'The BN is no different to Dr Jackyl and Mr Hyde - stirring racial tension in the day and talk about unity at night.'
Selangor declares war on 1Malaysia
Gigento: Kudos Selangor! Penang, Kelantan and Kedah should follow suit. The rakyat of different races have been tolerating each other and living peacefully as 1Nation since May 13, 1969. BN is the one that is creating all these racial tensions with the help of Perkasa.
BN is no different to Dr Jackyl and Mr Hyde - stirring racial tension in the day and talk about unity at night.
P Dev Anand Pillai: That's it, Faekah Hussin, go ahead and shred them good. Perhaps with the courage that you have shown, many young women out there will come out and vote for change. BN is crumbling and they are hard bent on taking everyone down with them.
It will be best that some UN help is sought in event the BN loses federal power. The first order must be not to allow any flights out of the country until all former plunderers-cum-ministers and rotten civil servants are rounded up and kept under house arrest until the new government is sworn in.
It is now or never for the people of this beloved land of ours. We have to claim it back, and in turn keep our promises to our Borneo brethren by letting them go on their own.
Neders: The fact of the matter is we had a genuine 1Malaysia for years (not of the Najib Razak or Apco variety) until TDM (Dr Mahathir Mohamad) started to bash it out of shape during his 22 years as PM.
The current 1Malaysia is a different animal altogether - it preys on the numb and young minds of the zombies that they churn out by the tens of thousands by way of a skewed education policy.
There are good reasons to fear this current 1Malaysia because it is coined by a regime that is corrupt to the core, oppressive, practices racism and religious bigotry and plunders the coffers of the country with impunity.
ISA, OSA and a whole lot of other SAs are used to put fear into the hearts of ordinary citizens, to keep them in the dark so that the regime can continue to remain in power.
Yobama: BN politicians claim the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat was practicing double standards when referring to the display of DAP rocket, which is allowed, but not the 1Malaysia logo in Selangor. Fancy that!
BN accusing others of double standards when in fact they are the 'expert' in such practices - prosecuting Pakatan people immediately when they do some wrong, but dragging their feet when it comes to their own people committing offences. So, if they say Pakatan is practising double standards, it was because they are now tasting a bit of their own medicine.
Anonymous: Najib, you should test your cabinet on your 1Malaysia slogan and see how they themselves individually perceive this. I bet they are confused themselves.
Najib's popularity dips to 69% after price hikes
Albert: PM Najib's highest approval rating came from the Indian respondents - at 85 percent in December. If the Merdeka Centre survey based on 1,005 randomly selected registered voters is representative and true, then I am completely flabbergasted with the Indian respondents.
Don't they realise that after 53 years of misrule and abuse of power by the Umno-led government (including MIC), the Indians are probably one of the most discriminated and marginalised race in this country?
It is mind-boggling that the Indian respondents still have high regards for PM Najib. Look at what happen to his 1Malaysia, which is meant to correct the systematic discrimination and mrginalistion of the minority races (including the Indians) due to the blatant abuse of Article 153. As soon as former PM Mahathir Mohamad and Perkasa sneeze, Najib catches a cold.
Do the Indian respondents honestly think that PM Najib has the political will to implement what any right-thinking and sane rakyat thinks is the right thing to do?
Wira: I believe the Indians are the most misinformed ethnic group among Malaysians. What about those loud-mouth Indian Pakatan and Hindraf leaders? It is very evident that neither party had been doing a good job educating the most deprived community in the peninsular.
Eighty-five Indians out of 100 are happy with Najib - up from 85 Indians out of 100 were unhappy with him 20 months ago. Either Hindraf ought to be dissolved or Apco had been doing a fantastic job.
Petestop: I really don't understand what Hindraf is complaining about - suing the British government, complaining about racial cleansing and economic disenfranchisement, etc. Apparently 85 percent of Indians are very happy with Najib.
Hindraf should change to Chindraf instead, given that the Chinese are the most unhappy with Najib. What a load of crap for them to ask from Pakatan 15 parliamentary seats, they should be asking BN instead, since most Indians are supporting BN.
FairMind: If this survey is accurate then it shows that only the ‘bread and butter' issues which directly affect the citizens, such as increase in prices of food, increase in tolls, petrol, high-crime rates, corruption, etc, will only be effective against the BN government as they control the MSM (mainstream media) and they are the masters in playing the racial card.
If the opposition has any chance of occupying Putrajaya, then they should pay more attention to raising bread-and-butter issues rather than issues like Apco, Sodomy II, 1Malaysia signboards, etc, which are like double-edged swords - they can cut both ways.
Myop101: Congratulations to Najib on getting such high approval rating. You should quickly call for a snap poll since BN will likely win a lot this time around.
Armour Man: I am not surprised. The Indians are gullible and the Malays are easily satisfied. Perhaps, several Malay respondents had their children offered places in residential schools after the UPSR, and now they are ever grateful to BN/Najib.
That a staggering percentage has not heard of the ETP (Economic Transformation Programme) also suggests that the sampling may be biased towards the less educated/lower income group.
Dood: Sixty-nine percent approval is still pretty impressive. I didn't know there were that many naive fools in Malaysia.
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