'We may disagree, but we wish Ibrahim Ali well'
Published:  Oct 17, 2010 9:05 AM
Updated: Oct 18, 2010 2:55 AM

vox populi small thumbnail 'We should wish good health to everyone, whether friend or foe. He fought for what he believed in. If he is wrong, God will punish him.'

Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali in ICU

David Yee: Our heartfelt prayers to his family. Karma or no karma, we should not strike a person when he is down. With all his wrongdoings, we may not easily forgive him, but he is still a human being. Do not join him in belittling others during their despair or else we are no better than him.

EL: We should pray for his salvation. Either the Lord changes his heart and he will be a good Muslim and join PAS to fight for righteousness, or he meet Jesus in his ICU bed and become a devout Catholic and then fight for the rights of Christians to use ‘Allah'. Let's pray together.

Just me: I wish him well. We should wish good health to everyone, whether friend or foe. He fought for what he believed in. If he is wrong, God will punish him in the end.


BM: Apa pun agama kita, buatlah perkara yang betul dan berguna untuk manusia sejagat. Buat apa sembahyang sini sana tetapi sentiasa dengan tingkah-laku yang tidak menafaat semua insan?

Insaf dan bertaubat atas kesalahan kita masing-masing. Itulah yang penting. Betapa keji pun Ibrahim Ali atau orang-orang lain, saya harap beliau dan mereka yang terlibat dapat bersembuh cepat. Inilah ajaran dan kepercayaan agama saya.

Ponto: Whilst we are concerned over your health and praying for your recovery, we are also intensely praying for your redemption and deliverance from the seemly injustices and pains that you have brought on other races through your propagation and practice of your culture of intimidation and threats.


All God-fearing beings are particularly mindful of the belief that there is always the divine interpretation and intervention in whatever we do and honouring of said belief would enhance and guide us to pursue the course of righteousness in life.

As a Muslim and human being, you should not feign ignorance and pretend to be blind to such worthy virtues and values by your continuous slugging and taunting other non-Malays for just being non-Malays.

As the saying goes "when an animal dies it leaves behind its skin, and when a human dies it leaves behind his reputation", and such an awakening truth should instill in you the fear of God and love for your fellow human beings, whatever their races may be.

CarL: Some folks here are very generous. Ailing people are and will remind us of our parents, maybe ourselves when we reach that age. I wish him a good recovery, and in the process, his life-threatening incident will make him undo his ways. God is God, he treats us all the same. You can condemn or be condemned yourself.

3-cornered fight as Khalid, Nurul pull out

Clear Soul: Zaid Ibrahim is a man who knows very well that we need to be in touch with the real world, rather than spouting empty promises, which is easy to make.


Speak responsibly, Azmin Ali. Who are you to bring Pakatan Rakyat to Putrajaya? You are not even the president of PKR. And Pakatan Rakyat consist of three parties. Do not speak on behalf of the rest. Be realistic in life.

Don't just say we'll walk to Putrajaya - tell us how. Talk is cheap, promises mean nothing. But only with proper well-planned strategies can we ensure success. Funding is the first to think about, and Zaid is spot on.

Anon: 'Bringing in funds'? Typical of Zaid Ibrahim. Wasn't that the reason he was suspended by Umno? He is conveniently trying to instill the same culture in PKR. Is this the wolf in sheep's skin?

Jay Tan: It's good that Khalid Ibrahim pulled out. That enables him to focus on his job as Selangor MB. Whoever wins or loses, just remember your common goal and enemy. As they say, do not lose sight in the long term.

DOC: The signs are already evident that the 13th general election is just around the corner. I seriously hope PKR leaders can get their act together and get this party election behind them fast.

Kudos to Khalid and Nurul Izzah Anwar for pulling out of the No 2 race, which will help PKR's image. Pakatan needs to move ahead and brace for the BN onslaught, which will come soon, and the brunt of BN/Umno wrath will be on PKR, which is perceived as the kink in Pakatan's armour.

War is upon Pakatan and only as a united front can it move ahead to achieve victory in GE 13.

Victor Johan: An exemplary political party is where members can agree to disagree, where there is an element of true democracy, no money politics, and only popularity and effective leadership prevails. A similar trend exists in PAS and DAP where they close ranks after the competition.

Nazri Aziz: The 'accidental' hero

Inspektor Klueso: At least, Nazri Abdul Aziz makes some sense, something which the combination of Ibrahim Ali, Hishammuddin Hussein, and Muhyiddin Yassin apparently is not capable of.

Terus: In all honesty, he is the type of leader that Umno really needs in order to reinvent itself, but with so many overbearing ‘warlords' in Umno, president Najib Razak will face much difficulty.

Najib must search deep and raise characters like Nazri from within to slowly but surely put the ‘warlords' to pasture. Only then will there be hope for Umno and BN.

Anak Malaysia: Dear PM Najib, if you want to see the police force and media revamped and the public supporting you, appoint Nazri as the next minister of home affairs.

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