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Swabs taken 2 days after alleged oral sex?
Published:  Feb 15, 2011 9:18 AM
Updated: 1:33 AM

vox populi small thumbnail 'Don't tell us that Saiful did not eat or wash his mouth for two days, similarly to what he said earlier that he did not wash his anus for two days?'

Doctor: Saiful claims he performed oral sex

Ferd Tan: Hospital Kuala Lumpur's Dr Siew Shueu Feng and Dr Khairul Nizam are getting more incredible - taking swab specimens from complainant Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan's throat and tongue after being told that he had performed oral sex on the accused. Now don't tell us that Saiful did not eat or wash his mouth for two days, similarly to what he said earlier that he did not wash his anus for two days?

Now we can clearly see what the prosecutors are trying to do in this case. In the eyes of the rakyat, it is a frame-up to remove a political rival. The prosecutors are applying the tactic of the infamous Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels: a lie, if audacious enough and repeated enough times, will be believed by the masses.

Lonestar: It is to be presumed that after Saiful performed oral sex, he did not rinse his oral cavity or swallow right up to the time he was examined at Hospital Kuala Lumpur by this squad of unnatural sex experts.


It is highly possible that one who can refuse to empty his bowels for some 48 to 72 hours can also ensure that whatever was deposited in his oral cavity can be retained for a similar length of time. What a guy!

Karma: Why is it that Saiful is not charged for performing unnatural sex when he blatantly admitted to it? Whereas the one denying it, was charged. This is the same with the aircraft theft where the alleged abettor were charged and the abetted was let free.

There are many more incidents of selective prosecution in Malaysia. MCA chief Chua Soi Lek is free of any prosecution for committing adultery despite admitting to it and this was backed with video evidence.

Those issuing racial remarks like former Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail, Perkasa, Utusan Malaysia were all let free while Teresa Kok and another (Sin Chew journalist Tan Hoon Cheng) were kept under ISA when it was former MB Mohd Khir Toyo who misled the public about the azan issue. What a country we are in!

Anonymous_4196: Contradiction: "I did not took specimen from other areas as the victim told us that he had washed and cleaned himself," he (Dr Khairul Nizam Hassan) said. This statement ran contrary to Saiful's testimony last year, when cross-examined by lead counsel Karpal Singh, said he did not wash his anus in order to preserve evidence."

Unbelievable: How do you proof Saiful performed oral sex on Anwar as the medical examination on Saiful was done two days later. It is hard to believe that Saiful didn't drink or wash his mouth or brush his teeth for two days.

Suppressing evidence: The examining doctor refuse to refer to their notes during trial to avoid handing the medical report to the defence team. Intimidation: We all know what happened to first doctor from Pusrawi hospital who examined Saiful and find no evidence of sodomy.

I smell a fish so does the rest of the world. I hope those people who give evidence fear God. The least they can do is stop embarrassing the rest of us Malaysians.

Wira: A 61-year-old skinny man forced himself on a young, 20 something healthy man for non consensual sex? That alone is incredulous. Only a judge in Malaysia would believe this story.

Doctor: Saiful unusually calm during examination


Kgen: The whole chemistry report and government doctor's reports can be taken as fabrication as they refuse to provide the means for cross-checking. We are told to believe that the doctors and chemists have acted in a fair and unbiased manner.

This is not about faith this is a trial in which one man may lose his freedom. If they refuse to allow independent cross verification who are they trying to fool? Remember Sodomy I in which fake DNA evidence was presented? We are not the idiots they think we are.

Che Dr Siew: If you really work without fear or favour, why then did you not refer to the medical notes when you were giving your testimony. Surely any sane person will refer to the notes to make sure that the testimony is accurate. And yet you referred to the notes during recess?

Ng Jooi Eing: Why was Jude Pereira, being a non-medical officer, given the role to fill up a medical pro-forma form?

Atan-Toyol: It is unbelievable that sperm and semen do not disintegrate due to microbial activities in the rectum - what more with the high temperature prevailing there. I don't have a medical degree but did study biological sciences at a tertiary institution. My common sense tells me that the rectum is not a refrigerator that can arrest microbial activities.

I don't believe these doctors could retrieve any spermatozoa there, especially when it is mixed with faeces. Something stinks here.

Justice Seeker: From the defence counsel's line of questioning, it has clearly exposed that Dr Siew Sheue Feng has breached the Hippocratic Oath. The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by doctors swearing to practice medicine ethically.

But here we have got a doctor lying unabashedly. I have children who are doctors, they are ashamed that there is such a doctor in the medical profession - prostituting the medical profession.

HRP activists released... with their shirts

Amaso: Are those orange colour shirts causing social disorder or posing threat to national security? Why is the police so concerned with this when there are serious crimes to be resolved?

Ketuanan Rakyat: This is Umnoputras' reaction to the objections against the use of the Interlok book in the schools by many Malaysian Indians. They want all Indian Malaysians to accept the usage of the term 'pariah' just as MIC is quietly accepting it as well.

Previously, Indian Malaysians were described by Umnoputras as beggars who came from India. The Human Rights Party (HRP) should work with Pakatan Rakyat to throw Umnoputras/BN out of office.

P Dev Anand Pillai: This is how the Indians are consistently bullied. In the rallying call for a change during the last elections, a new party has been formed. Yet, the Indians will vote for the BN again and again. So if they are not bullied, what else can they receive from the hands of the BN which they just can't part with?

The injustice stares us right at the face and yet they don't seem to be perturbed until something befalls them. Well, if they are quiet, the "p" word will become the new word for the rest to describe Indian Malaysians.

Anonymous_3fc4: Malaysia is getting very paranoid with coloured T-shirts. At one stage, it was black and now it's orange. This is really proving to be a police state. The mere colour of a T-shirt is enough send shivers down Umno's back. The new police chief has succumed to the same colour-phobia.


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