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Hisham, arrest the datuks and we'll believe you
Published:  Mar 24, 2011 9:27 AM
Updated: 3:48 AM

your say 'If the cops are not complicit, how come they have taken no action against Datuk T for the offence of screening and possessing pornographic material?'

My right to defend the police: Hishammuddin

Anonymous_3fc4: As usual, nothing intelligent comes out from the mouth of the home minister. Does he think Malaysians are that naive and gullible of what is going on and who are behind all the character assassination which is being carried out?

Singa Pura Pura: Since the home minister is so emphatic about the point, I am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.

And so I agree, that the home minister, the prime minister and the top echelon of the police and Special Branch have absolutely no inkling whatsoever that a sex video involving the opposition leader has been in the making for weeks, no idea whatsoever that the purveyors of the video were planning to contact the top editors of national dailies and news portals and screen it to them at a venue no less than the Carcosa Seri Negara, and no clue whatsoever that the screening (which was certainly contrary to law ) was taking place in the capital of the country in protracted batches, one after another, for hours.

It is either that I believe that there was a conspiracy of the highest order or that the country has been left to the dogs. In this instance, at the home minister's egging, I choose to believe in the latter possibility.

LittleGiant: The home minister says, "I have the right to defend the integrity of the police."

What "police integrity" he is talking about? Has he done anything so far to protect and defend the integrity of all those innocent people and their families who have suffered in the hands of the police due to wrongful detention and confinement?

What about innocent lives lost due to police brutality? What about trigger-happy policemen who have gone around killing innocent people because the police concluded themselves that those innocent souls were "criminals" and did not have the brains to think otherwise?

The home minister must remember that he is a minister for the people first and he has a duty to protect and defend the rights of the people first and then only he should act as a minister for the police.

HYL: Boy! Talking about kicking a fella when he's in the mud! The ones in possession of a sex tape and showing it to the public are not prosecuted, but the so-called victim is to be sued.

Remember the Hong Kong actor case where his own private collection of sex clips were uploaded to the Internet by another man. They prosecuted the guy who uploaded them. But in Malaysia, the victim has to bear the consequences.

I am confused now because the Malaysian law does not appear to protect innocent victims. So where and from whom can the innocent get their justice?

Lim Chong Leong: Hisham, if the cops are not complicit, then how come they have taken no action against Datuk T for the offence of screening and possessing pornographic material? And why do the police have to study Anwar's report before taking action?

The screening is already a crime in itself and the police can take action without any report just like when there is a man waving a gun in public. Or do the police have to wait for a police report too in that event?

No more blatant lies please, Mr Home Minister. It is long proven that the police is Umno personal security guard and it is up to them to prove otherwise now to regain any public confidence.

'Datuk T' reveal themselves, want RCI on sex tape

Dood: "I don't want to see a leader with corrupt morals and character." - Rahim Thamby Chik, former Malacca CM who was implicated in a sex scandal involving an underaged girl.

I think that sentence says everything that needs to be said about the character of this man.

Anonymous_3f96: This infamous trio are personalities who have hogged the news in the past. Wasn't one of the trio, charged with statutory rape of a minor. Another is involved in litigation concerning the crooked bridge. He is also the owner of a sheep and goat farm in Kubang Pasu, Jitra (Tun Mahathir's former constituency). Another is a senior member of the right-wing group Perkasa. All three are directly or indirectly connected to the ruling party.

Survivor: Rahim, it is only right that you are asked to resign, or rather you ought to have resigned without being asked.

You have now admitted that TDM (Tun Dr Mahathir) was the person who did not want you to resign. TDM was therefore wrong in not wanting you to resign. It goes to show that TDM was in fact the person who do not mind having scandalous ministers in his cabinet.

Anwar was right to want you to resign. If it is true as what you said, then Anwar has got to lie to you because he cannot get TDM to agree to force you to resign.

Proarte: We are getting the chronology wrong here. If there is to be a RCI on the sex tapes, can we first start with Chua Soi Lek who was caught with his pants down having sex with a Chinese woman in a hotel room?

He even admitted it was him in the tapes. He was caught performing oral sex which is a criminal offence in our archaic laws inherited from the British who themselves have repealed these from their statute books.

There should be a RCI to determine why there has been double standards in the judicial and punitive system. They have let CSL off the hook but are pursuing Anwar with venom. Why?

Anwar has denied being the man in the 'Datuk T' porn tapes so having an RCI does not arise. While we are on the high horse of moral policing?

Will Rahim Thamby Chik provide his blood sample so that a DNA check can be done to ascertian whether he indeed is the father of the child of the underaged Malay girl whom he allegedly had a sexual relationship with. Will he agree to a RCI on this matter?

Gerard Samuel Vijayan: Since every dog in Umno now wants to talk about morality, why not have an RCI investigate all allegations of immorality levelled against both Umno/BN and Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

Some of the idiotic Umno lap dogs who are commenting here should get this into their big heads. So it was not okay to expose Rahim Thamby Chik but alright to lie, slander, demonise and victimise Anwar?

Better Anwar than the murderers and pimps who run this country.


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