sreenevasan, Maria Chin Abdullah, Irene Fernandez and Marina Mahathir - you all are truly 1Malaysia.

You are an inspiration and a beacon of hope for all Malaysians and the nation is very proud of you for upholding and defending human rights in the face of injustice by a corrupt regime. Many grateful thanks for your courage and sacrifices. May Allah bless you all.

Abil: We are all children of God. We must have the courage to defend those who are marginalised in our society. These people whom we called ‘queer' need our sympathy.

There are much worse people around, who without shame rob us through corruption, lies and deceits.

Docs: How come Marina Mahathir was not questioned by PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police). She did spearhead the movement two years ago, right?

Aziz Bari slams minister over quit call

Bender: Here's a lesson for you, Minister for Higher Education Khaled Nordin - never poke a person who is much smarter than you.

I totally agree with Professor Abdul Aziz Bari - the issue is not really about the professor being rude to the sultan or speaking about the law and the constitution, etc (clearly he can speak of these things because he's the expert).

The real issue is the platform. Heck, you can even call the sultan 'natang' publicly if you speak on behalf of Umno...

My THOR: Khaled cannot tolerate the truth from Aziz Bari, which is detrimental to Umno's health in view of the coming GE. Thus, after failing to sack Aziz Bari through a third party, Khaled is calling for Aziz Bari resignation as the next move.

Aziz Bari, the days of your service in government-controlled universities are numbered. Sacrifice your principles, join Umno to survive as most professors in government-control universities do.

Human Being: Khaled Nordin should quit politics if he wants to involve in education. Law lecturers, political science lecturers and economists cannot escape the academic realm of politics, philosophy and religion. It is all intertwined.

This is what the law dean of HELP College failed to understand when she sacked one law lecturer. There is no academic freedom in some universities.

Abasir: Perhaps the ‘mudah lupa' minister of higher education should try to explain the rampant and well-documented political activities of Prof Dr Ibrahim Abu Shah when he was the vice-chancellor of UiTM as well as those of his Umno appointees.

If indulging in "political" activities is disallowed, the Umno appointees masquerading as academics in all public universities should be told to step down. The recurrent idiocy of these ministers never fails to amaze.

L Joy: Carry on, professor, with what you are doing. You are just paying back to society what you have benefitted from it.

But this guy, Khalid, who is a politician being mooted as the next MB of Johor, is the higher education minister. And like all his Umno-BN colleagues, it appears that he is unable to tell the difference between politics and public service.

Ksn: Prof Aziz, it is clear to all that in trying to pick on and punish you for speaking the truth as the law provided, those in authority seems to have bitten much more than they can chew.

Hence the reaction from the higher education ministers and others. They have no clue what to do with you now.

On your part, the country hopes that you will continue to speak truth to power for the country's sake. We very badly need it to save Malaysia.

Supercession: By Khaled's logic, he should quit being a politician and become an 'educationist' if he wants to talk about education.

Otherwise he's just a politicking politician, which he is.


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