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No Chinese ministers without MCA? So what?
Published:  May 1, 2011 8:50 AM
Updated: 11:14 AM

vox populi small thumbnail 'Chua, don't you think MCA should relinquish all positions now to show that it means what it says? Why don't your men and women give up their jobs?'

MCA may decline gov't posts if GE results worse

PBWin: Another idiotic comment from the wife (MCA) who does not want to divorce the abusive husband (Umno). If you, MCA chief Chua Soi Lek, mean what you say then ask all of your ministers who got into government via the back door to resign now.

A Voter: MCA sounds as if they are the guardians of the Chinese community. But this is far from the truth. You evaluate how the Chinese community has lost out during the 53 years when MCA has been holding posts in the government.

Look at what the World Bank has said as to who are the one million who has left Malaysia. I think MCA must come our clean on why they have left before issuing this threat.

Louis: Chua Soi Lek is up to his old tricks again. I remember Gerakan tried to frighten the Chinese by saying if they were not voted to power in Penang, there would be no Chinese chief minister. Yes, we did vote for them year in, year out. And we had a super 'good' CM in Koh Tsu Koon. And what had he done for the community?

Whether there is a Chinese minister or not, it does not matter for most Chinese who still have to eke out an honest living and save for their children's education, which will eventually enable them to settle overseas.

Chua, do you know who will miss MCA most? It is the rich businessmen who benefit most from their symbiotic relationship with MCA ministers. The majority of the Chinese hope that MCA disappear into thin air, the sooner the better.

Anonymous_4031: The MCA president seems to have forgotten that in the 1969 general election, MCA fared very badly and the then president said the party would opt out from the alliance. And in the 2008 general election it also lost many seats, but the victorious MPs nevertheless took up cabinet posts.

Don't you think MCA should relinquish all positions now to show that it means what it says? Why don't your men and women give up their jobs now? Please do not play the same trick which Abdullah Ahmad Badawi tried just before the last election when he said the Chinese would lose representation in the cabinet.

In the recent Sarawak election, the same trick was used to frighten Chinese voters. But voters cannot be threatened or fooled. Penang showed that it could throw out Gerakan wholesale and bring fresh blood in the form of DAP, PKR and PAS.

It seems the Chinese voters in Penang can indeed live without Gerakan.

Kgen: Don't try to threaten the Chinese to vote for you. Even if there are zero MCA ministers in the cabinet it will not make an iota of difference to the Chinese community. The Chinese have already given up on any real representation by the voiceless, powerless, rubber-stamping puppets from MCA.

Atan-Toyol: Suppose Pakatan wins the next general election, who is going to offer MCA leaders ministerial posts in the new government? Chua is presumptuous that BN will win again. Wait for the outcome of the GE before you make such a statement, Chua.

Najib urges PAS to get out of Pakatan

Ttloo: Prime Minister Najib Razak is so worried that Pakatan is getting stronger by the day. As a result, Najib is trying to create chaos in Pakatan by urging PAS to quit.

But Najib failed to realise that PAS leaders are men of principles who cannot be bought over so easily, given the experience they had once with Umno. Should PAS consider quitting Pakatan, Najib will be calling for the next election with immediate effect.

Singa Pura Pura: Never has a prime minister of this country stooped so low (in bringing up the Omega watch and Shazryl Eskay Abdullah's oath-taking at a mosque).

How grave is an Omega wristwatch compared to the use of tissue-disintegrating C4 explosives? Or the deletion of immigration records? Or the fact that two hooded police or military personnel have been convicted for murder without any apparent motive or reason for the killing?

And please, don't give us that bull that all BN component parties are equal. If ever they were equal the MCA would have done away with Article 153 instead of asking PKR to do it.

Reuben Chan: Why should PAS be friendly, for example, with MCA? Can MCA champion the cause of Islam?

Cannon: Ah, who's knocking at PAS's door with his call card of 'ugama,' 'bangsa' and 'negara'? For all its craftiness, Umno apparently has run out of ideas. Why would PAS want to join Umno, a degenerate and disintegrating party?

Perhaps, Najib can give PAS three good reasons why it should cross over to BN to share Umno's sinkhole? Three good reasons apart from its 'ugama, bangsa, negara' song and dance number. We can give Umno three good reasons why PAS should want to steer clear of Umno.

1) Umno has been punishing the Malays in Kelantan, depriving them of their oil royalty, denying them development and impoverishing them for decades. That's how much Umno cares for the Malays.

2) Umno has played out PAS before to capture Kelantan when PAS was in the BN coalition in the 1970s. Such was its treachery.

3) Last but not least, Umno is a defeated foe, rejected by right-thinking Malaysians.

Anonymous_4031: The 1Malaysia PM now emphasises "race, religion and nation" in that order. Is it not the same as his deputy saying "I am Malay first"? So, where does his 1Malaysia come in?

Now that PAS lost in Sarawak and PKR won only three seats, it appears that Najib feels that he can try his luck again by encouraging PAS to ditch Pakatan.

Does this latest call show up that racism is still just below the surface, that the PM and those in Umno are racists and they always emphasise race first, not nation? So his call that he is a PM for all races is just another empty slogan to pull wool over the eyes of the people.

NX: The people know that BN stands for corruption, injustice and fraud. BN steals the rakyat's money to satisfy their greed, cheat in elections to remain in power and prefers to extol racism to keep the rakyat divided. Why would PAS want to join BN when even the religion advocated by BN gives it a bad name?




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