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Thank God for the Sarawak polls
Published:  Apr 3, 2011 10:17 AM
Updated: 2:19 AM

your say 'Despite the so-called 10 points, I still don't trust anyone in Umno. They are doing this only because of the Sarawak state elections.'

Gov't lifts ban on printing of Malay Bibles

Sarawakian_3ff9: Was it worth it, PM Najib Razak? I hope Christians, and indeed Malaysian of all religions, realise that you must stand firm for what is your constitutional right. Don't let the government, or anyone else, bully you.

You take one step backward, they will take two and eventually you will end up in a corner. This time the Church did the right thing in standing up to the government's bullying.

Cascara: It had nothing to do with the Church standing up to the government's bullying. Don't be naive, it is the coming Sarawak state elections that did it.

Geronimo: We would not have arrived at such a mess if only Umno have left us alone to practise our faith in peace.

Despite the so-called 10 points, sorry to say this, I still don't trust anyone in Umno. They are doing this only because of the Sarawak state elections. After the elections are over, they will be back to their devilish business again.

Ever since Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over as prime minister, the Christian community has always been made the bogeyman to the Muslims. It has come to a point where it is now so entrenched in the Malay psyche that Christians are evil people. Look at the recent ban on the poco-poco dance .

I am a Christian and have been one for almost 40 years, and I didn't even know the dance is related to my religion. But that mufti of Perak, being the "enlightened" one he is, knows it is so. Towards this end, I say that Umno must go before more damages are being done.

Nik V: Point 11. Formal apology from Hishammuddin Hussein as the leader of Home Ministry.

Please hurry to print the first locally ‘Made in Malaysia' Bibles. Record and report its progress every step of the way to see if Point 2 is complied with. Honestly, being skeptical of evil actions, I don't believe they will ever truly change as they have proven time and again.

Like a leopard never changes its spots, so do snakes never grow legs. Forgive them but know them for who they are.

Louis: Nik V, you are absolutely right - a leopard never changes its spots. If not for the Sarawak and impending general elections, will the BN government be so generous? No.

To all Malaysians, in order that we have the bargaining chips in our hands, we must give more votes to the opposition. Otherwise, we will be always taken for granted and Umno will simply push offending issues down our throats.

Swipenter: Even though the issue of Malay Bible is seemingly resolved, there is no guarantee that it won't resurface again. We still have the ‘Allah' court case pending appeal.

The already stamped copies must be kept as ‘museum pieces' to remind Christians (and non-Muslims) the freedom of religion and worship as guaranteed in the Federal Constitution and how the Christians fought (without resorting to issuing verbal and physical threats and violence) to keep their rights to practice their religion freely and free from outside interference.

Quigonbond: It's amazing how the Bible issue could be resolved with lightning speed. But with the cabinet ministers constantly contradicting each other, one never really knows what's the actual outcome when there is no decision to change the laws that have been so eloquently raised in the defence of how the government has earlier handled the case.

Equally amazing is for the minister to apologise to the Christians. We recall how Islamic conversion cases still stand out like a sore thumb without any resolution, and we don't hear any minister expressing remorse over untold misery caused to non-Muslim families.

In the end, BN is exposed as hypocrites, whose modus operandi is divide and conquer until such time expediency requires them to come up with a solution (that might not even been long term).

Sarawakian Christians, please stand with those whose religious rights continue to be sidelined and vote to create a strong counterbalance to BN hegemony in the upcoming state election.

Ruben: Exactly, these are all election goodies. Once the election is over, the restrictions and subtle prosecution will come back. This is typical of the government under BN. There is no sincerity in all of this and now they are using Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Idris Jala as their spokesperson.

So can we also now have more freedom on places of worship? The Catholic community in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur waited 25 years for the right to build a church in an industrial area in Shah Alam - a church amongst factories.

The same for the soon-to-be open church, St Thomas More, in an industrial area in Subang UEP and this is serving the Catholic community of Subang Jaya. If this is not subtle persecution, then what is it?

Sarawakian: There is no sincerity at all. There is no mention of cancellation of all those cabinet resolutions and laws (federal and state) that the Home Ministry so gallantly quoted to justify the confiscation/mutilation of the Holy Bibles and held as supreme.

These assurance of our constitutional rights are aimed at winning Christians' vote and will be junked after the state election in Sarawak.

Lover Boy: Idris Jala, you are forgiven for your beautiful imperfection. Now you know and the Malaysian knows that Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein was the cause of this fiasco. He desecrated the "smelly bible" with all the stupid serialisation and stamping issue. It is mighty Christian of you to speak on his behalf.

But why and what good are all the points of agreement when we do not hear it from the home minister himself? I know you need to curry favour for him and BN, but must it be that obvious?

Idris, can you ask Hishammuddin to apologise to the Christians in Malaysia? As for you Idris, a poor Kelabit boy making it big, we are still proud of you, although you may have sold your soul to BN.

Atan-Toyol: The GE must be very close for Idris Jala to make the announcement. (Why him? Why not Hishamuddin?) If GE is far away, why make concessions now after being adamant for so long?

And why must the special stamping ‘Christian Publication' for Peninsular Malaysia? Does HIshammuddin think that Malay/Muslims are that stupid and of weak hearts as not to know it is a Christian holy book when they read the cover of the Indonesian language Bible that says ‘Al Kitab'? And does the reading the Bible by a Malay make him/her an immediate apostate?

Onyourtoes: Why suddenly so sensitive to the needs of others? What about ‘Interlok'? Why is it that the Malay-first DPM is totally uncompromising on this? Is it because it does not affect the voters in Sarawak? Don't be too sure, you know.

Jiminy Qrikert: It was a mere two weeks ago that I posted my comment ‘...for non-Malays, they (Najib-BN) simply lay a siege of non-stop religious, communal and social issues followed by a series of decisions and actions that create the aura of a 'hero of the community' - it appears, it has come to pass.

The solutions that Najib offers simply drives the wedge further between Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia, between Christians and Muslims, between non-Malays and Malays. This is the 1Malaysia of Najib. He and his bigoted regime stir shit on racial, religious and sectarian issues and let that stink rise to high-heaven before Najib-BN steps in as the ‘saviour'.

To the sophisticated watcher and critic, these tricks are clear and disgusting. But to the simple folk who have been feeding off the patronage of BN, the simple-minded Christians and Malaysians beyond the urban centres in East Malaysia, will hail BN-Najib as their 'hero'. And Najib-BN is seen as protector of Islam to bigoted Muslims.

Freemsia: If it wasn't for the fact that the Sarawak state election is coming (where 40 percent of the electorates are Christians), does anyone in their right mind will think this issue will ever be solved? This simply shows BN's insincerity with regards to this issue.

Ikiedetector: What would happen if the court later decides that ‘Allah' cannot be used by non-Muslims? Will the conditions permitting the Bibles be nullified? I smell a rat here.


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