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Umno vs PAS: What have Chinese got to lose?
Published:  Jan 23, 2011 7:40 AM
Updated: 11:46 PM

your say 'What's the difference between the regret we have been living with over the past 50 years and the regret we are going to face in the future.'

Umno pats MCA's back on Islamic state assault

On Your Toes: Chua Soi Lek, you said politics is to give clear explanations. So please explain to me:

1) The difference between the moronic state we live in now and the Islamic state that you claim we are getting into.

2) The difference between the regret we have been living with over the past 50 years and the regret we are going to face in the future. Please note that for many of us, we have wasted our lives living under your moronic care, so what is there to look for further?

3) You said, "Would Umno become more Islamic to ensure the Malays support and win back the Chinese votes?" This is precisely why you think we Chinese and Indians are stupid.

PAS has been made a bogeyman the last 50 years so that Umno with its moronic logic and support has plundered this country dry. Chua, touch your heart and tell us what exactly you are fighting for today - the future of the Chinese in this country, a more egalitarian and fair society, a more multicultural and multilingual Malaysia?

Fence sitter: Non-Malays in Kelantan do not complain about the PAS government. Non-Muslim Perakians were disappointed that Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin was removed as menteri besar. If PAS is that extreme, why did the non-Malays vote for Nizar?

We non-Malays, especially the Chinese, should be more wary of MCA, whose president had a starring role model in a certain VCD, while in MIC, we had DP Vijandran.

Kakarook: The Chinese community must think deeply about rule by Islamic values and the Holy Quran. Is this your concern? Are you afraid?

You can speak for yourself, Chua. Islamic values and the Holy Quran teach us to live in peace with one another regardless of race and religion. I would rather trust PAS than you and your BN robbers, rapist and murderers, etc.

Malaysiasakit: This uncouth serial fear monger doesn't realise that the Chinese can no longer be frightened by him. His party has been crying wolf for the past 53 years and they are sounding like a broken old record. Surely he must have observed from GE12 that the rakyat are now prepared to vote a cat or a dog as their representative as long as it is not from BN.

Singa Pura Pura: It is deeply troubling that this president of the MCA could find it in his heart of hearts to tell the Chinese community that a vote for PAS will amount to a signal to the Malays from the Chinese community that it is ready and willing to accept a Malaysia that is run according to Islamic tenets.

Troubling, ironical and contemptuous - for it was (and is) precisely MCA that has, representatively and vicariously, through its acts and omissions (but mostly omissions), allowed the entire Chinese Malaysian community to become the principal Umno-doormat for half a century.

Whatever signal the MCA president thinks might be sent to the Malays via PAS has been sent time and again by and through the MCA via Umno. Paradoxically, it is now time to stop that MCA Morse-code to the Malays by voting for PAS.

Malaysian First, Malaysian Always: The Chinese community has been supporting MCA and BN for 53 years. Compare the position and the rights of the Chinese community now and 53 years ago, then decide whether we still want to vote for BN/MCA.

Straight fight in Tenang by-election

Ong Guan Sin: I can't believe that BN leaders were so petty and harped on the nominators for the candidates. It says much about BN's superficial ‘multi-racialness'. What matters is how the people inside Pakatan Rakyat work together and their shared principles.

Even in the morning during the march to the nomination centre, it was a stark difference between BN and Pakatan supporters. BN went in its typical ‘kelompok' (grouping) by race, whereas Pakatan has a more mixed interaction among all its people. I was there, I should know.

LAU BL: MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong is so immature. Putting different races as proposer or seconder in the nomination forms is all that you can show? This is just the type of superficial mentality we can expect from MCA that tries to hoodwink the rakyat all the time.

Patriot: If a minister (Wee Ka Siong) can conclude that BN/Umno's candidate nomination reflects 1Malaysia because a Malay candidate was proposed by a Chinese and seconded by an Indian - then it confirms that BN is more concerned about the form than the substance.

DPM Muhyiddin Yassin said he is 1Melayu and 2Malaysian. Does that mean he is anti-1Malaysia? Since Merdeka - name me one inspector-general of police, vice-chancellor, Bank Negara governor, etc, who is a non-Malay?

The list goes on and on... 1Malaysia is a just an election gimmick to hoodwink gullible voters

Voice: There's a BN banner that says ‘Undilah BN, Hidup Sejahtera'. Well, that is not for us. Not for the people on the street. Not for the poor. That is exclusively for Umno, BN members, BN cronies, and the rich and corrupt.

Disgusted: Dear Normala Sudirman, we in KL/Selangor wish you all the best, may God be with you to defeat the corrupt BN regime and save Malaysia. Be yourself and be sincere in your words and actions when campaigning. Don't play on racial or religious themes to win people's support.

Neither you nor Pakatan should make unwarranted personal attacks on your opposing candidate.

Victor Johan: If Normala Sudirman does not touch other people's hands, at least she touches their hearts. Umno/MCA/MIC/BN slide theirs into people's pockets and flee.


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