'So deep is the web of conspiracy that neither the judiciary nor the enforcement agency even dare tread near to investigating the powers-that-be, no matter how apt and proper.'
PI Bala claims Razak Baginda is innocent
Pemerhati: P Balasubramaniam says he thinks Abdul Razak Baginda is innocent because Altantuya went missing on Oct 19, 2009 but he was still employed by Razak Baginda until Oct 26, 2009 to keep Altantuya away from him.
Other reasons why Razak Baginda could be innocent is that Razak Baginda, a civilian, did not have any official control over the two police officers who have been found guilty of the murder and it would also have been very difficult for him to erase the immigration records of Altantuya Shaariibuu's entry into Malaysia.
Thanks to the Internet, most Malaysians already have a fairly good idea as to who the masterminds behind the murder are but they are too powerful and nobody dares touch them. It will require a change of government to bring those who committed the heinous crime to justice.
Magnus: Why wait for a new government? Are there no state authorities who can address this serious situation and put it right, right now?
What about that report done by the military personnel who investigated the murder? Does that report not identify or provide clues as to who the real culprits are who gave the now convicted police officers the order to kill Altantuya and to get rid of all incriminating evidence, like deleting immigration records and blowing up the body?
They are still free and they must be found and brought to justice because they are very dangerous people. Razak Baginda must know who the real culprits are, although he did not directly commit the act of killing. The police officers must also know. So too the person who deleted the immigration data.
This case is, as usual, about greed for money and/or lust for status/power through the usual conduits of fraud, corruption and cover-ups. The illicit sex and potential jealousy bits are just a spiced-up red herring, so follow the money...
Swipenter: The two convicted ‘faceless' police officers have no motive/reason to kill Altantuya and blowing her to pieces with C4.
1) Now who can have access to C4? Must be some military personnel.
2) Why erase immigration records? ‘C4ed' Altantuya so that no traces of her would be found?
3) Who can order the killing and deletion of immigration records? I doubt RB (Razak Baginda) can do that.
4) Motives - is it money, jealousy, hatred or blackmail? Maybe all of them. It's likely RB knows the answer as to who is(are) the person(s) behind the murder and that is why he left the country for good.
But RB still has to clear his name in the eyes of the public. This is definitely a conspiracy of the highest order, not just a simple and straightforward murder.
Artchan: Two simple questions that the Malaysian police did not ask or have no balls to ask or the police are protecting the murderers or are simply inept. Who ordered the erasure of the immigration records? Who ordered the two police officers to C4 Altantuya?
Carl: And I thought that PI Bala will reveal all. So poor Razak Baginda went through all that because he was politically connected, and what hell he went through. How about Altantuya's father's law suit? Gee, I thought today was revelation day. Next thing you know, RPK (Raja Petra Kamarudin) will drop another bombshell. Tune in for more of the latest news from the alternative media.
Sincere Citizen: Has anyone seen Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar? Why are their faces always covered? How come they know Altantuya? Where did they get the C4? Were they on duty at the time of the murder? If they are on duty, then who ordered them to meet Altantuya?
Man: I was overseas recently and a police officer asked why Malaysians are not shown the faces of the two police officers? Even if they are "hanged" tomorrow, the public will not know who they are.
Anonymous: You will be surprised to know Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azhar Umar could be treated like VIPs. No one knows how both look like. They could be someone next to us in the shopping mall.
Charles Chia: Yes, I fully agreed that the photos of the two convicted killers be released since they are already found guilty, and all Malaysians have the right to see their faces. Who knows, they could have been given a new identity and let off to live somewhere remote.
Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: Expecting any form of justice for Altantuya out of this is at best wishful thinking. So deep is the web of conspiracy that neither the judiciary nor the enforcement agency even dare tread near to investigating the powers-that-be, no matter how apt and proper.
The integrity of our entire legal and enforcement systems in the country are in tatters and the best outcome we can hope out of this is that the rakyat know what they already should about the kind of government we have and collectively make informed choices come the next GE.
Anonymous: When Razak Baginda's wife uttered that her husband was not interested in becoming prime minister, what did she mean? She meant only someone who is going to be PM or dreamt to become PM would do such a thing.
Joe: The murder of Altantuya is a curse that will hang over the head of this government. It is a stain on the honour of our nation and our shame as a people.
Law Kok Soon: If not Razak Baginda, then who did it?
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