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'Transfer fees' slashed; times must be bad
Published:  Oct 2, 2011 8:36 AM
Updated: 6:16 AM

your say 'Only RM150,000 for Gwee to cross over? Umno is in a worse shape than I thought when all earlier ‘transfer fees' were in the millions.'

DAP state rep claims RM150,000 offer to jump ship

Ferdtan: The evidence is there for the police to investigate. If the police report made is false you can expect the police to jump into action to arrest the complainant.

Once the police report is made, all we have to do is to wait for the police activity - no action can only mean that the allegation is true.

This kind of allegation of bribing elected opposition state of federal representatives with money and land is not unexpected as it had happened many times before - like coup d'etat in Perak government and MPs from Penang, Kuala Lumpur and elsewhere.

One sickening feature of all these past defections is that PM Najib Razak is in the thick of action. Each of all defections were usually gleefully announced by Najib to the public; displaying no shame that he had won by foul means.

His desperation in holding on to the prime ministership leads him to such Machiavellian methods of power at all cost, which will cause Malaysia to be doomed.

Wira: YB Gwee Tiong Hiang (Bentayan state assemblyperson). You are honourable not to defect even though you are suspended by the disciplinary committee of your party.

Nothing in life is more important than honour and dignity, something that is very lacking in BN. I am glad that you are a living testimony to those virtues.

Mengxiang: I think that because he was suspended, they thought he was disgruntled and ripe for a 'katak' move. The MCA doing the dirty work for BN? Could well be.

Last Minute Dash: Well, even if the offer was less or more, let's look at the motive:

Najib is noted to pay Pakatan Rakyat MPs and state assemblypersons to ‘frog' and that was how he took over Perak in 2009. He tried to do that in Selangor but unfortunately it ended in the death of an innocent young man (Teoh Beng Hock). He is still trying though.

He has sensed that Johor is going to be taken over by Pakatan in the upcoming GE13, hence his plan to encourage frogging of Pakatan ‘wakil rakyats' there.

Najib, we do not pay taxes for you to plunder our economy. But you better watch your back. DPM Muhyiddin Yassin and former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad are just waiting to do a ‘Brutus' on you soon to end your political career.

Sarawakian_3ff9: Why so dumb? DAP should have set up a sting to prove that the whole thing was true. Let BN transfer the money and land title first and then expose the whole scheme. And record the whole thing on video.

It would have been as hot and effective as the recent sex videos from the BN.

Anonymous123: Either the DAP leaders are stupid or they are just ignorant. You expect people to believe without any concrete evidence, except a phone call?

Why not bait that agent to pass you a cheque before breaking the news? Or why not go ahead with their plans, and do a U-turn 24 hours later, and tell the world about it?

AkuMelayu: A man still on suspension for six months from his party for improprieties relating to party funding will do everything to get back into the party's good book. The reward of being accepted back into the party must worth much more than RM150,000.

Will the DAP leadership buy this story by its assemblyman whom they have suspended? If they do, it will only make them a laughing stock among their party members.

Anonymous_135b: Excellent acting, Gwee. BN underestimate your financial ability and offered you only RM150,000.

You claimed a RM25,000 commission when buying DAP Muar Center; you bought a Toyota Hilux with party funds but registered under your private enterprise's name with three other "partners"; you keep a fixed deposit account estimated at least RM200,000 under your personal name. Indeed, BN made a mistake by offering you too little.

Onyourtoes: I think DAP should start suspending more of its MPs or Aduns (state reps). This is one way to entice more offers to cross over. We shall then see how much you could offer and how many of DAP MPs and Aduns could be enticed.

Joke aside, why didn't Gwee, with concurrence of the DAP leadership, waited for more concrete evidence before exposing it to the public. I suggest DAP treat this case cautiously. Don't jump the gun. Wait for events to unfold further.

Dappy: Gwee should have drawn out the real culprit to prove he is not lying to save himself politically. If it is not true, then he is trying to draw sympathy for his re-election. Whatever the outcome, Bentayan voters rather have a new and honest candidate to play safe.

Lim Chong Leong: The police and MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) should investigate for corruption.

Since there is a voice recording, that shouldn't be difficult. If they could find time and tax money to find out who the sex actors were in the Datuk Trio video when the crime did not involve the identities of the actors, they certainly must find time to investigate this electoral fraud.

Cala: Nothing has changed after 40 years. How come the package is so small? The manner through which Umno-led BN regime is using to win over an opposition member, or to make him friendly can be traced to Abdul Razak's administration.

In one of the two books which I read (Lee Kuan Yew, 1998, 2000), Lee confided that Razak administration tried to induce Dr Goh (Keng Swee) over by offering to him 100 acres of oil palm lands.

Of course, Goh turned the offer down and reported the case to Lee Kuan Yew. It looks to me Najib has not perfected the art after 40 years of tutelage.

Kgen: We have suspected all along that the defections of elected reps from Pakatan to BN were all instigated by BN with financial incentives and the stick if possible.

Now this is documented proof. BN is a disgrace to democracy. It will stoop at nothing to keep itself in power.

Fortunately, Gwee is a morally strong person although there have been many others who could not resist the money. Some who were in trouble with the law like N Gobalakrishnan were enticed using the carrot and the stick.

Geronimo: Only RM150,000 for Gwee to cross over? Umno is in a worse shape than I thought when all earlier "transfer fees" were in the millions, more so for that Jelapang woman whom I understand received millions, and saw with my own eyes in Ipoh, driving a brand new E or S Class black Mercedes.


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