MACC's remorse comes one year too late
Published:  Jul 16, 2010 7:51 AM
Updated: Jul 16, 2010 12:53 AM

vox populi small thumbnail 'TBH is just collateral damage to MACC in its quest to do Umno's bidding to de-stablise the Selangor Pakatan government.'


MACC 'feels pain and sadness' over Teoh's death

Pemerhati: Most people have concluded that Teoh Beng Hock and many others like A Kugan who died in custody were murdered. They have also come to believe that the whole government machinery tries to cover up these heinous crimes by getting their officers (i.e. the enforcement, medical and judicial people) to tell lies and fool the public into thinking that the deaths were due to some other cause.

The main problem with MACC chief Abu Kassim Mohamed's statement is that it is seen as insincere and hypocritical because he has done nothing to bring the MACC officers responsible for the alleged murder to justice.


But instead there is an inquest going on, which is seen as a charade, and the conclusion is unlikely to be significantly different from other similar inquests where the murderers were not identified.

Joe: The people have not forgotten MACC's response a year ago when it greeted the news about the discovery of Teoh Beng Hock's body in the compound of its building with a nonchalant, ‘tiada apa' attitude.

MACC subsequently pursued a one-tracked inquiry to make TBH out as suicidal, subjecting his family members to mental evaluation tests. It raised objection to Thai pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand conducting the autopsy. These actions do not indicate MACC is sorrowful or concerned about wanting to know the truth.

Rather, the MACC is out to save its own skin. TBH is just collateral damage to MACC in its quest to do Umno's bidding to de-stablise the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government. We'll see how genuine MACC's expression of sorrow is in the continuation of the inquest proceedings.

Alexander Yuan: "We share the same sadness and disappointment with Teoh's family over what happened on July 16, 2009." It took you one year to say that? Sorry... ‘nasi sudah jadi bubur'.

Anonymous: Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat, biar mati Umno, jangan mati Malaysia, biar mati MACC, jangan mati Melayu. Janganlah kamu malukan Melayu. Nama baik Malaysia, nama baik Melayu, semua di atas tangan Melayu seperti kamu.

Kalau pun pegang teguh dengan 'Ketuanan Melayu', biarlah Melayu itu bertanggungjawab, bukan Melayu pariah.

Rubystar: I am sure Abu Kassim is sincere when he expressed his feelings of sadness for TBH's death. He is the one that inherits the problem and his previous predecessor Ahmad Said Hamdan.

Now it is time for AK (Abu Kassim) to act, to find out who is responsible for the despicable act of snuffing out an innocent life, to shape up MACC (or he himself should ship out failing to do so) and to be responsible for getting to the truth of the matter.


It is now one year and even though it is the problem during Ahmad Said's watch, AK cannot blame his predecessor anymore. He must find out the truth of the matter and cannot delay the matter no further. I am with you AK, but you must show the public that you mean what you say and say what you mean.

Malaysiasakit: Abu Kassim, why a sudden change of heart? Didn't your officer recently made an insensitive '4-0' statement on the progress of the TBH inquest? I am afraid the opinions have already been formed and let us just say your goose is cooked!

Anonymous2: Why only feel pain and sadness, but not offer an apology? Why only issue the statement in Mandarin but not in English and Bahasa Malaysia? Your statement appeared 'tak cukup ikhlas' (not sincere enough) if there is no apology, not in other languages, and not publish in Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian .

Tan Kian Khim: Talk is cheap, Abu Kassim. One year on, the Malaysian 'justice' system is still actively obstructing and covering up the alleged torture and homicide of Teoh Beng Hock in MACC custody, going as far as attempting to criminally intimidate internationally respected forensic pathologist Dr Pornthip, whose independent expert testimony contradicts MACC's inconsistent and obviously cobbled-together statements.

The sudden and inexplicable disappearance of MACC deputy director Hishamuddin Hashim - whom witnesses identified as the last person to be seen with Teoh before his death, the attempted suppression of the MACC whistleblowers' letter and the accelerated 'early retirement' of previous MACC chief Ahmad Said all point to a concerted attempt to get the key figures out of the public eye.

Teoh Beng Hock died a horrible death because MACC operated as a political tool of the Umno-BN regime which was trying to undermine the Selangor state government by any and all means. Talk is cheap.

Robert L: This is the right thing to say, so the statement should be applauded. However, time will tell whether there is any sincerity in the statement.

Anonymous: Better late than never. But, it is still not enough. I can't see any word by the meaning of 'sorry' in his statement. A word of 'sorry' can bring extra miles, yet it is so hard to come out from them. Same thing is applicable to Altantuya Shaariibuu, A Kugan, Amirulrasyid Amzah and many more.

Swipenter: The only way that TBH can rest in peace and for his family, his wife and child to come to terms with this tragedy is for MACC to come clean. It also holds true for many Malaysians who do not believe that TBH killed himself. Justice for TBH.


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