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Seksualiti Merdeka row: Go after the real monsters
Published:  Nov 4, 2011 7:44 AM
Updated: Nov 4, 2011 4:57 AM

YOURSAY 'Other people's sexual choices are the least of my concerns when billions of taxpayers' money are being squandered and pocketed by cronies.'

Perkasa: Act against Ambiga, the 'antichrist'

your say Al: I love Kuala Lumpur for its diversity where small pockets of individuals come together every year to celebrate their individuality in events like Seksualiti Merdeka.

Contrary to Perkasa's claims, LGBTs (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people) are not harming Malaysia to the degree of say, the latest revelations in the Auditor-General's Report. If only Perkasa will take on corruption with the same fervour.

Time and again, I've seen minorities being targeted by certain groups to further political aims. They invoke religion and even the Agong when in fact they are being bullies.

It's clear this is about S Ambiga and Bersih - a major threat to the status quo. It is also why DUMC (Damansara Utama Methodist Church) was targeted after they associated with Ambiga.

Years ago, it was metal bands, later on it was mat rempit (who have since been embraced by these same groups), then it was Christians and now it's LGBTs.

This culture of vilification is disgusting and tiresome. Malaysia remains in the backwater as long as politicking takes precedence over real issues.

FellowMalaysian: It looks like Perkasa is trying to stifle and impose restrictions on freedom of expression and conduct.

The Seksualiti Merdeka workshop is organised by a group of NGOs which have no affiliations with any religious organisations.

Its objectives is to give a voice and provide a platform for the homosexuals who have long been ridiculed and often been the butt of jokes. The last thing they want is to be treated like a freak and being turned away.

Lim Chong Leong: Other people's sexual choices are the least of my concerns when billions of taxpayers' money are being squandered and pocketed by cronies.

Let us focus on the real corruption and the real monsters that are running this country to the ground.

Dark Archon: Wait a minute, is this Umno's ploy to get the auditor-general's damaging report off its back by hiring Perkasa to stir up the issue?

I'm sorry to say - these Perkasa guys should have picked on a bigger issue. Did someone said homosexuality upset public order or something to that effect?

I think the only person who is really upset is the PM and his Umno goons because of the AG's Report rather than anything else.

Anonymous_417c: Perkasa has minimal understanding of gender issues. Gender identity is not a 50/50 issue. There are children born with indeterminate gender, where chromosomal analysis is needed to verify male or female status.

There are transsexuals who are trapped in the opposite gender's body, where physically they are male but mentally female.

Younger educated people in Perkasa should provide correct information to their leaders on these issues affecting innocent human beings.

49boybum: Whilst the taxpaying and law-abiding Malaysians are trying ways to correct the unbridled corruption of civil servants and gross abuses of public funds by the current leadership, we have leaders harping on non-issues in order to carry out character assassination of a brave woman who is doing her very best to correct a utterly flawed and rotten system that bred Umno, Perkasa and their BN cohorts.

These running dogs will run down our beloved country to a point of no return. We have rampant corruption, leadership that condones anything that will keep them in power and a civil service which thinks that they are public masters and not public servants.

Anonymous: Lesbians and gays are also creatures of God. Their psychological and physical ‘mixed-up' are not their fault.

I only hope that those of you out there who are so vocal over this sexual ‘deviance' or ‘inclination' will be fortunate enough not to have children or relatives born with such attributes.

My advice to all these people, if it is worth two sen, go spend your energy on more productive work. Please allow the police to have more time to focus on fighting and preventing crimes.

Homosexuality should be left for the individual to answer, if all any, when he returns to meet his creator.

Malaysian Born: The Perkasa leaders have had their credibility so totally decimated by their empty talk and cowardice during the Bersih rally.

Their only aim now is to keep themselves in the news by making wild and outlandish comments and championing every fringe group, racially sensitive and controversial issue they can find.

Actually they are so low grade that their commentary is bordering on blithering and with as much relevance as the defecation of the cattle in the controversial failed agriculture project.

They are an embarrassment to every Malaysian. They are so intellectually challenged they don't even see how totally preposterous the things they are saying are.

I hope after the next general election this mutt and his followers lose their deposits so we don't need to keep seeing media coverage of their drivel.

JBGUY: Instead of saving the country from massive corruption and mismanagement, these NGOs prefer to talk about petty issues.

Doesn't Islam prohibit corruption? Where were all the Muslim NGOs when scandal after scandal were uncovered? BMF, Perwaja, Renong, MAS, PKFZ, Scorpene, etc?

These are issues that need to be addressed urgently, and yet they turned a blind eye. Why not lodge police reports against such blatant corruption and abuse of power?

Carefour: Ambiga an antichrist? So Perkasa is Christian now?


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