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When even thinking is no longer allowed
Published:  Jul 29, 2011 10:30 AM
Updated: 7:38 AM

vox populi small thumbnail 'The act of Tony Yew, the Blog House secretary is despicable. He has the right to disagree with Chan Lilian but he has no right to bully and intimidate her.'

Blogger in trouble over tweet 'promoting' Bersih

DannyLoHH: What is the stance of Blog House on freedom of speech? The act of Tony Yew, the Blog House secretary is despicable. If Tony Yew is a blogger and a Twitter user, then his act is also hypocritical.

His lodging of a police report over the tweet by Lilian Chan is an act of curtailing Chan's right and freedom of speech. Yew has the right to disagree with Chan but he has no right to bully and intimidate Chan.

Fair_Election: Does Tony Yew not understand the meaning of "I THINK all Christians..."? Doesn't Chan Lilian have the freedom of expression?

So at first they specify what colours we can wear, then they banned the Bersih 2.0 logo that we support. Now, they want to tell us what to think?

For Truth & Justice: Someone made a police report on a fellow Malaysian who had a point of view and expressed herself using social media.

We express ourselves by saying what we think (we can't always be saying what we are not really thinking), and if it happens to be related to politics or religion or for anything for that matter, it is the views that count.

To suggest that the Royal Malaysian Police should start policing what everyone is saying, wouldn't that be amounting to persecution?

Citizen: Why are we not allowed to make a political statement? It is guaranteed under the constitution. Making a political statement is not the monopoly of politicians. And we don't have to be a Christian to support Chan Lilian.

It is everyone's right to make a statement, political or otherwise. It is also everyone's right to protest to show their feelings. It is only ‘ tunjuk perasaan ', what's the big deal?

And don't hope for God to save Lilian. We have to speak out to save her.

C3: This is a "good" thing that has happened although, sad to say, Chan has to pay a price.

It is precisely because of these high-handed and paranoid action by the powers-that-be and "loyal" citizens like Tony Yew that will sway the fence sitters and fuel even more the determination of the supporters for change.

It's like they are consciously digging a hole to bury themselves in.

Kgen: Have the police nothing better to do than harass peaceful civilians? Try lodging a report against the rabble rouse Ibrahim Ali and see if they get off their butts.

As for Tony Yew, what do you expect to get out of supporting a corrupt, abusive dictatorship? Have you lodged any reports against Ibrahim Ali for accusing Christians of trying to take over Malaysia?

Bersih: IPs on Anwar, Ambiga submitted to AG

Anak Pinang: Malaysians have a right to public assembly according to the constitution. Stop the witch-hunt of leaders who have put themselves on the line to help the citizens express their rights.

If the government is truly interested they would engage the rakyat and not indulge in selective persecution and intimidation. It just shows that the government is so out of sync with the people and views us as the enemy that they would resort to anything to stifle our voice.

Instead of being an independent nation, it seems Malaysia has become even more shackled than under the British. At least then we could rely on the rule of law. Now we are at the mercy of every government and public institution.

This situation can only end with the rakyat taking the lead and telling this government that we will not tolerate this anymore.

SimpleSoul The police think they are doing a favour to Umno and Najib, but honestly they are not.

Smart Umno members who read Malaysiakini might want to lower your stakes this time, because there is no way the rakyat are going to vote for BN with actions like this.

Just like in the movies, the more the villain suppresses the innocent, the more likely the audience will support the innocent.

Freemsia: It looks like the government is indeed doing what Utusan Malaysia has written about, taking action against Bersih 2.0 to avoid losing support of the so-called ‘silent majority'.

Tell-tale signs of dissent grow in BN

Quigonbond: Perak regent Raja Nazrin Shah appears to be blaming BN for his father's decision to throw out lawfully elected Perak menteri besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin in favour of a usurper.

But surely matters of constitutional interpretation does not require a "presentation"of truth by governmental officers or BN political appointees. All that was needed is a sense of proportion about one's constitutional limitation, a healthy respect of democracy, and most importantly a strong desire to ensure that personal conflicts of interest do not get thrown into the mix.

Malaysians used to be inspired by Raja Nazrin 's wise words. Unfortunately, what's said, and what's eventually done during the Perak constitutional crisis are inconsistent with each other. The trust of the rakyat won't be easily won back.

Anonymous_4031: Internal dissent may balloon to a huge tsunami and shake up the very roots of BN, not just Umno alone.

While open debate is a healthy sign, open revolt will be quite another matter. Western nations always encourage debates. Debates will help clear the air as views and opinions are thrashed out. Leaders must be able to listen more and talk less.

A leader must learn to be humble, not arrogant. Take a leaf from Singapore's PM, who told voters that he was sorry for the mistakes made. That apology saved PAP from a greater loss at the polls. Can our PM do the same thing?


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