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'988 DJs suspended but not Utusan columnists?'
Published:  Aug 21, 2010 7:47 AM
Updated: 11:53 PM

vox populi small thumbnail 'Were the remarks as bad as some articles we read in Utusan or hear from Perkasa? We have heard worst from the latter so let there be some freedom of speech.'


988 top duo suspended, popular talk show in limbo

Anonymous: This shows how our ruling party and politicians make Malaysia a very intolerant country. Just because the DJs are making remarks and comments which most listeners believe are the truth, they shut them up.

They will rather drown out all their misdeeds, mistakes and ugly hidden agendas and continue to mislead the public with their own propaganda. It is high time Malaysians woke up and tell these crooks that we want the truth.

Swipenter: Journalists, DJs and producers of RTM documentaries and radio station talk shows are not expected to host and document events as objectively and truthfully as they see them if they want to keep their jobs.

They can spin as much as they like except report and talk about the inconvenient truths facing the country. So be forewarned those who are thinking of doing what is right and objective. You are likely to find yourself unemployed the next morning.

Anonymous2: Why must the DJs be suspended? Can anyone tell us what he said on air that deserves this sentence without trial? We are really keen to know what he said.

Agent99: Jamaluddin Ibrahim got fired for causing racial tension. God knows the truth. He may really have said something that justifies his firing or someone is either daydreaming and decided to fire him. Anyway, were his remarks as bad as some articles we read in ‘Utusan Malaysia’ or heard from Perkasa?

We have heard worst from the latter and we can live with that. So let there be some freedom of speech.

Anonymous3: The headmistress tells the Chinese students to go back to China. Jamaluddin of  988 must have said the reverse - appealing for Chinese from mainland China to migrate to Malaysia!

Habib RAK: This clearly shows that MCA president Chua Soi Lek is indeed playacting. MCA cannot be trusted anymore just like Umno and all the other component parties in BN.

DontPlayGod: How come Utusan Malaysia writers and columnists have never been suspended and sacked?

Traitors hide the truth, says Nurul Izzah

Yuvan: It is not Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah's statements that have ‘damaged the country's image in the eyes of the world’. It is the display of immature behaviour of the Umno leaders and the insane statements they make day in and day out that is damaging the country's image.

Having the Twin Towers as the nation's icon to show to the world is not enough. The world will be more impressed and our nation will be honoured only if our politicians can rise like the Twin Towers and speak the truth. Nurul Izzah is one such politician.

Multi-Racial: The real traitors of the country are those who waste public funds. The real traitors of the country are those who steal public funds. The real traitors of the country are those who assist in covering up of the truth.

In the case of the submarine deal, it was established by the French investigators that there was corruption involved and the amount involved was huge. Perimekar did not have the experience or expertise to provide any ‘value-added service’ to the government on the submarine. The company was set up a few months before the purchase of the submarine.

The chief French investigator even went to the extent of asking those present at his press briefing: ‘How many schools and hospitals can the government build with such a huge sum of money?’ I applaud Nurul for speaking out intelligently, unlike her counterparts in BN.

KillBN: Way to go, girl! The long-suffering rakyat are with you all the way. The only traitors in this country are the BN politicians and cronies who steal the taxpayers' monies by lining their own pockets with obscene commissions under the pretext of buying third-rate defence products   (ie, useless junk that no First World nation would even pay this kind of money for).

Ong Guan Sin: It has become clear now that the traitors are the ones who tend to use the 'traitor' label on others. Being habitual of their traitorous acts and thinking, they inevitably become so unaware of the notion of 'traitor' that they label others as traitors.

Ex-CCID chief Ramli acquitted yet again

Ferdtan: Ramli Yusuff, with this charge against you thrown out, hopefully, you are now able to talk freely. You owe your many supporters - especially your harassed lawyer Rosli Dahlan, who is having a charge hanging over him - and the nation your continued struggle against injustice

Just don't fade away. Nothing happens without a reason. Come and stand together with the rakyat to fight for the truth and save Malaysia. That could be your destiny.

Kgen: Ramli's baseless charges show that the MACC is just a tool of Umno. The charges were not based on real wrongdoings but on politics. The director-general of tourism Mirza Mohammad Taiyab, who was recently charged, is also the victim of baseless MACC charges.

Pemerhati: It would appear that the top Umnoputras (ie, Najib and his inner circle) did not regard Ramli as a threat and so they have let the courts decide his fate according to the law. If they wanted a guilty verdict, they could have easily got one of the many kangaroo court judges and come up with a guilty verdict.

Ramli’s fate is still in Najib’s hands because if Najib suddenly changes his mind, he may ask the attorney-general to appeal and then get Ramli convicted by the higher courts.

KJ John: The man was falsely charged to disqualify him from being the next inspector-general of police. My view is that the Police Services Commission should consider appealing to the Agong to allow him to be appointed as the next IGP. Only he can clean up the rot.


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