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PM cuts short overseas trip in fight for survival
Published:  Jul 23, 2011 9:17 AM
Updated: 11:07 AM

your say 'Najib cut short his foreign visit, not for the rakyat but for his own survival. Who says Bersih is not a watershed in Malaysian politics?'

Najib cancels family holiday 'to be with rakyat'

FairMind: It is going to be interesting from now on. First Dr Mahathir Mohamad's fraction (including Marina) condemned the government's handling of the Bersih rally.

Seeing this, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah made his move to form Amanah to bring back our forefather's sense of justice and harmony among the races. We are now starting to hear the ex-Umno ministers calling for free and fair elections.

Next French lawyer William Bourdon was arrested. It could well be the Muhyiddin Yassin and Mahathir fractions which ordered the arrest of Bourdon to deliberately make Najib look bad in the international community. These sharks are smelling blood.


That's why PM Najib Razak cut short his foreign visit to return home, not for the rakyat but for his own survival. Who says Bersih 2.0 is not a watershed in Malaysian politics?

Anonymous: That's right, Najib, BN is the best choice for (a) nepotism, (b) corruption/greed, (c) blatant lies, (d) murder, (e) election fraud, (f) hypocrisy, (g) racial discrimination, (h) dividing the nation, (i) fleecing the nation, (j) kickbacks, (k) friends in low places, (l) illegal detentions, (m) hating yellow, (n) Kotor (not Bersih), (o) graft, (p) cronyism, (q) lack of vision, (r) cowardice, (s) lack of accountability, (t) irresponsibility, (u) wasteful spending, (v) intolerance, (w) being deaf to the rakyat they supposedly represent, (x) bling-bling for their wives, (y) insensitivity, and (z) misguided pride.

I'm sure I still missed out on many others on why BN is definitely dependable and the best choice for the rakyat.

SusahKes: Honestly, it makes no difference whether you (Najib) are around or not. Most of the time, it's your underlings who are mucking things up, whilst you maintain your elegant silence coupled with your getaway trips.

Need someone arrested? Get your cousin to do it. Need someone to face the press? Get Idris Jala or Nazri Aziz to do it. Need some threats issued? Get Ibrahim Ali or Utusan Malaysia to do it.

Need to show some human touch? Get Rosmah Mansor to pose in the Star . Need to buy time on custodial deaths? Get the RCI to do it. Need to look after Felda's money? Get a corrupt politician to do it. Need some image polishing? Get Apco to do it.

Just exactly what do you in the office, Mr Prime Minister? Looking at new budget cuts to help make those shopping trips much cheaper?

Onyourtoes: There are so many things we can infer from your statement. First, we have never asked or commented on your need to have holidays occasionally, either here or overseas. So why the need for you to tell us?

Second, you said it was Rosmah's and your children's generosity to let you come back to Malaysia earlier than planned. So are we supposed to be indebted to your family for the sacrifice that they have made, i.e. having a holiday without you by their side?

Third, you came back earlier because you want to walk in Subang Perdana. Yes, may I know for what? What substantive benefits can the rakyat get by you and your colleagues walking around here and there without focused objectives?

Seriously, how can these walks make a difference to their life other than spending more money with big entourage in tow?


Gerard Samuel Vijayan: Why the gallivanting around the world with Rosmah under the pretext of some official or semi-official reasons is not enough, is it? He is probably the most travelled PM in a mere three years of his administration. So why does he even need a family holiday?

The 3,000 crowd at the KLIA was the usual rent-a-crowd which Umno is well-known for. And did the crowd have a permit under the Police Act to gather at the KLIA?

Najib can meet the people as much as he wants, but the people sudah memuakkan with his type of politics, corruption and police tactics. Just bring on GE13 and stop making excuses.

Karma: There is no need to explain why he is back. If I am in his shoe, I can't sleep a single second overseas. The Altantuya Shaariibuu accusation this time did not come from the opposition, but someone reputable from France.

French lawyer William Bourdon came all the way risking a bullet on his head and facing possible deportation for linking the PM of Malaysia to corruption. He was lucky to have spoken in Penang.

People Power: Be with the rakyat? What baloney! To cover his backside more likely and to plan what to spin next since the French lawyer was in Malaysia telling the rakyat what happened on the Scorpene submarine deal.

Nowadays, the BN ministers and their enforcement stooges have a tendency to resort to lying and spinning. Unfortunately, their lies are easily identified.

Auyonghowkai: Anybody worked out how big a banner to carry 1.2 million signatures?

Tkc: Mr PM, please stop your pathetic and pretentious walkabouts because it deprives some hardworking rakyat from making a few extra ringgit so that they can make ends meet.

You might think that you are one of us just because a few people press your hand on your walkabouts but the sad fact is that you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and you have never known what hardship is all about.

By the way, thank you for cancelling your family holiday. We are so overwhelmed by your sacrifice.

Lim Chong Leong: Najib, you make it sound like it was such a huge sacrifice to give up your holiday. Gandhi gave up everything except for his loin cloth. Now, that is sacrifice.


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