'Since BN is deaf to us, maybe they'll listen to US'
Published:  Aug 5, 2010 7:58 AM
Updated: Aug 5, 2010 3:03 AM

your say 'To call for help outside our shore is inevitable due to the intransigence of our BN-led government in not willingly to hear the cry of the rakyat.'               


Gore, Wolfowitz want US to weigh in on Anwar trial

Kgen: Thank you Al Gore and Paul Wolfowitz for speaking out on this. The BN government should stop pretending that the charge against Anwar Ibrahim is anything but pure fabrication and ensure that Anwar is given a real trial instead of a mock trial.


The whole world has witnessed how Anwar was denied the most basic judicial process available to any person charged. When Anwar is convicted, Malaysia will join the ranks of Burma and North Korea. BN will drag Malaysia back to the dark age of Stalin and Hitler who also held mock trials.

Anwar's fabricated sodomy case is not about what happens to one man, but involves all Malaysians. If the whole criminal justice system can be perverted to serve the ruling party, no Malaysian will be safe from unjust prosecution. Do you want to live in a banana republic where the state can do anything against its citizens and be backed by the law which they have perverted?

This is about the type of country you want to live in and what your children will experience. Every Malaysian should oppose this unjust persecution of Anwar no matter which political divide you’re on.

Ferd Tan: Thanks to former ambassador to Malaysia John Malott who, in his article to the Wall Street Journal on Anwar's current unjust sodomy trial, started the ball rolling in the US in the hopes of spearheading the call for a fair trial for Anwar.

Now, we have two additional prominent US leaders lending their support for Anwar. Hopefully, more US leaders will come out in concerted effort to put pressure on the Obama administration to do the right thing - to put pressure on the Malaysian government through diplomatic channels.

To call for help outside our shore is inevitable, due to the intransigence of our BN government in not willingly to hear the cry of the rakyat.                    

Abil: We all know how Perkasa is going to spin this one, by calling Wolfowitz ‘a Jew’ and that Anwar is a stooge of Jews. We who love freedom and democracy and transparency demand that Barack Obama not be blinded by official statements.

Obama must react with sensitivity to global issues and where democracy is being challenged.

Bapak Toyol: Ibrahim Ali, please do not forget to demonstrate in front of the US embassy in KL over the statement by Gore and Wolfowitz. You don't need a police permit for this demonstration, as you are above the law. Please also do not forget to invite all the television stations in the world to record your antics so that the world knows who you are.

AkuMelayu: These two 'expired' Americans can continue to bark at their government to interfere in Malaysia's politics but it will be all in vain. Malaysia is a democratic sovereign nation and is well respected by many. Obama is not a fool to listen to them, because these two don't represent the more than 300 million other Americans.

MySecret: I don’t know whether these "two represent the voice of more than 300 million other Americans" and it doesn't really matter for they speak based on their own convictions and belief. I know that they do voice the opinion of a similar majority of true loyal Malaysians.



Anonymous: Will President Obama do the right thing? Or, will he look the other way and say it is an internal matter? If he takes the second option, then US should also

1) not seek UN sanctions against Iran for its nuclear programme

2) not get involved in the war of word between North Korea and South Korea after the sinking of the South Korean ship

3) leave Iraq and let the Iraqis manage its problems

4) withdraw American troops from Afghanistan

Thomas Foo: Thank you, Gore and Wolfowitz. Unfortunately, the US under Obama won't want to distinguish between right and wrong. Simply put, Obama has disgraced Abraham Lincoln.

Proarte: Personally, though laudable I do not feel that Al Gore and Paul Wolfowitz would be serving Anwar's interest by advocating US interference in our judicial system. The 'American agent' tag would be revived and undermine Anwar's credibility and independence.

Wolfowitz is a Jew, Zionist and one of the principal architects of the Iraq and Afghan wars which has resulted in the deaths of close to a million Muslims. He is seen as having blood on his hands. Wolfowitz would best serve Anwar's interest by keeping shut. He is just giving more ammunition for Umno to justify keeping Anwar behind bars.


A Voice from the Wilderness: Although I am not a great fan of American politicians, this time, they are right on the money. You don't need much intelligence to realise the evil intent of this pariah Umno government.

Baiyuensheng: Maybe they should also weigh in on Sabah and Sarawak issues.

Loyal Malaysian: Public opinion and world opinion be damned. The Umnoputras want Anwar behind bars no matter the costs. They believe that once Anwar is jailed, Pakatan Rakyat will fall apart. The rakyat shall prove them wrong.        

Ablastine: I wonder how long it takes for the idiots up there to realise that Anwar in jail is infinitely more dangerous to the Umno government than out of it. The moment he steps into jail on a charge that only applies to him as opposition leader, the compliant judiciary and corrupted Umno government will be condemned the world over.

At home, the verdict will not go down well generally with the people but specifically with the Malay electorate who are beginning to learn and understand the treachery of the Umno government.

Dingy: When Mahathir Mohamad put Anwar in jail more than 10 years ago, the Malays voted against BN. Only the non-Malays helped BN to survive. This time round, the majority of Chinese are against BN. The swing of Malay votes because of jailing Anwar will lead to BN's downfall come GE13.

As for me, I just want to see justice is done for the murder of an innocent girl. That can only happen when Pakatan come into power and reform the judiciary.

Che: Gore, Wolfowitz and Malott are all from different spectrum of American politics and yet on this issue they are all in agreement. But what about Obama? When he was elected we, like the rest of the world, have great expectation of his new administration; we waited eagerly for all the changes he promises to make to make the world a better place. But so far he has been a great disappointment.

He doesn't seem to know what is happening around him, least of all Malaysia. So I urge all Malaysians to bombard him and the American Embassy with letters, emails, etc, until he knows that there is a country called Malaysia before Malaysia becomes another Zimbabwe.

Moontime: Thank you Mr Gore and Mr Wolfowitz. Though the both of you disagree on many fronts, this issue brings both of you together. What concerns me is whether this message will get to the majority of Malaysians who are still in ‘slumberland’ and prefer to maintain the status quo.

The need to change must be strong enough in all Malaysians irrespective of race, gender or income if ever we want to salvage our credibility in the eyes of the world.

I would expect the Umno goons to holler and shout foreign interference and that the Americans have no business meddling in our affairs. Such reaction from small-minded people are to be expected. Another round of demonstrations at the US embassy, perhaps?

Longone: Umno can try their best to jail Anwar, they can take away his freedom, but they can’t take our freedom to vote Umno out. With or without Anwar, the rakyat will prevail and get rid of Umno.

JB Guy: It is a wonder why this trial is still being orchestrated when most Malaysians are already aware of it being a trumped-up one. The government must seize the opportunity to do the right thing and drop the case and hopefully earn some semblance of respect.

I can empathise with Anwar and his family for being dragged into all this trauma. Hopefully, someone in power will see reason and do the right thing.




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