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MACC 'a gun without bullets'
Published:  Jul 1, 2010 7:43 AM
Updated: Jul 1, 2010 8:24 AM

vox populi small thumbnail 'MACC can make public announcements and independent interviews, it has various strategies and plans to fight corruption but does not have prosecution power. It's like you're given a gun but without bullets.'

MACC cancels London interview with PI Bala

John Fam: MACC, we have a witness (P Balasubramaniam) who says he can help in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case and also regarding corruption. Remember he was allegedly asked by PM Najib Abdul Razak's brother (Nazim) and paid to recant his earlier statutory declarations.

As investigating officers, all you need to do is to go over to London and investigate. Get whatever facts and come back, then you decide whether you have enough evidence to make out a case. If you don't have enough evidence, then tell Malaysians that private investigator Balasubramaniam is a liar and all the evidence he has are concocted by his lawyers and cannot possibly be used in court.

Now it appears that in the eyes of the Malaysian public MACC is not independent as you claim, and you are under the attorney-general's thumb.

Amaso: Unlike Hong Kong's anti-corruption authority that has the power to prosecute suspects (independent of their AG), the MACC doesn't. The MACC is actually a paper tiger. It can make public announcements and independent interviews, it has various strategies and plans to fight corruption but does not have prosecution power. It's like you're given a gun but without bullets.

Cala: Are you sure of what you said, (MACC deputy commissioner) Mohd Shukri Abdull? MACC may not regard private eye Bala as their enemy, but the reverse may be true. First, if Bala is comfortable with MACC, why is he dragging his feet when it comes to meeting them? Why the need for Bala to meet MACC in London in the presence of his lawyers?

Second, the crux of the matter has to do with the death of a Mongolian woman on Malaysian soil over the disputed commission payable to her for the purchase of a French submarine linked to Najib's buddy (Abdul Razak Baginda). It is natural for Bala to be wary of MACC.

In sum, how can Shukri say Bala should treat MACC as a friendly party?

NoLawyer: Many do not seem to understand why the need for an organisation like MACC. It is not to whitewash BN nor Pakatan Rakyat but to go after all malpractices. Corruption must be viewed as the enemy of the state disregarding who and the organisation one represents. If Pakatan is clean then there should not be any qualms to be investigated. Likewise, BN.

I have been following the actions of MACC. They seem to have done a good job in investigating all matters of corruption but the outcome was never revealed until the AG agrees to prosecute the culprits. I believe MACC has a valid and good reason for doing so. At least not to embarrass the culprit in advance.

Rahtava: I remember some time back the MACC chief Abu Kassim Mohamed telling the whole world that he will not spare anybody from being investigated and subsequent prosecution, and if that is not done he wants the members of the public to kick his ass . I think the time is ripe for all of us to perform that act on him now.

I won't call it quits, says Ong

Sabah Maju: The BN coalition is an amalgamation of the vested interests of BN politicians and their business cronies and the whole organisation is corruption-ridden. Ong Tee Keat acted with good intentions to clean up MCA from within, trusting in Najib's ability to lead for change.

He then found out to his grief that anti-corruption was not what he thought it was supposed to be. Anti-corruption enforcement is meant to be directed only at the opposition. The absence of the entire top BN leadership at the recent MCA general assembly, including the chairman of the BN coalition, was a clear indication that Ong Tee Keat's initiative in pursuing the PKFZ investigation was unwelcome.

It was an embarrassment to BN-Umno and it threatened to open up the Pandora's box and set in motion the process for his removal. Ong Tee Keat's defeat in the MCA presidential election is proof-positive that MCA, like the rest of the BN parties, cannot change.

WF Coolie: Ong, I know that many had high hopes when you took over the Transport Ministry, but things did not work out well for the nation when you were sabotaged. With your ‘never say die' principle, I believe you can still contribute to the long-term interests of the nation from whichever position you wish to take.

Would you still be able to sway the majority of MCA members at the grassroots level to seek changes for the party after this? I believe you won't have an easy time. The mind-set has been molded over the past 20-plus years with the sole objective of self-enrichment.

Even today, among those members I come across, their intention is obvious. ‘Forget principles, what about us?' That seems to be their main concern. Just like their counterparts in BN, they forget that this is 2010 with Internet news flying round the world in seconds. I can only say: good luck.

Yuvan: My strong assumption is that Ong Tee Keat was 'sabotaged and removed' as MCA president. I do not think that he was 'defeated'. The factions that 'staged' his 'removal' will regret their actions - sooner or later.

Ong Tee Keat is a good and an effective leader. His leadership qualities and valuable experience in politics and social work can be meaningfully utilised, not only by the Chinese Malaysian community but by all Malaysians.

I wish to see him actively involved in NGOs which are truly non-political so that he can effectively checkmate and take the government leaders and public servants to task on matters that are detrimental to the socio-economic as well as the socio-political development of Malaysia.

Dr M puts Najib on notice over 'crooked bridge'

Anonymous: I just wonder if Dr Mahathir Mohamad has considered the implications that might arise if the government goes ahead with the crooked bridge unilaterally.

How would they relocate the water pipe that supply raw water to Singapore and the KTM railway line? Malaysia cannot disconnect the water pipe without the agreement of Singapore as both countries are bound by existing water treaties.

Apart from that, there are mainly projects which are of Mahathir's brainchild beside this crooked bridge project. Can anyone call any of his 'brainchild' projects profitable? Proton, Dayabumi, Twin Towers, Menara KL, Putrajaya - are any of these profitable?

If none are profitable, then very likely this crooked bridge project will not fill its desired purpose based on Mahathir's past records.

Alphonz: Here we go again. Dr M is more crooked than this bridge will ever be. He is pressing for this as he has already pocketed ‘you know what' and will stand to gain even more if this bridge is 'okayed' in spite of the fact that we will go bankrupt because of it, and even if the majority of the people don't want it.

I am living in Johor and the cause of the traffic jam for years has been the 'tidak apa' attitude of our government officials and the strict passport control at the Singapore end, not the Causeway.




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