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PR applicant-cum-voter: No, not another mistake
Published:  Aug 28, 2011 8:02 AM
Updated: Aug 29, 2011 4:23 AM

your say 'Can both NRD and EC continue to pledge technical error as their defence? How many mistakes can they make?'

Even PR 'applicant' spotted on electoral roll

Onyourtoes: Can NRD (National Registration Department) and EC (Election Commission) continue to pledge technical error as their defence? How many mistakes can they make?

If mistakes are that rampant in the national registry and EC, shall we then shut them down and dismiss all the officers there for their incompetence?

These are very important departments, how can there be so many mistakes? Why are these foreigners so easily granted PR (permanent residents) and citizenships? Why is it that for certain communities like the Chinese and Indians, they are only granted citizenships when they are about to die of old age? What baloney is this?

I think given the circumstances, it is not for the people to prove that there is indeed a conspiracy to register ineligible people as citizens and voters.

It is time for the NRD, the EC and the inner sanctum of the government to prove that they are not indulging in a conspiracy to cheat the citizens of this country.

Disgusted: The question the rakyat would like to ask is who registered them to be voters. I thought that the voter registration exercise was mostly done by BN as well as opposition parties.

Why is there no checking done by the people registering them unless they intended to register these people and cheat.

So it is not a hoax when PAS and PKR alleged that Umno branch heads had indeed sent letters to NRD and EC to register these people as they had promised to vote for BN.

This is treason against the Agong, the rakyat and the nation. Our future, and the future of our children and the generations to come, is at stake here.

Already Sabah has been sold to foreigners by Dr Mahathir Mohamad in his plan to dilute the votes of the natives against Umno-BN, now it is Peninsular Malaysia's turn. Do something before this country goes to the dogs.

Perakian: Simple, EC and NRD can always say the applicant had been approved as PR and later citizenship, but their computer systems have yet updated the data. If not this, then it was a technical or human data entry error.

Docs: I'm sure this so-called technical error on the EC's part is part of the only '0.0001%' or so irregularities on the electoral roll as claimed by the EC chief Abdul Aziz Yusof.

And I'm sure the EC will rectify the issue by getting the NRD to withdraw the green IC and give the bearer a blue IC instead. Problem solved.

Nil: Technical negligence? The computer system at the EC should be able to reject an application with either a red or green MyKad.

Surely the system can detect such numbers, which are coded differently, and automatically reject the application. Human error and "technical negligence" should be impossible in such situations.

Up2U: When one tells a lie, one has to tell more lies in order to cover the earlier lie. It looks like this is happening with the EC. They can divert the so-called ‘mistakes' to NRD, but the blame still goes to the government of the day. This is ridiculous!

Ferdtan: The people in EC and NRD should be charged with treason. They are traitors of the country. The many 'mistakes' and 'discrepancies' in the EC electoral rolls and NRD electronic data cannot be deemed to be accidental: they are obviously deliberate.

It is illogical to believe that so many coincidences of such nature can occurr without the help of top officers of EC and NRD. This is a big time fraud - a national scandal.

Heads must roll. Both the EC chief and NRD chief must be sacked for their involvement if any, or for dereliction of their duties.

Where is PM Najib Razak - why no comments are forthcoming from him when this issue of national security is so important? Bersih, together with Pakatan Rakyat, should petition the Agong to set up a royal commission.

Rick Teo: Now more and more Indonesians are going to be given automatic bumiputera-ship, thus competing with the local bumis.

The economic cake for the bumis will get smaller and smaller till there is no more. Who are the ultimate losers? The local bumis because they will lose out to these new citizens.

It won't affect the non-bumis because after three generations, they are still considered as ‘pendatang'.

Fairplayer: If Najib is a fair man, he would not call for the GE as long as the filth and garbage in the electoral roll are not removed and totally cleaned up.

The electoral roll should be put on public display - both online and offline - to let Malaysians scrutinise it and be assured that the names of all voters are genuine Malaysians.

EC, please advise Najib accordingly, if you are worth your weight in honesty, truth and fairness.

Kgen: This is not human incompetence, it is human dishonesty.


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