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A bitter lesson for Ng Wei Aik
Published:  Jan 15, 2011 9:26 AM
Updated: 1:30 AM

vox populi small thumbnail 'Tendering your apology does not absolve you from the fact that you had acted arrogantly and disrespectfully towards Syed Kassali and his employees.'

Komtar rep apologises over conduct during raid

Changeagent: Ng Wei Aik, unfortunately, tendering your ‘apology with a sincere heart' does not absolve you from the fact that you had acted arrogantly and disrespectfully towards Syed Kassali Mohammed Aliyar and his employees. This too in full view of the media and members of the public.

As an elected representative of the people, your service is first and foremost to the people regardless of race, status or creed. By your inappropriately excessive approach and heavy-handedness, you have demonstrated your inability to comprehend this fundamental principle.

As such, it is only appropriate for you to tender your resignation as Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's political secretary. Pakatan Rakyat supporters do have higher expectations of their representatives.

Anonymous_5fb: Traps are everywhere, particularly in Pakatan states for Pakatan politicians to fall into, all for the purpose of disrupting the function of the state governments.

It is easy for Umno to play with 'Melayu' and 'Islam' issues in disguise, in the name of ultras like Perkasa, Kimma, Islamic authorities and ultra-NGOs, with the coordination from PDRM (police), Attorney-General's Chambers, MACC and even the judges (of course, not all judges are like that).

In other words, it is silly for Pakatan to deal the so-called 'sensitivities' head on but to demonstrate its maturity, disseminate proper information, having a clear line of responsibilities and always fall back to law and order to deal with these stupidities.

Docs: Wow, this is something we don't see often. Politicians apologising for mistakes. It takes a responsible person to apologise. Kudos to YB Ng Wei Aik for that gesture. More so, to apologise to the Indian Muslim community that are firmly 120 percent BN supporters as it will not translate into political mileage or votes for Ng.

Acoward: Be a responsible leader, resign. Don't say you will apologise only if you did it. To Pakatan, it is a very serious offence as it is different from Umno/BN.

Parameswara_40fe: Dear ACoward - read again the report. It says "The DAP assemblyperson expressed regret that he had acted in a rude manner when he had accompanied the Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) in an operation against the restaurant for flouting regulations. Ng however maintains his innocence against allegations that he had uttered racist remarks at the scene."

This means - Ng is still maintaining that he did not utter racial slurs. You get your facts right please. Ng said that if it can be proved that he uttered racial slurs, he will resign from his job in the CM's office. As of now, he does not need to as no one has come forward with the proof.

MrM: Boycott all ‘mamak' stalls. End of story.

Manjit Bhatia: How will boycotting mamak stalls and restaurants improve the politics of Malaysia toward open democracy? How will it improve race relations? Those who are advocating a boycott are presumably also the ones who seek democracy and racial harmony. So why the contradiction? Or, to put it boldly, why the hypocrisy?

Police abuse: Businessman still living in fear

lbl: It looks like we at the mercy of the police. They can plant drugs and weapons in your car. How are you going to prove it does not belong to you.

Since the car is in the police custody, they can do what they like to look as if the drugs and weapons were in the car. If the magistrate, police, AG's office is against the public, where do we get help from?

SS2 Girl: Anonymous 418d, if you had read earlier reports on this, they explained about the RM13,000 - Chia Buang Hing is a frame maker. He had closed shop for the day. It's a cash business. Hence, the RM13,000 cash.

P Dev Anand Pillai: When we can have businesswomen travelling around with their bank officers and lawyers carrying millions, why can't a frame maker making collections from his shops go around with RM13,000? There are many who come to deposit money in banks and even walk out of banks with more than RM13,000, do they need to explain?

Come on, that is not the issue here, it is plain police brutality, if he had a lapsed road tax, just give him a summon and move on, if he fails to pay up within the given period then summon him to court, that's the process.

But knowing our cops, they beat and kill if necessary and then behave as if nothing had happened. The police have proven time and time again that they are the Gestapos for their political masters and not the protectors of the people.

Even if he had RM13,000 on him, does it condone and warrant the police to ask for the money and beat one up if it is turned down?

Disgusted: This guy runs a successful picture frame shop in TTDI next to the Chinese restaurant Yong Len, which is behind Devi Corner. I've been to his shop and spoken to him and has a thriving business. He definitely did not look like a drug addict nor a thug.

In fact, he was polite and so was his wife. They showed me some of the paintings he had although I did not buy any. To carry RM13,000 on him is ‘sup sup soi' (small change) for Chia.

Vicki: Wasn't Chia released by the good narcotics officer who even ordered his police bail money to be returned. After so many days in remand and being assaulted, if the police are pondering about what to charge him with, it is clear that they are looking for bargaining power - if Chia drops his report against the cops, they will not file drug charges against him.

SusahKes: Dear Mr PM, I hope you are taking some time off from patronising your Twitter posts, and read what some of your 1Malaysia citizens are going through.

After all, you were prepared to drink ‘teh tarik' in Brickfields and Petaling Street. These are the people whose votes you crave for. These are the people you are desperately trying to retain and/or bring back to Malaysia through your Talent Corp. These are the people to whom you are trying to sell your 1Malaysia and ETP, GTP, etc, to. Are you listening to your rakyat?

What is Apco advising you? Or Rosmah Mansor for that matter? You sure need to listen, because that ‘cow-head' cousin of yours is living in Disneyland, citing some pseudo statistics to proclaim a ‘syok sendiri' statement that the crime rate is down. Your call, Mr PM.

JUST Minded: After having perused through the IPCMC (Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission) recommendations many times, I am now truly convinced it must be implemented, not only for transparency but also to protect the image of our police force.

Nes: Chia and his family is living in fear because of the police. That says it all, really.


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