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Who do you believe - Liow, doctors or cops?
Published:  Jul 17, 2011 8:18 AM
Updated: 3:30 AM

your say 'Liow, you don't need enemies. You are your own enemy, what with your ill-advised comments and arrogance over the Tung Shin incident.'

Liow: Someone out there trying to get me

AnakBangsaMalaysia: One is beginning to wonder how much more pathetic Liow Tiong Lai can get. He would be well-advised to find a dirty old sock - preferably one soaked in the FRU's tear gas and chemical water - and stuff his mouth with it to stop himself from making any more stupid statements.

Every single thing he has said since the Bersih 2.0 rally is just making him look worse and worse: first, he flippantly denied that there had been a police assault on Tung Shin Hospital; then, when confronted with mountains of video and photographic evidence, he rapidly back flipped and tried to deflect the blame onto the hospital board (which had foolishly backed him in his initial lies).

Now, he is trying squirm out of his own mess by complaining and painting himself as a 'victim' and that 'someone out there is trying to get him'. Utterly pathetic. The only thing that is 'trying to get him' is his own lack of intelligence and integrity.

Lin Wenquan: Mr Health Minister, please don't bother us with your internal MCA problems. We actually don't give two hoots whether you resign or otherwise.

Please don't drag an old and distinguished charitable hospital into your cooked-up 'persecution' by someone who 'intended to humiliate' you and Tung Shin Hospital (TSH). Nobody will humiliate TSH.

'I don't know' 'maybe' Ng Beh Tong will be under scrutiny for lying that the hospital was never under attack. Cry all you want, nobody is going to believe and accept your taichi and silat bayang put together.

Dharma: Liow Tiong Lai, have you asked yourself what are the chances of you being caught before you launched into your lie? If you are going make an insane lie in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you better be prepared to defend your point and play up your lie convincingly.

There is no use pointing your fingers at someone out there. Lies come in all shapes and sizes and have a plethora of reasons behind them, and I guessed yours would be seeking to get some form of gain from your Umno masters.

You are a good example of hypocrisy and malicious intent that runs rampant within the BN coalition.

Confused: It appears to me that this minister (and the whole government) is just good at blaming others and finding excuses except himself. Why not just admit the mistake and move on. As an elected leader, it is your responsibility to be truthful to your people.

Malaysiasakit: You are blaming someone for your incompetence again? The invisible bogeyman? Come on, Liow, you can do better than this. How about someone in Umno pressuring you to lie and you took it lying down?

SusahKes: "The universe exploded, cos of one man's lie" - The Fly, U2.

I think this truth applies to this country also. Our nation explodes with rage while these Umno/BN liars continue to ham it up with their acting skills.

Anonymous_4031: Who is telling the truth - Liow, the hospital doctors or the Internet media? Did the police and/or the FRU fire tear gas into the Tung Shin Hospital? Did the police and/or FRU chase the Bersih supporters into the hospital?

If the health minister wants the truth, then he should appoint an independent body and surely not the ministry's secretary-general to investigate. Will you ask your son or father to probe the incident, Liow?

Remember Anwar Ibrahim's black eye? The government asked the police to investigate itself. How absurd! And the then PM said that the black eye could be "self-inflicted".

FellowMalaysian: Liow is all flustered up like a agitated cat being chased into a corner. There is little doubt that his reactions is similar to a person who has been caught red-handed in the act.

Remember how Chua Soi Lek's initial denials and defensive behaviour when news of the infamous 'sex in the hotel' surfaced? What the rakyat is asking Liow to do is simple. Just own up and get the hospital to reveal the truth.

We must remember, ultimately, the main perpetrator of this horrendous act is the police and they should be held accountable for their heinous action. Of course for denying that the act did not happen and making the public go on a wild goose-chase, the hospital and Liow should answer for it too.

Dark Knight: Liow, you don't need enemies. You are your own enemy, what with your ill-advised comments and arrogance involving the Tung Shin incident.

Lusiapa: A blatant lie has now precipitated to something more destructive than the police attack and tear gas fired.

That barefaced liar stands to lose his job as public pressure mounts. After all, what can we expect of a dubious character who wormed his way to a cabinet appointment through his crafty apple-polishing; and within a short time had no compunction to enrich himself if only given half the chance.

Remember the Toyota Alphard episode last year? Liow is an absolute disgrace and has brought shame to politics. Isn't it time for the voters of Bentong to give him the boot?

He is exposed by his own words and deeds that he is a liar not worthy of the office he is holding now.

Cascara: Liow doesn't have to be paranoid. Nobody is trying to get you. Just try to honest and tell the truth. It does not mean that if you are in Najib Razak's cabinet you must lie just like him.

Fillio: Liow, it's of your own doing. You're an opportunist of the highest order, and the truth is that there is not an iota of principle and integrity in you.

You're already drown with comfort and you've totally forgotten that your position as the health minister is to protect the hospital, and above all to protect your community who are already at the crossroad with the BN government.

Josephine: The conspiracy theory, in my opinion, has something to do with the jinx connected with the Health Ministry. The problem has nothing to do with Liow's stupidity, dishonesty or snake-likeness.


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