'There's been a groundswell of support for the opposition not seen before. A tsunami is on the way and it's going to be a huge one. Take my words for it.'
PM on 6-day S'wak blitz: BN in danger?
Ferdtan: It is certainly unprecedented for the PM Najib Razak to actively campaigning in a state election - it is normally a job of a deputy PM. If Sarawak were to lose two-thirds majority; even worse, losing the state to Pakatan, then Umno may put the blame on Najib himself.
DPM Muhyiddin Yassin stands to gain the most from this defeat (which does not altered the power of the federal government). Muhyiddin is not younger than Najib, so it is not possible for him to wait until Najib retires.
For Najib, it is a 'do or die' fight for his own survival.
Quigonbond: If BN thinks it is danger, then the election is in danger of being unfree, unfair and unclean.
Pakatan Rakyat supporters, workers, officials and voters should brace themselves for unprecedented onslaught and should record everything (preferably on audio visual) that's happening during campaigning and especially during polling day, and during the transit of ballot boxes to counting centres.
Pakatan will further need to watch out for phantom voters and multiple voters. With the deluge of postal votes from BN's vote banks such as police and military personnel, Sarawak is in dire need for Sarawakians to return home to vote just to even out the odds.
Lastly, I hope all non-BN parties will show solidarity and withdraw as appropriate from the races to avoid multi-cornered fights. Apart from Pakatan, the rest are just proxies for BN.
Passing Cloud: Najib now knows it's an 50-50 chance for BN and Pakatan. Thus his presence in Sarawak is a last-ditch attempt to buy more votes.
Sarawakian_3ff9: It's strange that Najib will be hanging around in Sarawak. Didn't Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu say that West Malaysians politicians are not welcomed in Sarawak because they bring with them alien cultures?
There's been a groundswell of support for the opposition not seen before. I just came back from the outskirts this morning and unlike previous elections, the locals are now more pro-opposition. A tsunami is on the way and it's going to be a huge one. Take my words for it.
Isa@1penyu: By the same token, Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and Nik Aziz Nik Mat are all in Sarawak because they don't have any confidence in PKR chief Baru Bian or other Sarawak Pakatan candidates.
Borneo son: The frequent visits by Najib may turn out to be non-productive as was seen at the last by-election in Sibu. The rakyat are fed up with corruption and abuse of power.
Alan Goh: I hope that this 1Malaysia PM does not apply ‘over our dead bodies' tactics to Sarawak. ‘Lu tolong gua and gua tolong lu' tactic is already a well-known play during every election.
You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time. Sarawakians, rise up and be counted. Every vote counts, vote for change and replaced the corrupted PBB, SUPP and other BN component parties with Pakatan.
Nothing worse can happen to Sarawak, especially with the present massive corruption and the rape of the customary native lands.
Anak Kenyalang: This is a clear sign that all is not well for BN in Sarawak. We Sarawakians have already made up our mind to vote BN out this time and give Pakatan a chance. Anwar and gang have been working very hard and they deserve our support for what they are standing for.
Anwar: PM coming to Taib's rescue
Ttloo: Najib's fixed deposit in Sarawak is in real danger of being forfeited. Should Sarawak fall to Pakatan, the road to Putrajaya for Pakatan is clear.
Najib will protect and defend Taib Mahmud at all cost. If successful, Taib will be under Najib's full control and will be removed soon.
Nik V: Strategically, Najib's political advisors know that they have a strong chance of retaining Sarawak. And that is why Najib is going because he does not want Muhyiddin and Taib to get all the glory if this were to happen. It is a political struggle for survival even within factions in Umno-BN.
Anonymous Momok: Taib is Najib's eyesore from the beginning and both of them have a mutual dislike and distrust of each other.
Najib would have wanted to do to Taib what he would do any others he disliked but for the fact that he needs a beautiful BN win to show the world how well-loved he is. For this alone, he would have to ‘kowtow' to Taib at the expense of his political integrity.
Najib can't stand Anwar being hailed as "the darling of the West", and that's why he is scheming so very hard to move his cabinet to Sarawak to check the potential tsunami.
Isana: Najib is scared of Anwar. Najib knows that a bad BN victory, that is losing more than 20 seats or being denied two-thirds majority, means that he will be in deep trouble.
BN Sarawak needs a convincing win if not come GE13, Pakatan's onslaught on Putrajaya will be unstoppable. It's do or die for Najib, Umno and BN. But Taib's fate is sealed, he will be out before GE13.
Atan-Toyol: Anwar, you give too much credit to Najib when you said that (Najib's presence) is meant to rejuvenate a lacklustre campaign. Maybe so, but it will backfire if the voters know about the PM's connection to the Altantuya Shaariibuu case. Perhaps, they are not concerned, nor care, about the case.
The Iban and Dayak communities in the rural areas are only concerned with 'bread and butter' issues. That's typical of impoverished rural communities everywhere. Issues of tap water, electricity, fertilisers, rural clinics, basic rural roads, etc, take centre stage.
Please raise the issue of the prohibition of longhouse leaders (tuai rumah) from welcoming opposition party campaigners with the Election Commission, which 'sleeps' on their job in overseeing a fair election.
JINGGY: So, Sarawak is going to celebrate another Christmas. Najib will be bringing a load of goodies and cash for the 'poor' Sarawakians and distribute them at every door. We can only hope this kind of goodies will continue until the 13th general election. It will be great fun.
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