COMMENT Islamic party PAS is at a critical juncture in its history. The decisions at the party polls of the 57th Muktamar will - at least in the short term - resolve some of the conflicts that have been brewing within the party over its political direction and engagement.
The party delegates have a clear choice - to either transform PAS’ identity and embrace a bolder vision within multiethnic Malaysia or continue the current trajectory of limited dynamism and a conflicted direction.
It is likely that when the results are tallied in typical PAS fashion, some sort of compromise will be reached to accommodate the different groups.
Yet, what will be interesting to see is whether PAS’ rank-and-file gives the party greater clarity, that allows for the party to play a more prominent and dynamic national role, or whether they make a conservative turn that would be a serious blow to the future of Pakatan Rakyat, and arguably, PAS itself...